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Mel Gibson's Racist Rant Caught On Tape (now with Audio)- Page 3

Mel Gibson's Racist Rant Caught On Tape (now with Audio)

#50Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 2:42pm

“I left my wife because we had no spiritual common ground.”

Wasn't it years ago that he blurted out that he loved his wife, but she was still going to Hell because she wasn't Catholic?

Popular Profile Photo
#51Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 4:01pm

These tapes should be used to educate people on how abusers operate. He is so textbook it's ridiculous. I wish people would stop trying to figure out who leaked the tapes or ranting about the racist language he used. There is a bigger picture here. A woman is scared for her life and her child's life... with good reason! Is there anyone out there who still honestly believes she is a gold digger, or any of the other names she's been called? And we wonder why victims stay in their situation hopeless that anyone will believe or help them.

romantico Profile Photo
#52Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 4:19pm

Well, she is not an innocent victim here.Yeah, she is scared for her life and she should be. The man is nuts! However,lets not forget She taped him without his knowledge and she had everything to gain. No excuse for Mel's conduct and I sure as hell am not defending him.However, why did she tape him? What was her motive? Oh, and I want to know who leaked the tape because if it were her she is in a lot of trouble,especially swearing under oath that it was not her. Who else had the recordings? She knew he would have to provide financially for their child. Oh, and what exactly did she say or how was he provoked? She knew when to tape him and what she would get out of him so she is just as screwed up as he is (probably a little smarter than him though) so spare me the 'she is 100% innocent 'crap. Why didn't she file a police report or call the cops back in January when this all took place? Odd how she made the claims and the tape was released to the media almost days apart.There are many questions this woman has to answer for.

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

#53Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 4:30pm

"why did she tape him? What was her motive?"

That's kind of addressed in Popular's post.

Popular Profile Photo
#54Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 4:52pm

Well, she is not an innocent victim here

That is exactly what Mel and other abusers like him brainwash their victims to think. But YES, she IS innocent. She did NOTHING deserving of being victimized in that way.

She did what she needed to do which is to document and create a trail of evidence to present to court. OF COURSE she is going to have to do that without his knowledge. You'd be shocked to know how much abusers get away with in court, even with evidence, so it is CRUCIAL that she had this taped. Also, don't assume that she knew when to tape him and what she would get out of him. That is foolish. She may have suspected that things were escalating but that is easy enough to know if you have been through the cycle of abuse long enough. My guess is that she taped several conversations and we are just hearing clips of the one(s) that got heated.

I'm really not going to get into a discussion here with you about why she didn't file a police report at the time. It would be an insult to those abused to try and pretend that I understand what goes through their head well enough to break it down for you in a short answer. Just know that it's not unusual for victims to minimize the abuse to police or for them to not want the police involved at all.

romantico Profile Photo
#55Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 5:03pm

I STRONGLY disagree. No, she did not deserve to be abused verbally like this and he is nuts. However, anyone who see's this as black and white is not seeing the whole story,which we really do not all of as of now.Again, I am NOT defending Mel or even downplaying what he did. He is a monster and no human being deserves to be talked to like that. I do question her motives and do think she is after money,which she is entitled to since she is raising their child.Did she hire an attorney and did he advise her to tape these calls? That is not clear. Was she being advised? I heard her talk about a friend of hers.There are MANY MANY Unanswered questions. I thought I had heard she had a similar stormy relationship with actor Timothy Dalton,who she had a child with as well.I do not know the details of their relationship so I could be wrong,just thought it was something I had heard.I think the main suspect is her for releasing the tapes. So far we have not heard who she handed the tapes over to (if anyone)and if it comes back to her I think she could be in some trouble. If she was advised to record these calls by a lawyer the lawyer would also have advised her NOT to release these to the public. The court and the judge should have been the only one to hear these. Only reason these would have been leaked is for profit and to humiliate Mel Gibson, which she has a perfect motive to do.If she leaked the tapes and if she lied under oath that could be very bad for her as well.

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-
Updated On: 7/12/10 at 05:03 PM

Popular Profile Photo
#56Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 5:20pm

You think this is just about verbal abuse? It's about physical and emotional as well. And let's not forget the child is witnessing this too.

I do question her motives and do think she is after money

She clearly states in the recording she doesn't want another penny for herself. She wants to feel safe and not fear for her and her child's LIFE.

I'm sorry, but your arguments for questioning her motives don't hold much water with me. You think she chooses rich men who are going to be abusive? Nobody consciously chooses abuse for themselves and their children. These men are VERY charming at first. And if she does have a history of abuse does it not make sense to you that she may be more prone to repeat what she knows because she's been told she doesn't deserve better, or have a warped sense of what love should feel like?

I'm interning at a Domestic Abuse Center right now so forgive me if this story has brought out the advocate in me. I'm not claiming to be an expert, but after having gone through some extensive training on the subject there are certain things about this situation that are black and white to me: he is at fault, she is not.
Updated On: 7/12/10 at 05:20 PM

romantico Profile Photo
#57Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 5:33pm

Again, I don't know if you are not reading my words or what but I will repeat. I am NOT defending Gibson.No, of course it is not just verbal but all we have heard is the audio tapes so far.I think she said in the tape she does not want money because she knew she was being taped and it would look bad. She knows he will have to care for the child,so for her to say that makes little sense since she knows by law he has to pay child support.Again, she has the advantage to be cautious in what she says because she is the only one aware her words and his are being recorded.Your arguments don't hold any credibility with me. Why did she not file a report? Who advised her to record the calls? Who leaked the tapes? Who else had copies of the tapes? Why would anyone other than a judge or her lawyer have copies of these tapes? Why are you not answering these questions? Why are you not asking yourself these questions. I don't see this as you do as good guy bad guy. I think Mel did a horrible thing and should be punished. However, if she leaked the tapes to humiliate him and then lied about it,she is to blame for some as well.

I am not claiming to be an expert either. There is more to this story than you or I know and to automatically say this woman is clean and perfect and does not want money or did not leak the tape is just absurd,IMO. I want to know if a lawyer advised her to record these calls and who she gave the tapes to. Again, her lawyer or a judge should be THE ONLY ONES to have these. By these tapes coming out,it may actually help Mel in court. Did you think about that? Her motives may come into question if she did in fact release the recordings.So, there are many factors to consider. All we know now,and I think you and I can agree on this is Mel is nuts,evil, and needs help.

I was curious why Mel has not apologized or made a statement regarding this and then heard today it's because his lawyer told him not to.Could they be building a case? So, who advised her to tape these calls and who she shared them with and gave copies to is something I want to know.

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#58Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 5:59pm

I feel a combination of sadness and schadenfreude about the whole thing. On the one hand, I've thought he was a bigoted jerk for a while no, so it's fun to finally see him get taken down. On the other hand, I feel bad that Gibson is wasting his life obsessing over a religion that clearly isn't doing him much good. He was undeniably beautiful when he was younger, and he's a talented man. I just wish he had the strength to take a good hard look at himself and let go of the bigoted ideas that were drilled into his head by his crazy father.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

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#59Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 8:17pm

I think I already explained that I wasn't going to attempt to explain what was in her head and why she didn't file a report at that time. It's common to withhold info (shame, fear, etc...) and it shouldn't be held against her.

Who advised her to record the calls? Who leaked the tapes?
Who else had copies of the tapes? Why would anyone other than a judge or her lawyer have copies of these tapes? Why are you not answering these questions?

Because 1) I don't know, and 2) they are not my questions to answer.

Like I said, I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE METHOD IN WHICH THIS NEWS/RECORDING GOT OUT. I am focusing on the bigger picture. The legality and details of the recording and the leaking to me is a separate issue and I personally don't think she should be at fault for defending herself in maybe the only way she knew how at the moment. There is no way this is going to hurt her case, it's only going to make the case against him stronger.

Bottom line is I am glad it is out. I hope it empowers other women to do the same. By the way, I know you aren't defending Mel, but your statements imply that he is a victim as well which I don't agree with at all. He is not this weak little thing that got scammed or set up. I believe what we hear is only a PORTION of what he's put her through and he knew what he was doing the entire time.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#60Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 8:28pm

Romantico, you seem awfully eager to ascribe motives to this woman.

romantico Profile Photo
#61Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 8:52pm

I'm not eager to ascribe to her motives, all I am saying is I do not think she is 100% innocent. I think there are other things to consider,thats all.She knew this was being recorded, he did not. Maybe she usually yells and screams. She knew what buttons to push to set him off. In other words, he has a crazy temper, rage issues, and she knew exactly how to make him perform. How many hours of tape are there where he is not psychotic? Was she advised? How did she allow this recording(which she recorded) to be leaked? If she recorded this, isn't she responsible for the leak? Again, I am NOT excusing his actions at all.If you read my posts and think I am somehow claiming Mel Gibson is a victim, you are wrong. You equate me asking honest questions about his girlfriend as somehow painting Mel as being a victim? WOW!

I just think she is also crazy,just smarter. I'm glad these tapes are out as well. I just do not think it will help her,especially if she lied under oath.I think it was done to humiliate him (can't blame her but does this sound like a sane person?) I think both are sick and even though what Mel did was wrong we do not know the entire story. He said something on the tape about helping her, making her career. He obviously is feeling betrayed and hurt,which would explain his lashing out. He is so worked up and angry and frustrated he sounds like he is out of breath. I do think people like Mel,especially if they a lot of money and power and a huge ego, have an uncontrollable temper.(paging Bill O'Reilly) I think it is like Jekyl and Hyde and I think she was right on the money suggesting he needs to be medicated.I am certain this phone call was not the first time she had seen this side of him.Why not call the police? File a report? Ya see, I am asking these questions. You seem to have all the answers and you feel asking any questions or doubting this woman somehow makes me the bad guy and a Mel Gibson sympathizer. That is beyond ignorant of you to think I feel Mel is a victim just because we are only getting pieces of this story and so far it appear to benefit only his girlfriend.

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-
Updated On: 7/12/10 at 08:52 PM

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#62Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 8:53pm

I don't think any of us have the insight as to what is going on in this relationship in any detail based on two ten minute phone calls.

That said, I agree watching this man ruin everything he has has gone beyond celebrity schadenfreude for me. It's just lurid and sad.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

Popular Profile Photo
#63Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 9:38pm

He didn't know he was being taped, he was feeling betrayed and hurt, his anger is uncontrollable and she knew what buttons to push to set him off...

This is the problem I have with your arguments. All the reasons you give to explain his actions (I understand you are not trying to excuse them) place the blame on HER. You may as well say "if she only didn't do this or that, he wouldn't have acted how he did"

Who are we trying to protect here? Is it better for this to have been documented or for him to have been given a heads up? The question I have for you are why are you so concerned that she didn't "play fair"? She did what she needed to do. Now she has it on tape that he assaulted her and threatened her. Good for her.

We are only getting pieces of this story and so far it appear to benefit only his girlfriend.

You think there could be additional pieces of this story that would benefit him? If so then that is entertaining the possibility of him being a victim as well. Just saying.

romantico Profile Photo
#64Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 10:02pm

No, you are missing my point. He didn;t know he was being taped.I am not making excuses and you appear to understand that I am not making excuses for Mel but then you say these things that make it appear as if I am excusing Mel. That's the problem I am having here. Maybe communicating over the internet is somehow garbling my message.

I have no problem with this tape being released. Sneaky on her part? Yes. Was she maybe looking out for herself and child? Probably. This was why I keep asking who advised her to record the tapes. If it was her lawyer,I feel he should have taken more control. Made her file a police report. Document everything. I am not sure if these tapes can be used in court.A lawyer would have made her get out of the house. File a restraining order. A lawyer would have guided her and protected her and she would have done things to avoid things escalating and been doing them according to the law.If it was her friend who Mel mentions on the tape and she is doing things on her own instincts,that could be very bad.

I do not think anything can benefit Mel however,lets examine this woman's character. Mel was married at the time of this affair. He was not divorced.Mel's record label Icon signed her and he even directed a music video for her.,,20284893_20633423,00.html

I am not saying she deserved to be abused verbally or physically but do you really think this woman is 100% innocent? Do you really think she does not want any of his money? Do you really think she just wants to raise her child away from the public? Come on. Yeah, he probably put her through hell but I think she saw this side of him long ago. You are studying this. You must see women like her all the time. Am I safe to say there is a pattern here between women like this?

Bottom line is, I think Mel is scum and it is sad to see him throw all this away.I think he is sick and needs help. However, I do not think his girlfriend is totally clean and has some issues herself. This is all I am saying. You seem to think by me saying that I am taking Mel's side or painting him as the victim. I do think there is more to this story we do not know and no, whatever there is will not benefit Mel but I must admit, I want to understand his meltdown. I am curious to see how he could fall so deep. I do question her motives but do feel she has been abused and should have taken other measures that would have benefited her in the long run.If you still think I am this jerk for questioning her,then fine. I just think there is more to this that will come out that will show she is not this saint she appears to be and both are crazy in their own way.

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-
Updated On: 7/12/10 at 10:02 PM

Popular Profile Photo
#65Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 11:03pm

I don't think you're a jerk at all. I think you may be mistaking my use of the word 'innocent' to mean that I think she is an upstanding, moral citizen. That is not what I mean. What I mean is that I feel she is innocent of doing anything to cause his behavior. He alone is in charge of what he does and what he says (and probably of what she does and says too).

I think there are a lot of misconceptions regarding domestic violence which is why I think it's important to look at this as an example to learn from.

It's easy to say file a report, get a restraining order, move out, etc. The truth is, it's more complicated than that. When a person is mentally broken down and isolated (from friends, family, finances), controlled, threatened, and blamed, sometimes doing one or more of those things can actually be more dangerous for them without a good safety plan in place.

And since we're sharing links...

#66Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 11:23pm

"I am not saying she deserved to be abused verbally or physically but do you really think this woman is 100% innocent?"

You may not be a jerk you keep framing your point this way and that IS 100% jerky.

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Phyllis Rogers Stone
#67Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 11:42pm

If Mel can't rehabilitate his image it would probably serve his legacy best for him to just die. I don't even mean that as horribly as it sounds. But he's just a real nasty piece of work and combination of alcoholism and that religious piety that he espouses but has spent his existence flying in the face of just don't point to a happy ending.

I feel bad for the girlfriend. Do I think she's a sketchy person? Yeah, of course. But she's got a kid and neither one of them deserve this.

Even if she IS some sort of conniving gold digger, her comeuppance is supposed to be her losing all her money and status that she got while being with the guy and having to back to work at Macy's or something. It would be better if this was happening in the 30s. Yeah, I would imagine ANY woman who decided to get with Mel Gibson in the last few years is probably either missing a few screws or has some kind of angle.

But none of that matters. Doing sh*tty things doesn't mean you deserve to be abused and afraid for you life or the life your child.

#68Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/12/10 at 11:57pm

And fortunately victims being "100% innocent" is not required to find a perpetrator "100% guilty."

It's 100% irrelevant.

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romantico Profile Photo
#69Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 6:14am

All I am saying is the victim is not what she appears to be.I in no way suggest she deserved to be abused in any way shape or form.I just do not think it makes you a jerk by questioning the victim.No has answered my question yet as to why did she not report this abuse back in January? She recorded his phone conversation without his knowledge. In the state of California that is illegal,despite the reasons. This is why I asked if she was advised by an attorney to record these. She is fighting custody of her child and she has broken the law by recording their private conversation.I bring this up because I am sure this will be used against her in a court of law.I wonder if she recorded it for her own well being or if she had other motives(financial perhaps) Who knows. If she had called the cops during the first sign of trouble or abuse there would be no tapes and it would not have escalated to this point.We all know Mel Gibson has issues and is a real jerk now. Reading about the claims in the paper would have been one thing but for this recording to surface I believe was intentional. What you or I think of Mel does not matter to the custody case or the abuse case. I just think she may have more trouble ahead now and she clearly does not need that and it sounds like if she followed the law and got law enforcement involved she would not be facing the problems I think she may be facing.

I'm framing my point of view because I think the fact that he is a movie star sets this apart from most domestic abuse cases. Again, if you or anyone see's that as being a jerk than you just are not getting my point.If she leaked the tapes to the media,no that does not change a thing but I do think it says a lot about his girlfriend,especially now since she swore under oath that she did not. Why did she stay with him if she saw this violent behavior? These are fair questions I am asking and I am sure they have been asked already.

I think Phyllis summed up my feelings best when she said:

"I feel bad for the girlfriend. Do I think she's a sketchy person? Yeah, of course. But she's got a kid and neither one of them deserve this. "

All I am saying is more is to come from this. I am sure more recordings will surface but I also think we are gonna hear things about the girlfriend and the situation we have not heard either. None of it will make Mel look better but I do believe it will show the girlfriend has issues of her own and NO SHE DOES NOT DESERVE THIS! I feel like I have to say that in every post because people seem to skim over that part of my posts.

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-
Updated On: 7/13/10 at 06:14 AM

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#70Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 7:38am

He was undeniably beautiful when he was younger...

...As if that automatically makes you a good person with integrity and/or morals.

tazber Profile Photo
#71Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 8:02am

Did you hear when she tells him he needs medicine and he flips out (again).

He clearly needs something, the guy is unhinged. Did you hear that heavy breathing? I felt like if he had been in the same room with her he would definitely have hit her. Scary.

And her motives (which I'm not even going to try to guess) are a complete non-issue.

....but the world goes 'round

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#72Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 8:28am

Someone who expresses himself in this way and who threatens someone's life has no spiritual ground. He is so in denial if he thinks that he has anything remotely resembling spirituality in his life.

He's absolutely demonic and he needs professional help.

There's a great saying that goes:

"If anybody can make you angry, you are the loser. If anyone can steal your happiness, peace, away from you, you are the loser."

Mel Gibson is A LOSER.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#73Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 8:30am

No one's answering your question, romantico, because no one can.

Popular Profile Photo
#74Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 8:37am

No has answered my question yet as to why did she not report this abuse back in January?

YES, I did. Twice. Third time a charm? OK. I don't know specifically why she didn't but most victims don't just up and announce it when it's happening. They hide it. They minimize it. They tell people that ask about bruises that it was an accident. They do whatever they can to protect their abuser. The reasons why are complex because trauma does crazy things to the brain, including making the person appear calm and collected when really they are terrified inside (look up PTSD and flat affect/withdrawal). If police are called by others, the victim will lie and say nothing is wrong. Unfortunately most cops aren't trained to see the signs.

If she had called the cops during the first sign of trouble or abuse there would be no tapes and it would not have escalated to this point.

Once again your language is accusatory. "If she had only..." as if it were her fault or there was something she could have done better to prevent it. In a perfect world maybe calling the cops would put an end to it but most often NO, IT DOESN'T. Now imagine you're a cop on a DV call and someone appears unemotional and is telling you nothing happened. How much will you really be able to do? Calling the cops can actually be more dangerous to her because imagine what will be coming to her once the police leave. That's generalizing, but hopefully you get the idea.

She is fighting custody of her child and she has broken the law by recording their private conversation.I bring this up because I am sure this will be used against her in a court of law.

That's like saying she shot him in self defense but his lawyers will argue in the custody case that she didn't have a proper license to carry the gun. Hopefully you understand how silly that sounds. The tapes are only going to help her case for custody. I'll ask again, why are you so fixated on the legality of the recording and distribution of the tapes?

Why did she stay with him if she saw this violent behavior? These are fair questions I am asking and I am sure they have been asked already.

Definitely a fair question and one that it the hardest to understand. There is no simple answer. You obviously didn't watch the video I linked you to... it does a good job at trying to explain why victims stay. I recommend you watch it.
