
Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times

Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times

#1Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/3/07 at 11:24pm

Sweeney Todd article  from the Sunday Times

"SOME time in 1980, during the five months that the grim and glorious musical “Sweeney Todd” played the Theater Royal Drury Lane, a California college student visiting London bought a ticket. And another and another and another.

Tim Burton, obsessive watcher of horror movies and a worshiper of Vincent Price, had discovered “The Demon Barber of Fleet Street,” not to mention Stephen Sondheim. And after stewing in his imagination on and off for some 25 years, that encounter has been channeled into Mr. Burton’s new film version, scheduled to arrive Dec. 21, with Johnny Depp as Sweeney, Helena Bonham Carter as Mrs. Lovett and the smoke-blackened streets of Victorian London as the setting for their danse macabre.

Any way you slice it, it’s a gamble.

Transferring a stage work to the screen is always dodgy; for musicals, so dependent on the artificial world of the proscenium, the risks are multiplied. To further complicate things Mr. Burton entrusted the lead roles in this operatic, difficult-to-sing work, which scooped up no less than seven Tony Awards in 1979, to two movie stars whose vocal abilities, like those of all but one of the supporting players, were untested. (They include Sacha Baron Cohen, as the competing barber Pirelli.)

There’s also the little matter of the R-rated plot, which revels in the throat-cutting, meat-chopping proclivities of a serial killer whose victims are funneled from a trick barber’s chair into a giant meat grinder, processed and then baked into tasty little meat pies by his cooperative landlady.

Even less bloody shows by Mr. Sondheim have not been served well by the movies. Some — “Pacific Overtures,” say, “Sunday in the Park With George” or “Assassins”— are so intrinsically theatrical in conception that they seem virtually unfilmable. Of the others for which he has also written both music and lyrics, only two, “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum” (1966) and “A Little Night Music” (1978 ), had made it to celluloid (and not very happily) before Mr. Burton tackled “Sweeney.”

“Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street” may seem a more likely candidate for film success, given its origins in melodrama and Grand Guignol, the slasher movies of the 19th century. Still, “It took courage and a certain lunatic leap of faith to think we could really bring this wild beast to the screen,” the screenwriter, John Logan, said via e-mail.

Mr. Burton was not making films when he first saw “Sweeney Todd.” But he was struck, he recalled in a recent telephone interview, by how cinematic it was. Propelled by Mr. Sondheim’s extensive underscoring, Harold Prince’s production flowed from scene to scene within a cavernous metal cage, using revolving set pieces housing Mrs. Lovett’s pie shop, Sweeney’s tonsorial establishment and the show’s other locations. When Mr. Burton’s film career took off, in the late ’80s, he approached Mr. Sondheim about a film .

“I said fine,” Mr. Sondheim said by telephone recently. “Then he went off and did other things.”

Mr. Burton explained, “You get sort of sidetracked.” But, he said, it was all for the best. “Back then, I didn’t really know Johnny.” And he hadn’t yet met Ms. Bonham Carter, with whom he now lives. (They are expecting their second child next month.)

Around five years ago, he said, he stumbled on an old drawing he had made of Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett. To his surprise, “they kind of looked like Johnny and Helena.” The wheels began to turn. “Those kinds of things mean something to me,” Mr. Burton said. “Johnny had gotten to the point where he was the right age. There was something about it that felt really right, even though I didn’t know if he could sing.”

For the rest of the article

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [http://margochanning.broadwayworld.com/] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney
Updated On: 11/3/07 at 11:24 PM

BroadwayBound062 Profile Photo
#2re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/3/07 at 11:52pm

Thanks for posting this. I can't wait for this show!

Genius lasts longer than beauty.

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#2re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/4/07 at 12:24am

Thanks for posting this again. It was posted earlier but then deleted. I hope they know better than to delete MargoChanning! *asskissasskissasskiss*


#3re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/4/07 at 8:07am

OMG! I can't believe "The Ballad of Sweeney Todd" was cut! OMG!

best12bars Profile Photo
#4re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/4/07 at 8:19am

Thanks for posting this, Margo. I didn't realize until now that the great Jonathan Tunick did the film orchestrations.

(his 28 piece stage orchestra, now a 78 piece movie orchestra...)


"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#5re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/4/07 at 1:01pm

That picture is stunning.

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

sabrelady Profile Photo
#6re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/4/07 at 1:02pm

Also & again ThankYou MargoC.

Had not realized the Ballad had been cut- Well I guess it ensures I'll buy the dvd for the "unused scenes".

Maybe over the credits?
Updated On: 11/4/07 at 01:02 PM

#7re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/4/07 at 1:51pm

Of all songs to cut -- that just doesn't make any sense to me... How can the muscial even work without that song; it's the thread that keeps the piece moving throughout...

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#8re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/4/07 at 2:33pm

They cut it because they didn't like the lyric revision Sondheim gave them:

"What happens next, well that's the movie
And Sweeney says cutting too much isn't groovy"

Puppetguy Profile Photo
#9re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/4/07 at 3:21pm

That makes NO sense at all... hmmm... now I have to listen to that song BEFORE the movie....

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#10re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/4/07 at 3:26pm

i hope they at least use the melody from "the ballad" in the background orchestrations or the opening credits.........honestly the film doesn't need it....i trust burton's choice.

artscallion Profile Photo
#11re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/4/07 at 3:58pm

An instrumental version of the Ballad plays over the opening sequence. It includes the organ prelude and whistle blast at the beginning. The opening sequence is similar, in feel, to the Chocolate making sequence in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, except it's blood, not chocolate, running through drainpipes and the gears of the chair, etc.

The Ballad is helpful in the stage play where it covers scene changes and such. Movies don't have scene changes. It's not necessary.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

Tkt2Ride Profile Photo
#12re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/4/07 at 7:55pm

We are all anticipating seeing this Movie very soon. It will give us plenty to talk about over our Holiday Feast! re: Sweeney Todd article  from the Sunday Times

I was amused to read about Johnny's punk rock version of Sweeney? Sounds interesting...hummm.. I am looking forward to see his Lorre imitation very much.

I just hope the audience is civil during the show. This is another one of those Movies that could go over very well or stir up a grumbling mob. It will make the experience though more entertaining either way.

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#13re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/4/07 at 7:59pm

Thank you for posting this!!! That picture is amazing re: Sweeney Todd article  from the Sunday Times


best12bars Profile Photo
#14re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/4/07 at 8:27pm

It's priest... Have a little priest...

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#15re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/4/07 at 8:59pm

“I want the music almost not to stop.”

Tim Burton is a blathering idiot, no?

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#16re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/4/07 at 9:08pm

JoeKv99 is a bitching old queen, no?


Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#17re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/5/07 at 7:33pm

"Mr. Sondheim’s longtime orchestrater, Jonathan Tunick, augmented the orchestra from 27 musicians in the original Broadway production to 78, “to get the big cinematic sound Tim was after,” Mr. Higham said."

My heart sped up when I read that!

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

Someday Profile Photo
#18re: Sweeney Todd article from the Sunday Times
Posted: 11/6/07 at 2:19pm

The plan was for him to work with a vocal coach, “do the scales and all that stuff.” But “it started to dawn on me that I knew what Sweeney sounded like before, and I knew that it was up to me to go far away from that,” he said. “He needed to be, for lack of a better word, slightly more punk rock.”

Now I'm terrified.
