
LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July

LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July

#0LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/27/06 at 1:05am

Whoo-hoo. I wish this would get recorded finally.

http://www.playbill.com/news/article/99944.html Updated On: 5/27/06 at 01:05 AM

#1re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/27/06 at 1:09am

Good. Hugh Panaro told me about this! I'm gald they were able to organize!

little_sally Profile Photo
#2re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/27/06 at 1:11am

That is amazing. I'm definitely going to try to go to this, considering my love for Michael John LaChiusa is quickly escalating.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

cathywellerstein Profile Photo
#3re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/27/06 at 1:25am

I really wanna see this.

#4re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/27/06 at 1:27am

I'd love to see this too. Ugh, living in Alabama isn't the best.

#5re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/27/06 at 10:37am

saw the OOBC in 2003... definitely going to this!

gustof777 Profile Photo
#6re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/27/06 at 12:17pm

Oh my gosh how exciting! I was really depsperate to hear this because the cast they had seemed amazing and I love LaChiusa so this would be awesome.

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~

#7re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/27/06 at 6:30pm

I hope Ghostlight jumps on this. Seems they've been recording a lot of his stuff latly. I would think a concert would be easier to record.

#8re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/27/06 at 6:43pm

A Concert's much harder. I'm not holding my breath for that. I think it would be wonderful, but unlikely. You'd have to get everyone paid to record it (or at least sign the release), then it's a matter of paying someone to record it, then paying someone to schlep all that recording equipment for a live recording, then the editing etc. Trust me it's much easier to record it in a studio.

#9re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/27/06 at 6:45pm

Really? I guess it seems easier logistically because everyone's already there and you don't have to get them into the booths, you can just record it.

Yeah, I know it won't be recorded, but it would be nice. It's LaChiusa's only unrecorded score. It's a shame though, and with an amazing cast.

#10re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/27/06 at 6:51pm

There's plenty of shows of his that haven't been recorded. I'd love to hear his Opera he did for Chicago. I'd really love to hear Audra's piece. THAT sounded great. I'd really like to hear Lucky Nurse and the other pieces. There's plenty of unrecorded LaChiusa...hm I'm going to make a recording and a cabaret act.

Me2 Profile Photo
#11re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/29/06 at 3:25am

OF COURSE I'll be there... I cant wait to see this. I heard about some plans for this over a year ago so its awesome that its finally happening! I cant wait!

gustof777 Profile Photo
#12re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/29/06 at 10:50am

yeah...i'm not hold my breath for a recording although that would be awesome. Can't wait to hear the reviews from people and what not. This is soo exciting!!

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#13re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/29/06 at 11:31am

Does anyone have a synopsis?


WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#14re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/29/06 at 11:36am

LaChuisa is a great composer. His work is so deep, I loved Bernarda, I can't wait for that cd.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#15re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/29/06 at 11:37am

Basically, the main character Charlotte decides to quit smoking in the wake of 9/11, and then searches for a new way to define herself.

gustof777 Profile Photo
#16re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/29/06 at 11:37am

Akiva...I know the gist of is a woman trying to quit smoking but it's definitley way more than that because it's LaChuisa...btw when does Bernada Alba come out? AHH soo much Michael John....gustof's a happy guy!

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#17re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/29/06 at 11:41am

Bernarda Alba CD comes out 6/27.

gustof777 Profile Photo
#18re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/29/06 at 11:44am

thanks...whoo hoo Bernada Alba on the 27th, Strangers with Candy movie on the 28th, and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia season 2 on the 29th...it's gonna be an exciting few days!

hey just out of curiosity MEF...did you see this at Second Stage? if so did you like it?

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#19re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 5/29/06 at 11:49am

Yes, I saw it at Second Stage. It's good but a minor LaChiusa work. The cast was exquisite though: JLT, Lea DeLaria, Hugh Panaro, etc. were all terrific.

I already have tickets for the concert; really looking forward to it.

BluCat500 Profile Photo
#20re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 6/4/06 at 2:18am

Oooh, some casting news...


This is exciting, I hope some of the OOBC show up though...

So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life.~Office Space

gustof777 Profile Photo
#21re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 6/4/06 at 2:20am

Ahh can't wait to hear more Testa singing Michael John!! Thanks for posting

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~

gustof777 Profile Photo
#22re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 6/14/06 at 1:19pm

Ahhhh!! More Casting News. Gosh I want to see this please please anyone who goes...reviews would be awesome!

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#23re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 6/14/06 at 1:22pm

I really want to try to go. So happy I'll be in the city then. I'm going to ask a few of my friends today if they'd want to go with me.

#24re: LaChiusa's Little Fish to Be Performed in Concert in July
Posted: 6/14/06 at 1:24pm

I can't wait for this!

I know of only one person who can't attend. Upsetting. But who cares!? The night will be awesome!
