
Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?

Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?

WestVillage Profile Photo
#1Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 4:01pm

With all these posters kvelling over [tos] moving to Broadway, I am really curious to see if your enthusiam translates into full-price ticket sales, or are all of you still going to be on the lookout for student rush, lottery, TDF, discount codes, standing room, etc? I mean, if you really love the show that much, why not pay full price? Or maybe you just love the show but have no intention of paying $110 to see it and will only go if you can get in for $25. So fess up, people .. full price or discounted only?

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#2re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 4:06pm

I really don't get the hang up you seem to have with this issue.

If I could afford a full price ticket, I would buy it. However, that is not the case. Should I only get excited once I can afford to shell out the $110?

http://www.beintheheights.com/katnicole1 (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

WaltSummersPI Profile Photo
#2re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 4:09pm


ETA: I don't like tos, so I probably won't go without a comp. Updated On: 4/4/08 at 04:09 PM

scaryclowns223 Profile Photo
#3re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 4:09pm

I will pay full price minus a broadwaybox discount.

If there is no discount, I will pay full price.

Because these guys deserve it.

WestVillage Profile Photo
#4re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 4:10pm

Because all of you are acting like this is the most wonderful thing to happen on Broadway, yet you want to get in for cheap. Student rush is not going to keep this show, or any show, alive and running.

So I really want to know if anybody on this board would shell out $110 to see it. And I'm beginning to think no one would. Except you, scary clown.

Updated On: 4/4/08 at 04:10 PM

thatgirl712 Profile Photo
#5re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 4:11pm

I don't look for discounts, because I want to make sure I get a good seat.


If I heard the bells and the banjos ring

uncageg Profile Photo
#6re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 4:14pm

If I get a discount, fine. If not I pay full price. And if I have to pay full price to see this show I will.

Just give the world Love.

bestinshow2 Profile Photo
#7re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 4:15pm

If I could afford a full price ticket, I would buy it. However, that is not the case. Should I only get excited once I can afford to shell out the $110?

I SO agree. I could never see as much theater as I do now if I had to pay full price. That would be over $600 a month. For me it is a choice between paying full price to see one show or spending that same money to see 3 to 4 shows with discounted tickets.

"My name's Lenny. What's yours?"

Updated On: 4/4/08 at 04:15 PM

#8re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 4:18pm

Nope. Saw it off-Bway, feel no particular need to sit through it again.

ADDING MACHINE, on the other hand, I'd see again. And AUGUST: OSAGE COUNTY.

TOS more than once? Life's too short.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog: http://www.roscoewrites.blogspot.com/

#9re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 4:21pm

I would pay full price.

...because this show in my opinion, is more fun, and has more heart than most of the musicals on Broadway.

*cue the opinionated posters*

WestVillage Profile Photo
#10re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 4:23pm

You're missing my point .. I'm not talking about paying full price for everything you see ... I'm wondering if people are willing to pay full price for [tos]. I don't pay full price for everything either, but there are some shows that I want to see so badly and want wonderful seats that I gladly pay full price. Is that the case with those of you who adore [tos]?

scaryclowns223 Profile Photo
#11re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 4:26pm

Oh yeah.

I would pay full price for [title of show], no question.
But if I can get 30% off and still get a prime seat, why not?

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#12re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 4:26pm

You can't think something is a great addition to the Broadway community unless you can afford to pay full price for it?

Awesome. I guess there goes all the support I've ever give to a show, even though the amount of money I poured into it added up to way more than a single full-price ticket. If it were as simple as demonstrating my support for and belief in a piece by how much I chose to pay, I would certainly act on that. But as a student, it's just not practical.

For the record, I have no feelings either way on [title of show] in specific. I didn't get to see it off-Broadway.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 4/4/08 at 04:26 PM

bestinshow2 Profile Photo
#13re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 4:26pm

Ok, then I would say no, probably. I like [tos] but don't adore it (having only seen the youtube videos). Sorry, I guess it's not my question to answer.

I do of course pay full price for shows I am desperate to see and see no other option to secure tickets but try to avoid it when I can.

"My name's Lenny. What's yours?"

Updated On: 4/4/08 at 04:26 PM

Calvin Profile Photo
#14re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 4:37pm

I don't get the question at all. Discounts are a product of basic economics: supply and demand. If I love Bloomingdale's, should I never shop there on the day of a sale? I understand what you're saying about good seats, but I've gotten great seats through TDF, discount codes and even papering services before. Plus, my enjoyment of a show is rarely diminished by where I'm sitting, unless I'm in, say, City Center.

By this logic, if anyone is REALLY a fan of the show, they should shell out $250 for premium seats.

Quite honestly, the only shows I've paid full price for in recent years are ones I thought I'd never get a discount for--"Deuce," the Utopia trilogy and "Three Days of Rain" come to mind, and how wrong I was on the first two--and I truly enjoyed two of those five.
Updated On: 4/4/08 at 04:37 PM

tazber Profile Photo
#15re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 4:59pm

Calvin, you're forgetting that "show" we went to in that basement out in Queens.
That was full price.

....but the world goes 'round

TheBoyDownstairs Profile Photo
#16re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 5:12pm

If they have no discounts, yes I will pay full price.

But if they have discounts, you better believe I will take it. There isnt a show on earth I wouldnt take a discount for if a discount is available. Since I'm as far as you can get from a seat snob, I'll take the saved money whereever I can get it.

verynewyorkcurious Profile Photo
#17re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 5:18pm

I hold off buying shampoo from CVS so I can buy it at a fraction of the price at Target. I am not cheap, but why not save a couple of bucks..or 50 when you can?

I have never paid full price for a show, not even JERSEY BOYS (I got a premium seat on ebay for $150)..Okay maybe I did for WICKED and that was a total bust.

Shows I really like, I watch a couple of times..so all those times might add up to one full price ticket..That's not so bad from one person.

So no, I would not, but I might watch it a couple of times.

Calvin Profile Photo
#18re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 5:30pm

And well, well worth it, Taz!

In that case, though, the discount "code" was almost as bad as paying full price.

#19re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 5:31pm

You are allowed to think that a show is the most amazing thing in the world and still pay for a balcony seat or discount tickets.

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#20re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 5:35pm

What a META- THEATRICAL thread.

It's interesting because this is a question that the stage show is actually ASKING its audience and Broadway.

Jeff: "And I'll make Broadway my eternal address!"
Hunter (blank paper): "Whoa, easy, motha*u*k*! Broadway? Let's start with Off or Off Off, and then you can think about the Great White Way."
Jeff: "But why can't I dream big?"
Hunter (blank paper): "Well, if it was a jukebox musical, a revival, or a recognizable commodity, I'd say 'Dream away, biotch!' But original? On Broadway? Baby, that is risky!!!"

Will people pay and come to see a "good product with talented people"? Do shows need to "hire some talent- free celebrity and lower the bar" in order to be a monetary success? Do they need to make other compromises?

Jeff: "Wow, an original musical!"
Hunter (blank paper): "That's right, cracka. Now there aren't many of us around, and it's a long journey, so let's get started!"

That's right... wrapped up in a very funny package is a very serious question about what kind of theatre and art the people want. And respond to. And will financially support.

I don't think that question will be answered in this thread with a few random theatre fans (out of many many people) arbitrarily sharing how much they will pay for a ticket.

I think that question will be answered starting July 5 at the Lyceum Theatre. So stay tuned.

Jeff: "When we set out to write this musical, we said we'd write a show that we want to see! We knew we'd never please everyone. Remember that day at Gristedes, you said to me: I'd rather be nine people's thing than a hundred people's ninth favorite thing. Nine people's favorite thing than a hundred people's ninth favorite thing."
Hunter: "Yeah you're right, Jeffy, let's not compromise. Let's keep making something we've never seen! A risk was taken with 'On The Town' and look what happened: Betty and Adolph burst onto the scene!"
Everyone: "A shout- out to Comden and Green!"

Every show that's ever been revolutionary started out by being risky and different- sounding.

Remember Oklahoma? "No gags, no gals, no chance!", they said.

Who says four chairs and a keyboard can't make a [financially successful] Broadway musical?!?!?!!?!?!?! WE'RE ENOUGH WITH ONLY THAT KEYBOARD! WE'RE OKAY WITH ONLY FOUR CHAIRS! WE'LL BE FINE WITH ONLY FOUR CHAIRS! WE'LL ROCK HARD WITH ONLY FOUR CHAIRS!

Who's with me? re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

Theatreboy49 Profile Photo
#21re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 5:36pm

I would pay full price if I have to but if your coming to the city to see 4 shows over one weekend and are on a tight budget ill take the cheaper seat for the 2 im not as thrilled for. I thinkt he price you pay has absolutly no justification for if you like a show. I loved Lestat but i didnt shell out 110 to see it either! I saw it from the back of the mezz so i guess by your logic I didnt like the show.

<------ Me and my friends with patti Lupone at my friends afterparty for her concert with audra mcdonald during the summer of 2007.
"I am sorry but it is an unjust world and virtue is only triumphant in theatricle performances" The Mikado

WestVillage Profile Photo
#22re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 5:47pm

Theatreboy, I'm talking about supporting the show. So many people here are excited [tos] is coming to Broadway, and want to see it succeed. But no show can succeed on student rush and discount codes. Full price tickets have got to be part of the mix.

Theatreboy49 Profile Photo
#23re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 5:51pm

well to answer you yes I would pay full price because i enjoy the show and want to see it suceed. Will i be paying though? If i end up getting a south pacific ticket then probably not. If i end up seeing in the heights instead of SP (depending if i like the score) then yes i will pay full price.

<------ Me and my friends with patti Lupone at my friends afterparty for her concert with audra mcdonald during the summer of 2007.
"I am sorry but it is an unjust world and virtue is only triumphant in theatricle performances" The Mikado

scaryclowns223 Profile Photo
#24re: Would you pay full price for [tos] on Broadway?
Posted: 4/4/08 at 5:58pm

Infinite, I AM WITH YOU!

WestVillage, you obviously have a point to prove, and it seems to be semi-valid, but the way that you're trying to prove it is malicious and juvenile.

Why don't you ask this about every show?
You might as well have asked it about Passing Strange, Spring Awakening, In the Heights, etc.

I see what you're trying to say, but you're definitely articulating it the wrong way.
