
Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop

Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop

#1Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/21/07 at 5:08pm

Besides Gavin Creel and Lea Michele, who was involved?

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#2re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/21/07 at 5:16pm

I believe Robb Sapp was involved.

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#2re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/21/07 at 5:31pm

Robb Sapp? Really?

Michael McElroy was the Masked Man and Eric Millegan was Moritz.

I want to know who the Ilse is. I though she was amazing.

goofy108 Profile Photo
#3re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/21/07 at 5:42pm

gavin creel is melchior, i assume?

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#4re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/21/07 at 6:56pm


PARISinNYC Profile Photo
#5re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/21/07 at 9:16pm

It's not really known, but this is all the confirmed cast members that I know of:

Gavin Creel - Melchior
Eric Millegan - Moritz
Lea Michele - Wendla
Michael McElroy - Masked Man
Frank Wood - Adult Men

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#6re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/21/07 at 9:18pm

I have a very large joke about this workshop. That's all I'm sayin'. :P

thejcm Profile Photo
#7re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/21/07 at 9:23pm

Wasn't Trey Ellet (from RENT) involved in a workshop of the show at some point?

"Who says you can't bend over backwards and eat bugs if you want to? I guess the bugs would probably say you can't do that that, but assuming that they are willing and consenting bugs, then there's no problem. Let's wig out eating bugs." -RuPaul

#8re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/21/07 at 9:23pm

According to a bio I found online, Nikki M. James was involved in this workshop. I think she was Martha, but at that point "The Dark I Know Well" hadn't been written yet.

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#9re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/21/07 at 9:55pm

Chris Garneau was Hanshcen. Full cast list up in a second...

PARISinNYC Profile Photo
#10re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/21/07 at 10:02pm

Haha, yes. A friend messaged Gavin Creel and he gave us a response. Not very thorough, he doesn't remember who played what or most people's last names but here's what he said:

Chris Garneau as Hanschen (LOVE him. Buy his CD.)
Alex Brummel (?)
Nikki M. James (Martha)
Michael Benjamin Washington (?)
Genna _______ (?)
Bridget Berger (?)
John Sullivan (?)

By the way, I think this is what he was trying to say. Gavin is a very interesting.....typer. It's like barely spaced. Anyways! I'm gonna do some Googling and see if I can narrow some things down.

Updated On: 6/21/07 at 10:02 PM

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#11re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/21/07 at 10:05pm

Four for you Paris you go Paris!

re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Updated On: 6/21/07 at 10:05 PM

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#12re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/21/07 at 10:27pm

Nikki! I had no idea she was Martha.

#13re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/21/07 at 10:30pm

That sounds like a really cool cast, sucks it was so long ago, most of them could never pull off the age now next to some of the kids in there.

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#14re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/21/07 at 10:42pm


You GO Glen Coco!

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

musicaltheater1 Profile Photo
#15re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/21/07 at 11:44pm

A little off topic. Did you know that they had an earlier workshop? Fall 1999 - 5-day workshop at the La Jolla Playhouse (10 scenes and 8 songs). Followed by a 3-week workshop in the summer of 2000 at Robert Redford's Sundance Theater Lab for its first full draft. I got that from their program.

"I love acting. It is so much more real than life." Oscar Wilde
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." Aldous Huxley

#16re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/21/07 at 11:49pm

Can someone help me with what were the names of the characters that were written in the show, but later removed. And more importantly, what was their character like? I know the Masked Man is one. I thought there were others.

PARISinNYC Profile Photo
#17re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/22/07 at 12:16am

One of the girls' roles was created. I believe it was Anna.
Another was Lammemeier, which is technically the last name of Otto.

OnMyWay Profile Photo
#18re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/22/07 at 12:25am

oh wow, i love this recording.

"People that excel in the arts understand that the journey is the reward...the result an added bonus. Every day I act or train is a blessing and a dream come true. If Broadway beckons so be it. I have a personal definition of success that is unshakable by a possibly unobtainable goal." -HamletWasBipolar

goofy108 Profile Photo
#19re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/22/07 at 12:28am

i like that you can hear the dialogue; you get more of the show.
but the quality is not so great.
gavin creel: amazing.

juice23 Profile Photo
#20re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/22/07 at 1:33am

I'd love to hear that dialogue...

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Aqualline2 Profile Photo
#21re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/22/07 at 1:49am

where can you find this recording?

#22re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/27/07 at 1:34am

yea, where can i hear this?

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#23re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/27/07 at 1:40am

(ensemble) trey joins this cast of RENT from the first national tour. he just completed a workshop of duncan sheik’s new musical, "spring awakening", at la jolla playhouse. regional credits: michael john lachuisa’s new musical "the highest yellow", "macbeth" (malcolm), "the merchant of venice" (lorenzo), "drood" (john jasper), "the lion, the witch and the wardrobe" (edmund), seasons at seaside music theatre and mill mountain. co-founder of NYC-based theatre company 'eight productions'.


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#24re: Roundabout 2001 Spring Awakening Workshop
Posted: 6/27/07 at 1:47am

I saw the workshop at LJP years ago.

I shave me Xanadu every morning!
