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Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For

Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#1Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 6:34pm

..... because they were heavily discounted later on. You thought they would be monster hits.

Young Frankenstein
A Tale of Two Cities

Poster Emeritus

#2re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 6:35pm


Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#2re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 6:37pm

I just saw that last weekend on TDF

It shocked me initially that a limited engagement with this cast could not sell out but .....

I did, however, enjoy it immensely.

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 12/26/08 at 06:37 PM

legally_popular Profile Photo
#3re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 6:50pm

Well I just got into theater this year, so before I even knew about discount codes, rushes, lotteries, etc., I paid full price for a couple of shows I saw before that.

In 2007:
The Vertical Hour – I was dying to see Julianne Moore, but I’m sure there were plenty of cheaper discounts for that show, lol.
Pygmalion – I loved it, but it was a Roundabout production so I could’ve gotten a $20 ticket on hiptix. Would've saved a lot of money.

And this year, I regret buying rear mezz discounted tickets to Shrek… not because of the seats, but because of the show. =/

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#4re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 7:03pm

Every production of "Singing in the Rain."
The "Grease" tour in 2005.


uncageg Profile Photo
#5re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 7:18pm

Hot Feet. I loved the music but the show was really bad.

Just give the world Love.

#6re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 7:23pm

Wicked & Phantom(Actually Phantom I got a discount for $65 and I regret even that)

Rent The best show on Broadway. I was at the closing. BEST night of my Life. April 29th 1996-September 7th 2008 12 years of love "No Day But Today"

beltingbaritone Profile Photo
#7re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 7:26pm

I actually agree with coolkid and say Phantom! Egads!

Men don't even belt.

zepka102 Profile Photo
#8re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 7:27pm

I'd say Young Frankenstein, but that was a discount.

LoveMusik came to mind first though. I didn't leave at intermission because I wanted to get SOME of my money's worth.

::bust a move::

sally1112 Profile Photo
#9re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 7:37pm

Spring Awakening...I bought the tickets from a broker because I wanted to be in the first few rows. I liked SA but it was not worth paying extra for.

#10re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 7:40pm

How much did u pay from the broker?

Spring Awakening is one of my favorite shows I don't regret paying full price.
I'm suprised a lot of brokers aren't selling 1-18 tix

Rent The best show on Broadway. I was at the closing. BEST night of my Life. April 29th 1996-September 7th 2008 12 years of love "No Day But Today"

jaystarr Profile Photo
#11re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 7:58pm

YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN -$120.00 @ (for 2)
THE LITTLE MERMAID -$85.00 @ (for 2)
COAST OF UTOPIA $120.00 @ (for 2) -3 times. lord! should have learn my lesson at VOYAGE. I just dont have the comprehension skills & patience for Tom Sheppard's Plays! re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For

ACL $120.00 @ X2 (I like it but I felt like I paid so much because when we saw it in Winter 2006, theater was half filled-everyone went down)


(thank god for TDF- for LOVEMUSIK- but left during intermission!- only 2 shows I left during intermssion - this and MY FAIR LADY (touring company in Boston)

Not including processing fee! I'll think of more!


Updated On: 12/26/08 at 07:58 PM

jaystarr Profile Photo
#12re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 8:07pm

TITANIC $75.00 (though 10 yrs ago. that was a lot of money for just a good opening number that lasted 10 mins, it was a downhil after that!)

FOOTLOOSE- $75.00 x 2

CIVIL WAR- $25.00 (balcony seats)- lord! not even worth a penny!

HIGH SOCIETY- $25.00 (balcony seats)- same as CIVIL WAR at St. James Theater

SNAFU Profile Photo
#13re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 8:08pm

I'd have to say Spring Awakening. Paid full price and regretted it, even would have regretted it at a discount.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

jaystarr Profile Photo
#14re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 8:11pm

I agree with you there. SA should be $35.00 tops!

Well- I paid full price for these shows and WORTH EVERY PENNY!



jaystarr Profile Photo
#15re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 8:15pm

Oh.. A lot of people are going to kill me for saying this...Pardon me in advance...

XANADU- worth the 1st time! but

My repeated viewings...- big ? -what I am trying to say is REPEATED VIEWINGS in not worth full price (just my opinion) I enjoyed it then..but I feel STUPID now! LOL. but looking back.. I wish I should have not done it. Oh well.. you live and learn! re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For


sally1112 Profile Photo
#16re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 8:19pm

Coolkid, I saw SA before they won the Tony. I paid about $250.

emo_geek Profile Photo
#17re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 8:20pm

I feel the same about repeat viewings. I felt so dumb paying full price for Young Frank the 2nd time.

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

jaystarr Profile Photo
#18re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 8:23pm

Oops.. I JUST REALIZED.. I did not pay FULL PRICE on Xanadu. Ive used discounts. pardon my faulty memory! re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For


pc1145N2 Profile Photo
#19re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 8:25pm

I agree with Young Frankenstein.

I also paid full price for a long nap when I "saw" Dangerous Liasons. Good God.

Oh....and the touring company of Camelot. The memory still makes me shudder.

cglaid Profile Photo
#20re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 9:26pm

After additional fees, I paid about $75 to sit in the last row of the orchestra. It was NOT worth it. That's about the only show I've ever really regretted seeing.

James885 Profile Photo
#21re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 9:53pm

Spring Awakening

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible

#22re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 9:59pm

Jersey Boys, without a doubt.

I could also say Shrek, only because I bought them back in May, and I ended up having to buy extyra tickets which weren't only chepaer, but better...

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#23re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 10:08pm

I regretted the $10 I spent on "Pal Joey".

#24re: Shows You Regretted Paying Full Price For
Posted: 12/26/08 at 10:13pm

I just paid full price for a ticket to Road Show. I shouldn't have, but I did. Now I just hope it's worth it.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL
