
Broadway phrases you use in everyday life

Broadway phrases you use in everyday life

TonyVincent Profile Photo
#1Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 9:32am

What phrases/idioms have you heard in a show, and proceeded to use in your everyday life? Not necessarily as a direct reference to the show, but just something that has slipped into your common vernacular.

For me, I tend to use the phrase "no day but today" in leiu of "carpe diem" or other idioms, and my use of "touche" went up after I heard it a bunch of times listening to Rent.

Also, I like to use "so little to speak of, they must speak of me?" from SITPWG, although those opportunities obviously come up less often.

EDIT: I just realized that I've also used "That's some crazy ass s---, motherf-----!" a few times since seeing TOS. Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Updated On: 9/18/08 at 09:32 AM

#2re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 9:37am

I happen to use alot of Wicked speak. Confusify is the one I tend to say the most.
They are not phrases though.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!
Updated On: 9/18/08 at 09:37 AM

#2re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 9:54am

I haven't used it, but since [tos] I have heard a lot of "hot box of crazy" (is that the right phrase?).

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife
Updated On: 9/18/08 at 09:54 AM

jordangirl Profile Photo
#3re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 11:36am

^And if you'd grown up in the south that phrase would be nothing new to you at all. :)

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#4re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 11:39am

I find myself saying "You know me. Bright ideas just pop into my head... etc." from Sweeney Todd very often.

And I use Xanadu quotes far too much to people who will never understand.

Tick Tock

insertclevernamehere Profile Photo
#5re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 11:41am

I now say "That's some crazy ass s---, motherf-----!" alot, but I constantly say "and all that jazz" in place of etc.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention...I'm the good cop, he's the bad cop.

#6re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 11:52am

hasjdhasjkdhakjsd &&&& all that jazz! re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life

"Those You've Known And Lost Still Walk Behind You"-Spring Awakening

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#7re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 11:56am

"Good God!"

Kad Profile Photo
#8re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 12:00pm


"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#9re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 12:01pm

"That ain't it, Kid. That ain't it, Kid."

uncageg Profile Photo
#10re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 12:08pm

"Heavy, Heavy" - Dreamgirls

"Let's pull her hair and call her whore" - Legally Blonde (Don't ask!)

"I'm looving it!" - Legally Blonde (When he's drinking the Red Bull)

Just give the world Love.

tellybox Profile Photo
#11re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 12:15pm

Completely guilty of constantly using "Fie upon you *insert name here* Fie."

jordangirl Profile Photo
#12re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 12:19pm

Proving that I can find something to like/use even in something I'm not a huge fan of (I never said I hated it, but the constant craziness and virtual expectation among some I've called friends could push me in that direction)...

I regularly use "Die Vampire Die!" in my head and journaling about my assistant principal. (And yes, I even bought the shirt to wear when I can...like on development days, or under a sweater on planned observation days.)

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis
Updated On: 9/18/08 at 12:19 PM

winter_sky Profile Photo
#13re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 12:28pm


that's actually not the phrase in LB. It's "Keep it positive...as you slap her to the floor. Keep it positive, as you pull her hair and call her 'whore'".

VonTussleGirl Profile Photo
#14re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 12:41pm

I have been guilty of throwing a Danny Burstein-style "WHAAAAAAAAAT?!" into conversations here and there.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#15re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 12:48pm

"I have been guilty of throwing a Danny Burstein-style "WHAAAAAAAAAT?!" into conversations here and there."

Oh me too!

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

uncageg Profile Photo
#16re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 1:00pm

Winter_sky....It's close enough! I knew it wasn't exact. I changed it to fit the situation. Cut me a break!

Just give the world Love.

BroadwayNick Profile Photo
#17re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 1:05pm

I'm partial to "So sad to be all alone in the world" if someone embarasses themselves pretty bad.

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic. --Dave Berry

BroadwayNick Profile Photo
#18re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 1:05pm

I'm partial to "So sad to be all alone in the world" if someone embarasses themselves pretty bad.

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic. --Dave Berry

#19re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 1:09pm

I have a tendency to say, "How are things in Gloccamorra, babe?" -- but only theatre geeks understand me.

#20re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 1:10pm

"I really need this job, please God I need this job." A Chorus Line

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

#21re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 1:38pm

^And if you'd grown up in the south that phrase would be nothing new to you at all. :)

As a matter of fact, I DID grow up in the south and I've never heard it.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

Elphie3 Profile Photo
#22re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 1:39pm

I have to say I use a lot of Wicked speak too. "Thrillafied, Devastrated," they're cute. :)

Madame Morrible: "So you take the chicken, now it must be a white chicken. The corpse can be any color. And that is the spell for lost luggage!" - The Yellow Brick Road Not Taken

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#23re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 1:43pm

The other day I said "SHE IS BEAUTIFUL." And after I said it I realized Patti LuPone's spirit became one with mine for about five seconds.

It was weird.

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#24re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 2:19pm

I sometimes say "OOoooh that sounds like some crazy **** bitch!" from [title of show].
And I quote little title of show related things like "i have a total boner for..." and "totes heart!"
