Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#1Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 10:06pm


"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

gettinhep Profile Photo
#2re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 10:07pm


'Try not to have a good time...this is supposed to be educational.' - Lucy Van Pelt

Papa_Burgundy_NY Profile Photo
#2re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 10:09pm

at least give laura one! that girl can sing.

wiggum2 Profile Photo
#3re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 10:09pm

They don't have a category for movie adaptation yet

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#4re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 10:10pm

Well, when they have a Most Bland Actress on Broadway, then Laura Bell Bundy will certainly win an award, until then, let's leave LEGALLY BLONDE out of the running for any Tony award. Thank you.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

LuPonatic Profile Photo
#5re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 10:11pm

They're almost out of chances

hushpuppy Profile Photo
#6re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 10:13pm

LEGALLY BLONDE: In 35 years, the only show I have EVER walked out on

'Our whole family shouts. It comes from us livin' so close to the railroad tracks'
Updated On: 6/10/07 at 10:13 PM

alex2155 Profile Photo
#7re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 10:13pm

They should have won best choreography. (well either Blonde or Mary Poppins)

AnnaK<3LMIP Profile Photo
#8re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 10:13pm

In all honesty, watching Laura Bell Bundy in Legally Blonde made me feel like I was watching a high school performance.

I mean, Denzel Washington? Gun to my head..of course.

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#9re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 10:45pm


Hester Prynne Profile Photo
Hester Prynne
#10re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 10:50pm

Hushpuppy - I thought you said you walked out of URBAN COWBOY too?

MassOfMen on 5/17/07: "and lastly, I have no vested interest in LB. I have seen the show, I paid my money (a lot of money for that tix) I didn't watch it on a bootleg, yes I saw the flesh and bone of the people up there working their tails off. But do I really have to explain myself to you? are you the judge jury and executioner of message board? no. But I digress, I will leave this subject as I am bored of the rebuttals anyway, and go back to "wasting my time" with the job of building buildings. We have chat boards for architects as well, ya know."

#11re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 10:55pm

In 35 years, the only show I have EVER walked out on

You must not have seen "Lestat".

"I've lost everything! Luis, Marty, my baby with Chris, Chris himself, James. All I ever wanted was love." --Sheridan Crane "Passions" ------- "Housework is like bad sex. Every time I do it, I swear I'll never do it again til the next time company comes."--"Lulu" from "Can't Stop The Music" ----- "When the right doors didn't open for him, he went through the wrong ones" - "Sweet Bird of Youth" ------------ --------- "Passions" is uncancelled! See for more info.

BrdwyThtr Profile Photo
#12re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 11:14pm

Legally Blonde doesn't need a Tony. It will run for a long time anyways.

brad3 Profile Photo
#12re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 11:33pm

It should have won Choreography and Orfeh should have won over the old one. Mary Louise from Grey Gardens

Updated On: 6/10/07 at 11:33 PM

AnnaK<3LMIP Profile Photo
#13re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 11:35pm

Mary Poppins should have won choreography.
Orfeh barely deserved her nomination.

I mean, Denzel Washington? Gun to my head..of course.

#14re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 11:37pm

I would agree with Mary Poppins winning choreography. NOT Legally Blonde. The ONLY reason Legally Blonde would run for a while is because it was a movie that everyone loved! So they made it into a bland musical? If it has a long run it has absolutely nothing to do with the musical production.

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#15re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 11:38pm

I am sure going into tonight that everyone involved knew they would win none. The only person I thought had a chance was Jerry. They are happy that the show was even nominated.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

#16re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 11:39pm

You can trash Legally Blonde if you wish AnnaK<3LMIP, but Orfeh fully deserved her nomination. Also, in a year without Mary Louise Wilson, she would stand a very good chance at winning IMO. She's an outstanding vocalist and actress and while her diction isn't always tiptop, she's still amazing in my book.

AnnaK<3LMIP Profile Photo
#17re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/10/07 at 11:41pm

That's fine Mungo, plenty of people don't agree with me on who I like or don't like.

I mean, Denzel Washington? Gun to my head..of course.

allvocal Profile Photo
#18re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/11/07 at 12:05am

I was also shocked about ORFEHs nomination.. she was EH.. the best thing about Legally Blonde tonight was when Fantasia was singing.. and the shot Laura Bell Bundy.. and she was watching.. and kinda smirking.. probably thinking.. why are you performing at the tonys.. and my show isn't.. and you know what LBB?.. I agree.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#19re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/11/07 at 12:09am

LB dont really need the Tony it will run for ages anyway

Spring Awakening etc is gonna need them to keep the shows open

And Spring Awakening for Choreography hahaha as a dancer i couldnt stop laughing , that has some of the most average choreography i have seen this season

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

goldenboy Profile Photo
#20re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/11/07 at 12:11am

When they give a tony award for most abysmal adapation of
a movie to become a musical on Broadway, than Legally Blonde will win.

Worse than Ari ( played 5 performances-adapted from Exodus)

Worse than Big (played for a few months)
Worse than Wedding Singer
Worse than Georgy (the musical of Georgy Girl)
Worse than Carmelina(the musical version of Buena Sera Mrs. Cam[bell)
Worse than Shogun the musical (well actually not worse than Shogun the musical)
Worse than Carrie the Musical.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#21re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/11/07 at 12:15am

is it f**k worse than them, its a good fun show and doesn't pretend to be anything more

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#22re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/11/07 at 12:17am

If Barbara Walsh wasn't nominated, then Orfeh most certainly didn't deserve to be nominated.


songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#23re: Give Legally Blonde A Tony!!!
Posted: 6/11/07 at 12:19am

Orfeh totally deserved the nomination(i wonder how many people who slag this show off have seen it Hmmm)

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna
