JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!

cello_dude Profile Photo
#1JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 2/20/08 at 1:56pm

So I went to see the tour of Jesus Christ Superstar last night, and despite being completely under-whelmed by the costumes, sets, and most of the actors. I felt totally ripped off when I saw that the pit was basically a guitar, bass, drum set, and computer/keyboard. Most of the orchestra was either pre-recorded segments or MIDI renditions played by the conductor pressing a note on the keyboard.

I was wondering if anyone else noticed this (I know a lot of people at yesterdays performance did) and how did you feel about it?

#2re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 2/20/08 at 2:14pm

Ugh, I'm not looking forward to the show. It's coming here in April, and while I'm a fan of the show, I just think I'm going to hate it.

#2re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 2/20/08 at 4:22pm

I saw it and loved it!
I talked to the conductor afterward and he said there were 5 guys and they played all of the instruments (either on keyboard (there are 3 keys) or with actual ones) but I still think it sounds good unless its changed since June

choitoy Profile Photo
#3re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 2/20/08 at 6:16pm

I don't really mind the "canned' orchestra, as this is a "rock opera" and thus lends itself to being more synthesized (much like many of Lloyd Webber's shows).

What I really minded was:

1. Orange crocks and Mariamba music "King Herrod's Song". The only time that my sister and I didn't clap after a song EVER! It was that much a travesty to us!

2. The guy playing Judas sang like he had just come off the "American Idols" auditions reject bus, over belting, over wailing, stretching out notes until you thought he would miss the next note.

And I was wondering if Ted Neeley's high notes ("Whyyyyyyyy should I Diiieeeeeeeeee") were not pre-recorded (a la Julie Andrew's high notes in "Victor/Victoria")? With his voice being in the state that it was, I don't really think he would be able to reach those notes without shredding his vocal cords.

Xanadu! Can't cry on cue!

mlsheehan Profile Photo
#4re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 2/20/08 at 6:29pm

I saw the tour in San Diego about a month ago, and I thought it sounded terrible - very thin and canned. No spark to the music at all. From where I was sitting - middle of balcony - it looked like only 3 musicians. I'm surprised there were 5 in the pit.

Friends gave me their seats so I can't complain, but if I paid for this show I would have felt more than ripped-off.

I totally agree about the costumes, sets, and the actors. These are the kind of productions that give touring shows a bad reputation.

kyle. Profile Photo
#5re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 2/21/08 at 12:12pm

The production is horrible. But it is a horrible show to begin with.

folkyboy Profile Photo
#6re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 2/21/08 at 12:33pm

Jesus Christ Superstar is one of the best shows ever. please explain how the show is "horrible".

cello_dude Profile Photo
#7re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 2/21/08 at 1:26pm

the was definitely not 3 keyboards in the pit in chicago. I can say with 100% certainty that much of the music came off the computer. I work at the theater and I watched the pit last night.

And folkyboy, just imagine a mediocre college level production with a few fancy lights singing along to a CD. It seemed that 90% of this shows budget went towards Ted Neeley's stipend

Queen of the Night
#8re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 2/21/08 at 7:59pm

I have tickets to see it next week. I'm now kind of curious, worried and appalled at the same time.

#9re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 2/21/08 at 8:23pm

The production is nothing special, actually kind of bad. Boring generic chorus and supporting cast. However Neeley still rocks out, and is still incredible to watch. Corey Glover is really strong. He does at times, over sing. But when it comes down to the really important emotional bits (the I Don't Know how to Love him reprise during Judas' Death) he shows a remarkable restraint. The only thing keeping this production standing is the remarkable performances of the two leads.

I wouldn't mind crucifying the director though.

#10re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 2/21/08 at 10:07pm

Still go no matter what

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#11re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 2/21/08 at 10:23pm

Just be glad they had any live instrumtns at all. Some regonal theatres have resorted to using totally canned orchestras. It's sad.

gvendo2005 Profile Photo
#12re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 2/22/08 at 8:27pm

Speaking as a longtime observer of the tour since its 2006 opening, thanks to Troika's legendary thriftiness at everything but paying the name star (and even that is chump change compared to Equity pay), there are literally only 4 musicians and 1 conductor in the pit. After a while, roughly halfway through the tour, the conductor is no longer there either.

However, lately, Troika have been making bold moves. They added 2 musicians to the pit in Toronto, but I haven't caught up with the show yet. Whether the change is temporary or permanent is unclear.

"There is no problem so big that it cannot be run away from." ~ Charles M. Schulz

sally1112 Profile Photo
#13re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 2/22/08 at 9:10pm

I just bought tickets to this and I was so excited.

Consider my parade officially rained on.

#14re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 2/28/08 at 11:02am

Anyone with new reports on the touring production?
I am not sure if I should be excited or dread the day I usher the performance.

gvendo2005 Profile Photo
#15re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 4/8/08 at 2:49pm

Well, in case you haven't heard, Ted's still great as always, and the orchestra is still canned, but one out of two ain't bad!

"There is no problem so big that it cannot be run away from." ~ Charles M. Schulz

EVIE Profile Photo
#16re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 4/8/08 at 3:05pm

I loooove the show, it's possibly one of my favorites, but agree that this production was terrible. Everything was either so blah and boring or waaaay over the top. Including Neeley! It made me appreciate Eric Kunze much more than I already did.

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#17re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 4/8/08 at 3:08pm

How was Annas?

we did shows together and I'm so happy that Mr. Wright landed the role, right out of College!

Looney Profile Photo
#18re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 4/8/08 at 3:20pm

But it is a horrible show to begin with.

Heh, wotever... we'll chalk it up as faux sophistication, or p'raps ignorance...

Anyway, I enjoyed the show myself, the instrumentation wasn't bad. Corey Glover doesn't quite have the voice to sing Judas for a full show. In fact, at the time he sounded like he'd sort of blown out his upper register from poor technique.

Neeley really did sing well. The only problem was that with our up close seats, Jesus looked a little geriatric to us re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!

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TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#19re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 4/8/08 at 3:21pm

Looney dear, how was Annas?

Looney Profile Photo
#20re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 4/8/08 at 3:25pm

I recall Annas and Caiaphas and their cronies being very good, very ominous and in excellent voice. Very enjoyable re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!

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#21re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 4/14/08 at 10:20am

Just saw the tour this past weekend in Rochester, NY.

At best, the show is a college level production. Most of the directing choices were hideously cheesy or just plain stupid. The choreography was a joke.
The sound was thin - 7 instruments in the pit ALL with computers next to them. Sounded like a bunch of MIDI tracks. The set was a joke. A rounded metal arch bridge connecting two flights of stairs and a raked platform underneath. All black, all small scale and pretty darn boring. They tried making up for it with the lighting which was decent but overdone. I loves me a nice breakup pattern jutting through fog but after a while it does get old.

Ted needs to retire. He doesn't have any vivacity or real command of the stage anymore. He wanders around like an old man reciting lines. Rather than trying to connect the words he speaks with their intent, he utters them in strange patterns with an old man quiver. It really is painful. He screams the high notes decently (scooping to almost every one of them) but the rest of his singing is something one might expect from the local senior center karaoke night.

Corey Glover tries too hard as Judas. He takes far too many liberties with the melodic lines and, at times, is reminiscent of Mariah or Christina Aguilera with their never-ending trills and inability to actually sing the melody. His acting was predictable and flat most of the time.

The rest of the cast was decent. Mary had a nice voice. Caiaphas had a nice deep tone to his voice (despite his rather flat acting). The ensemble members were very eager and tried very hard with some success, but they couldn't overcome poor direction.

Overall, picture JCS on the set of RENT at your local college with fancy lights, some decent voices, but with an overall lack of vision.

Don't get me wrong entirely though. The piece itself is powerful and was able to transcend the production at times but in general one would be better off staying home and listening to the record.

#22re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 4/14/08 at 10:25am

"Heh, wotever... we'll chalk it up as faux sophistication, or p'raps ignorance..."

How is anyone's negative opinion of a show just ignorance? Just because they don't agree with you? Anyone can not like any show--it's a subjective process selecting which shows one does and does not like.

#23re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 4/14/08 at 11:59am

It's coming here this weekend but I can't see it because I'm singing at a wedding. Now I'm rather happy with that fact--I love JCS and wouldn't want to see a bad production of it.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

DMsquared2 Profile Photo
#24re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
Posted: 4/14/08 at 12:15pm

I have mixed feelings about the revival-style production or the 2000 TV movie. I saw a tour of it in 2005 and the cast was excellent, the Jesus I saw was the understudy (he was amazing) but some of the costumes and sets are too over the top.

I hate Ted Neely as Jesus. His vocals are too nasal.
