
Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!

Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#0Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 5:59pm

My musical protege has really earned his stripes with THIS ONE

warning: explicit language. And don't ask any questions. just enjoy!!


Updated On: 10/20/06 at 05:59 PM

CapnHook Profile Photo
#1re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 6:01pm


"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#2re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 6:01pm

whoops! It's there now

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#3re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 6:09pm


Oh man Luce is awesome. All his Johnny and Kooks songs are not only hilarious...but actually great songs musically as well! My friend didn't even realize About You was a parody until the 3rd time she listened to it.


M J R Profile Photo
#4re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 6:20pm

That will probably be playing at every gay club in New York by week's end! Awesome.

"High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man" - Tears for Fears

Ciaron McCarthy
#5re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 6:22pm

HAHAHA That is awesome. You gotta love her.

mateo Profile Photo
#6re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 6:23pm

I have spread the 'STFU love' all across my network.

It's such a hot track!

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"
Updated On: 10/20/06 at 06:23 PM

Fiction Writer Profile Photo
Fiction Writer
#7re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 6:25pm

Threadjack, kind of..
Did Allison Janey mention Hairspray on Ellen? I saw part of it, but flipped back and forth between that and another show. All I saw was Ellen giving Allison the new plate.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#8re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 6:25pm

Here is what I put on the off topic board.

OMG. I am at work and I had my volume up for me to hear it and when the words "Shut the f&ck up" blared out of my speakers . . . everyone stopped what they were doing and starred at me. hahaha.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#9re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 6:26pm

STFU!!! No Hairspray questions! No questions at all. Just listen to what Barbra has to say!!!!
Updated On: 10/20/06 at 06:26 PM

mateo Profile Photo
#10re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 6:27pm

hahaha Marc STFU!

no there was no mention of Hairspray... Threadjack over!!!

back to Babs, now STFU!

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

BwayLover Profile Photo
#11re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 6:29pm

This is the funniest thing ever.

I was there that night and it was just...very memorable. I applauded her like crazy. That guy deserved it, too!

"Years from now, when you talk about this - And you will - Be kind. "

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#12re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 7:48pm

Sweet, I think I found my new profile song re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!!  check it out!!
Updated On: 10/20/06 at 07:48 PM

mateo Profile Photo
#13re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 7:49pm

STFU is so my new saying now.

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

#14re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 8:01pm

HAHA This is actually very funny! I enjoyed this a lot!

StephenSondheimWHOO Profile Photo
#15re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 8:26pm

That was so funny, I wish i could have been at the concert.

RevoLucian Profile Photo
#16re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 10:07pm

I just updated the song on myspace... with a few final changes that were bugging me... Enjoy!


Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#17re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 11:07pm

yes, if you've downloaded it or added it, redo it, the new version is even better...my favorite part, the Babs harmonizes with herself on the title is there twice now

I'm so proud of my boy
Updated On: 10/21/06 at 11:07 PM

Calvin Profile Photo
#18re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 11:10pm


It's on my iPod now. Updated On: 10/20/06 at 11:10 PM

luvliza89 Profile Photo
#19re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 11:28pm


Words can not express how much I love this <3

Calvin Profile Photo
#20re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/20/06 at 11:34pm

It's even better than the dance mix of the Wilford Brimley "diabeetis" commercials. It's "I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up Dance Mix" good.

eta: That was a compliment, BTW. re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!!  check it out!! Updated On: 10/21/06 at 11:34 PM

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
CapnHook Profile Photo
#22re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/21/06 at 1:39am


PS - Marc, nice to finally meet you last week!

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

PalJoey Profile Photo
#23re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/21/06 at 8:39am

It makes me want to be a circuit queen all over again.


Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#24re: Babs latest dance track is a smash!! check it out!!
Posted: 10/21/06 at 10:01am

PJ, love the new colorized gloves
