
final Rent performance being filmed?

final Rent performance being filmed?

#1final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/17/08 at 1:36pm

there may already be a thread for this, but I searched & couldn't find it.
are they still planning on filming the closing performance of Rent & releasing it??

mr.scribble Profile Photo
#2re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/17/08 at 1:45pm

i've heard nothing contradicting it

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#3re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/17/08 at 2:00pm

thanks re: final Rent performance being filmed?

#4re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/17/08 at 2:47pm

Actually, 15 minutes ago, they just decided that it would be too much of a hassle.

...5678 Profile Photo
#5re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/17/08 at 7:35pm

I actually have already purchased my tickets at the theatre.

#6re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/17/08 at 10:35pm

they're already selling tickets?
when is it being released?

or are you being facetious?

#7re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/18/08 at 1:07am

my theater is already selling tickets here. They have the "release" date as September 24th so as far as I can tell it's definately happening.

JP2 Profile Photo
#9re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/18/08 at 2:26am

Wow, the theaters in NY are charging $20 a ticket. I saw the show live, in person for that much last week.

EDIT: My grandparents movie theater in Royal Palm Beach, FL is charging regular prices for the movie. I wonder if only NY will have the increased ticket price? Updated On: 8/18/08 at 02:26 AM

DMsquared2 Profile Photo
#10re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/18/08 at 2:32am

This will be in theaters for my birthday! I know where I'm gonna be.

TheatreFreak05 Profile Photo
#11re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/18/08 at 3:05am

have they released the list of theaters showing it yet? I couldn't find it.

...5678 Profile Photo
#12re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/18/08 at 8:16am

Yeah, I was at the movie theatre Friday to see a movie and when I was going through the list it was there...$23 a ticket and 4 dates...24th, 25th, 27th, & 28th.

I tried finding it online after and couldn't. I would just try going to your local theatre and check listings.

#13re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/18/08 at 8:51am

I've not seen any theaters selling tickets to Rent but have seen tickets to Cirque's Delirium and those tickets are going for $20. So don't think only NYC area theaters will be selling tickets to Rent for that much. Considering the tour will be coming through most large cities and most of the time tickets can be had for $25-30, don't think I'm going to pay that much to see it on the screen.

JP2 Profile Photo
#14re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/18/08 at 10:47am

Try Fandango.com and type in Rent.

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#15re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/18/08 at 1:02pm

How awful. Fandango lists Chris Columbus as the director of the live performance.

Now wouldn't that be a kick in the nuts?
Updated On: 8/18/08 at 01:02 PM

#16re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/18/08 at 1:39pm

Plans are in the works, but as of last Friday, several of the unions had refused to sign on due to a disagreement over compensation. This is type of project has never been attempted before (and filming for a single viewing on TV is not the same). Everyone involved wants to make sure that they get their fare share of the huge profits the producers will be reaping, both current and future.

Normally, for any type of filming, for promotion, talk show peformance, etc. the actors, stage managers, crew, would be paid a set fee via AEA and any appropriate fees set by SAG or AFTRA. What is being proposed by the producers is a live filming, to be taped and shown up to ten times over four dates with possible DVD and or TV broadcast to follow. The producers stand to make, conservatively, millions of dollars. They are balking at paying a small fraction of what they will likely earn.

What is at stake is similar to what sent the Hollywood writers out on strike-a new way of making money in the digital age. It will have an effect on all future shows and their workers.

There is still a chance the filming could fall through.

#17re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/27/08 at 5:40am

Here's the list of theaters that will be showing the final performance.


LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#18re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/27/08 at 12:55pm

OMG... Metreon IMAX?!

Not sure I want to see Will Chase's pores, but, hm, that's ponderable. re: final Rent performance being filmed?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

theatrenut2 Profile Photo
#19re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/27/08 at 1:43pm

I just bought tickets in Fort Lauderdale, FL and they were $20.00, too. I don't think it is just New York.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#20re: final Rent performance being filmed?
Posted: 8/27/08 at 1:47pm

Anything special event like this at a movie theatre is going to be in the twenty dollar range.
