Posted: 4/25/08 at 5:49pm

Please don't tell me this was on an earlier thread or to do a search as it must have been a long time before I joined the board.
After all the threads on this Board about RENT, I finally watched the DVD. I really had not had any interest in the show before. I was very pleasently surprised. Most of the music was very enjoyable, even to this ears brought up on R&H, Cole Porter etc.
The only cast member I really did not care for was Idena Mazel. I found her shrill and difficult to understand (thank heaven for subtitles). She ruined the "wedding reception scene for me)
I enjoyed it enough that I will add it to my Broadway DVD collection.

It Sucks To Be Me

musicalmaster703 Profile Photo
#2re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/25/08 at 5:51pm

Oooooooooo you are gonna get in trouble. There are thousands of crazy Idina fans on this board

You are officially warned,

#2re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/25/08 at 5:51pm

hey puppetman, just curious if you knew that the quote you have there from PHANTOM is actually open UP your mind let YOUR fantasies unwind

: )

george aka pyscho phantom guy

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#3re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/25/08 at 5:55pm

puppetman2 is Mexican. Be nice. re: RENT DVD


best12bars Profile Photo
#4re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/25/08 at 5:56pm

Buy Rent DVD!

That Idena Mazel. Nobody around here likes her, so I'm sure your post is safe and will be cheered by the masses.


"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 4/25/08 at 05:56 PM

#5re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/25/08 at 6:02pm

Idina was subtitled? I am the queen of misinterpretations, but even I didn't have trouble understanding her.

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

Chason2 Profile Photo
#6re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/25/08 at 7:28pm

Glad you enjoyed it. Seeing RENT on DVD (or at the movies) is not quite the experience of seeing it live on stage (which you must do some day), but I loved the movie, also. Unlike SOME movie versions... I think the RENT movie is a very close replica of the stage version. The PHANTOM movie is also excellent - and closely stays with the story and songs in the stage play; You might enjoy it, as well.
RENT has a very universal story, and some people have ONLY seen it on DVD. Good for them! It works for me!

jv92 Profile Photo
#7re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/25/08 at 7:32pm

Yeah that Idena Mazel is about as hard to understand as Patty LaPine.

Kidding. Patti, I love you. Idina...not so much.

SpellingBeeFan4Ever Profile Photo
#8re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/25/08 at 7:57pm

I thought this was asking if you could buy a broadway bootleg. Is it true that last week someone was offering sexual pleasure for bootlegs?

He's a faker, and you've been taken in by his con. And in doing so, you are enabling him. He is doing more damage to aspergers than papa's words ever could. -Chane/Liverpool on me having asperger syndrome.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#9re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/25/08 at 8:58pm

I thought it was a thread asking if the final Broadway performance will be on DVD. NO!

alliez92092 Profile Photo
#10re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/25/08 at 9:51pm

Some crazy person set up one of those online petitions to get Great Performances to film it. Because petitions clearly have so much power.

#11re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/25/08 at 11:05pm

I'd recommend NOT purchasing the DVD of Rent unless you have money to waste.

The film itself: Entertaining, but not a milestone transfer from stage to screen, (not like the 1936 Show Boat; the Audrey Hepburn My Fair Lady; or Oklahoma!; West Side Story or Sound of Music)

My recommendation: Buy the Blu-ray of Rent. The blu-ray sound quality is a great improvement over the DVD's sound. The Blu-ray gives a choice of uncompressed PCM or Dolby TrueHD 5.1 surround, both having 48kHz/16-bit. With a proper 1080p (progressive scan) screen and HDMI cables, the picture is a nice improvement over the DVD as well.

Why buy DVDs now when they are obsolete? Just rent (no pun intended) until you can afford the real thing. Prices on high definition players and screens will be dropping in another year. Just wait.

#12re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/25/08 at 11:16pm

Replies: Yes, I know the exact quote from PHANTOM, but this is my version of it.

2: Since I have over 700 DVDs, they will not be obsolete in my home. I am really not interested in Blu Ray because of cost of the discs and players.

3: Yes, I had the subtitles on for Idena. Maybe she is a aquired taste that I have not been able to aquire.

4: I'm not a Mexican but Irish, Swedish, English and German - a real USA mongrel.

It Sucks To Be Me
Updated On: 4/26/08 at 11:16 PM

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#13re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/25/08 at 11:20pm

I got mine for 4 bucks at a local DVD store. They had MANY others aailable for the same price.

#14re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/25/08 at 11:24pm

I bought a new Blu-ray of Rent for one half of $19.95 on a buy-one-get-one free sale.

Chason2 Profile Photo
#15re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/26/08 at 3:46am

"Why buy DVDs now when they are obsolete?"
You know of something MORE up-to-date than DVD's? BTW - Blue-Ray is STILL a DVD!
RENT will clearly LIVE (live) forever (I hope). I believe.
Meanwhile - gather your friends at whoever's house has the biggest PLASMA - and turn the volume up REAL good - and enjoy RENT - the movie musical. It might not be the Broadway play - live; but you know what? It's the damn next best thing! ENJOY!

tazber Profile Photo
#16re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/26/08 at 3:53am

Blu-ray players are also "backwards compatible" meaning they can play standard def as well.

....but the world goes 'round

nitsua Profile Photo
#17re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/26/08 at 4:00am

Ivan and I enjoyed the DVD over the tour we saw a few years ago.

Horrible singing, horrible acting, horrible direction, horrible sound. Horrible all around.

We hated it.

"Writing is like prostitution. First, you do it for love, then you do it for a few friends, and finally you do it for money." ~ Moliere

Kasie Profile Photo
#18re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/26/08 at 4:19am

"Blu-ray players are also "backwards compatible" meaning they can play standard def as well."

Really? Mine doesn't. It must be a piece of sh*t.

tazber Profile Photo
#19re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/26/08 at 4:31am

That's odd Kas. They're supposed to play regular dvds.

....but the world goes 'round

Kasie Profile Photo
#20re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/26/08 at 4:47am

I I said, it's a piece of sh*t.

#21re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/26/08 at 1:44pm

Well, yeah. Blu-ray players are backwards compatible and can upconvert a standard DVD, so your old DVDs will not be totally obsolete. However the image and sound quality of Blu-ray on a good & balanced system is far superior to standard DVD on the same system.

So my point is, once you get a Blu-ray player or a PS3 there is no need to buy standard DVDs anymore unless it's something that is not likely to be released on Blu-ray for a long time. If you can get DVDs for $4. nothing is wasted, but to continue building up a collection, why not go for the best?

BTW technically a Blu-ray is an advanced DVD, but in common use DVD refers to an 8 or 9 GB capacity red laser system, where Blu-ray refers to a disc with 25 or 50 GB (one or two layer) capacity and advanced features (scratch-resistant coating, higher bit-rate....) using a blue-violet laser with a shorter wavelength enabling storage of more data on a disc.

SwtHrtBallerina Profile Photo
#22re: RENT DVD
Posted: 4/26/08 at 2:33pm

One of you said that you loved Phantom on DVD. I did enjoy it, but saw it shortly after I had just seen the nat'l tour multiple times. It is VERY difficult to see the show on the stage, and then go into the theater to see it on the big screen. I actually was disappointed with it at the time, but as its settled in, i enjoy it much more than i did.

As for rent, the first time I saw it, it was way too long for me. I didn't know the story, nor many of the songs. If you don't know any of those things - omg, trust me it drags. However, I am familiar with the story, songs, and performers now, so appreciate it and like it MUCH more than I did re: RENT DVD

The stage to movie shows need to grow on me before I really like them. I ADORE the stage performances, and am always "so-so" with the movies at first. Same thing happened w/ Hairspray. I had JUST seen it on the nat'l tour, and months later it was on DVD.

I would love to see Ave Q on DVD re: RENT DVD! Hehe - just my opinion.

#23re: RENT DVD Special Featured
Posted: 4/26/08 at 3:51pm

Just watched the special features 2nd DVD for RENT. It is boring as heck. I can appreciate the family and cast being upset by Larson's passing right after the dress rehearsal, but to have it go on and on and on is a bit much. You really don't learn anything new.
The best things on the special features were the deleted songs and scenes.

It Sucks To Be Me

Chason2 Profile Photo
#24re: RENT DVD Special Featured
Posted: 5/10/08 at 3:09am

[I would love to see Ave Q on DVD ! Hehe - just my opinion.]

SW: That's probably the WORST example ever. I can't even IMAGINE a "screen" version of Avenue Q. That is truly one you need to see on stage. It's hysterically funny, touching, and has great, great songs. Don't walk, but RUN to see the stage version as soon as it's ANYWHERE near you.
