A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1

pacificnorthwest Profile Photo
#0A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 12:21pm

I'm trying to figure out if there was a timing problem -- the show had to end, period, it was running long -- or if the house lights always come up the second the last note is out of their mouths in the grand finale.

I loved the showed and I especially loved and looked forward to the finale, and I so wanted (as did the rest of the audience) to give them a big ovation, probably a standing ovation, but it wasn't to be.

I realize the finale itself is used to take a bow, but I can't believe they didn't keep the music going and bring everyone back onstage for a final bow and a likely standing ovation.

It was so abrupt, really a very disappointing way to end an otherwise excellent show. Bummed me out.

Sondheim Geek Profile Photo
Sondheim Geek
#1re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 12:26pm

I've always disliked the abrupt ending to ACL - but the Finale is the bows. I somehow think it would take us out of the world if they all came out, like a regular Broadway show.

I also noticed that no one was giving a standing ovation in San Fran for precisely this reason.

SondheimGeek: Is it slightly pathetic that you guys get to be Jedi bitches, and I'm Bitchy the Hutt?
LizzieCurry: No, you're more memorable

pacificnorthwest Profile Photo
#2re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 12:34pm

Gosh, I really wish they'd rethink that. It was just too jarring at the end, and as I said, disappointing.

I also wish the finale had been a couple of minutes longer. I would gladly trade some of the stuff in the ultra-long, 12-going-on-13 piece for a couple more minutes at the end.

#3re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 12:35pm

I was there yesterday as well and my mom was quite confused as to the lack of a curtain call until I explained it to her. The ladies next to us stood up as the lights went down and were wondering the same thing and were confused why everyone was leaving. I have mixed feelings about the abrupt ending...I like it bc it keeps us in the world of the audition and the line but don't like it bc I feel like the actors might deserve to see the standing O.

#4re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 12:46pm

I think that is the point Bennett was trying to make. That the dancers are still the "unsung heroes" of a show and even though we had the chance to see them as individuals, they are still a line of anonymous people who just keep kicking and kicking and kicking. We've come to learn that each of them has a story, and they audition and fight and starve just to be in the background and not receive the glory the stars or the featured players of a musical receive...

Sondheim Geek Profile Photo
Sondheim Geek
#5re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 12:50pm

One thing I really dislike about the revival - they should have them all come out kicking, THEN have them take their individual bows. It's a gigantic shock to see these people that you've gotten to know so well as one BEING. To see them all individualized sort of destroys the point.

SondheimGeek: Is it slightly pathetic that you guys get to be Jedi bitches, and I'm Bitchy the Hutt?
LizzieCurry: No, you're more memorable

morosco Profile Photo
#6re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 1:15pm

"...or if the house lights always come up the second the last note is out of their mouths in the grand finale..."

If it happened exactly as you have described above then it sounds like there was a mistake. Typically they hold the last note, then continue kicking for a few measures, then the stage lights fade to black, they leave the stage during the blackout, and then the houselights come up.

#7re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 1:37pm

The lights did fade out on Sunday...they kept kicking as the light faded and it finally went to black. Then, the house lights came up.

pacificnorthwest Profile Photo
#8re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 1:41pm

It happened so fast, whether it was done correctly or not. I stand by my original feelings: I was bummed.. :)

morosco Profile Photo
#9re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 1:44pm

"...The lights did fade out on Sunday...they kept kicking as the light faded and it finally went to black. Then, the house lights came up..."

This is the way it's supposed to happen.

WestVillage Profile Photo
#10re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 2:07pm

That's the way the show ends. Michael Bennett had at one time stated "leave the audience wanting for more", which obviously the audience does. On another note, however, the ending is symbolic; they don't come out for individual bows after the finale because that is the point of the show ... they are still "faceless" chorus dancers; and in identical costumes, its hard to dintinguish one person from the other.

However, I encourage anyone who wants to give a standing ovation to do so during the final kicks before the lights go out ... this happened at the first preview ... the entire mezzanine gave a standing ovation (obviously, mostly everyone knew that there would be no further curtain call), and it was so exciting to see the cast's reaction to the standing ovation coming from the mezz. While it may seem strange to stand while they are still dancing, it is your only chance to give a standing ovation where the cast will actually notice it!

ken8631 Profile Photo
#11re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 3:45pm

Wish I knew that BEFORE I saw it, so I could have gotten up earlier! They deserved it (standing O), but aren't getting it! I was there too for the firstpreview, nobody in the orch was standing up (didn't see the mezz)....

#12re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 4:03pm

I agree. They should totally quit if the powers that be don't let them get the Standing Os that every single other performer automatically gets on Broadway.

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DayDreamer Profile Photo
#13re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 4:05pm

The way I see it, for all practical purposes, the show ends when Zach casts the show. It's done, some made it, some didn't. End of show. The you have what's appropriately called "One-Reprise." The bows. They come out one at a time to take their bow. Once they're all on-stage, they all become that ensemble where you can't tell one from the other... and then the final kick-line. The one that goes forever. You see the kickline, black out, and when the lights come back up, you only have the line. The line is always there. Just as it was in the beginning.

I think it's cool, though, that after the long run, repeated regional productions, and all the talk about the show, people are still discovering the nuances of it. You

Celebrate Life

Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. - Randy Pausch

Pemily Profile Photo
#14re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 4:09pm

The very first versions of ACL even hadn't the reprise of One in it, but ended after the announcment of the dancers, who got the job. So just be grateful.. re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#15re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 4:36pm

I didn't know about this either, and as I was preparing to get up for the standing O, the houselights came up and I was like "Oh...alright."

It's great if the standing ovation comes from the mezzanine, but what if you're in the orchestra? I think it'll be too disctracting for those not aware of the lack of curtain call, with some people standing up and those around you getting pissed. And then if you're short, you won't get to see the finale at all!

I totally get why it's done this way, but I'm with those that feel a slight change would do to acknowledge to the audience "hey, last chance to applaud!"

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

ken8631 Profile Photo
#16re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 4:45pm

I agree... 99% of those coming to see this that don't know it will be dissappointed (like I was), but I guess that's the way it goes.....

Caroline-Q-or-TBoo Profile Photo
#17re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 4:50pm

a curtain call would just destroy everything the show spent the last two hours building up

"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed

WestVillage Profile Photo
#18re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 5:15pm

"It's great if the standing ovation comes from the mezzanine, but what if you're in the orchestra? I think it'll be too disctracting for those not aware of the lack of curtain call, with some people standing up and those around you getting pissed. And then if you're short, you won't get to see the finale at all!"

I'm not suggesting to stand during the ENTIRE finale, but just during the final kicks, after they have stopped singing. Once a few people stand, the rest of the crowd would probably follow suit. And for those who might get pissed because they couldn't see while someone in front of them stands, they will understand when the house lights come up that indeed the standing ovation could have not taken place at any other time, and then they will think "I should have stood too," and if they come back for a second time, they will probably stand as well. This production deserves a standing ovation ... its one of the best shows on Broadway, so my feeling is stand when you can! And if someone tells you they can't see, tell them to stand up too ... its their only chance cause there won't be any bows or curtain call after this.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#19re: A Chorus Line, Sunday Oct. 1
Posted: 10/2/06 at 5:20pm

DayDreamer, what were you saying? You have seemed to get cut off.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
