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Mel Gibson's Racist Rant Caught On Tape (now with Audio)- Page 4

Mel Gibson's Racist Rant Caught On Tape (now with Audio)

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#75Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 8:39am

Actually, if I understood correctly (I was brushing my teeth), they were saying on GMA that if a person has reason to believe they are in danger, that the recordings could be both legal and admissible.

romantico Profile Photo
#76Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 9:15am

"if a person has reason to believe they are in danger, that the recordings could be both legal and admissible"

Not sure what to make of that. In the State of California it is against the law to record someone without their knowledge. I'm sure a skilled lawyer can find some wriggle room there, but I was basing my comment just on that,the law.

Popular, you are speculating. You are taking all other cases on women who have been abused and applying that to this case.Perhaps the reason your answer is not sinking in now for the third time is because you don't know, you are guessing. Hell, I don't know her motives or reasons so how do you? I understand you have more interest in this and are probably basing your answer on statistics and you may be right in the long run,but I'd like to hear her reasons.

Again, I am not accusing her of anything other than perhaps following the law.You feel my tone is accusatory? Well, that's your opinion but you are 100% wrong.I feel you are speculating way too much.I've grown tired of constantly reminding you that I do not feel she deserved any of this and that Mel Gibson has no excuse. Even though Mel did something I do not think the public will ever forgive him for, I do not see this all being black or white.I do not think this case is gonna be smooth sailing for her now that this tape has been leaked.I didn't watch your video because it was not Mel's girlfriend explaining some of the concerns I mentioned. I feel asking questions and making people look at another side of this story is somehow making me a sympathizer to Mel Gibson,which is pretty sick. There's nothing wrong with asking questions. I am curious about this case. I am curious about Mel's mental state. I am curious to hear if Mel Gibson's ex wife of 28 years will speak out or if she saw signs of this.Was Mel so obsessed and in love with this woman is he lashing out in this extreme state over feeling scorned?Crimes of passion? Who knows? By me asking I think is pretty normal. We all are disgusted yet fascinated by this case.

She did not deserve this and there is no excuse to Mel's actions.I think more of this story will come out and it won't change anything regarding Mel Gibson. I want some of these questions I asked answered but I want them answered by her,not a poster on a forum speculating or guessing that they know the real story and are giving me the scoop.Your insight is helpful and you may know more about abuse than others here and for that,you are an asset to this discussion. I do not feel you know this woman or her intentions. I think my questions and observations are fair and trust me, I am not the only one asking them.

"The tapes are only going to help her case for custody. I'll ask again, why are you so fixated on the legality of the recording and distribution of the tapes?"

I am not sure the tapes will help her. They could but if she broke the law it could be different.Why am I fixated on the legality? Um, because I am against people breaking the law. You do not seem to think she has anything to worry about here. I'm asking questions I'm sure Mel's lawyers are asking and if she wants custody and justice served she needs to follow the law. Mel abused her and he broke the law. He may go to jail(which he should)She went to the dentist and told him about Mel hitting her. Why didn't he go to the police?

What good are these tapes if they can not be used in court? I'm sure Mel's lawyers will make sure they are not used and if she broke the law and recorded them anyway, it is useless. Not to the public but to the case.

You seem to think by me asking these legal questions I am against his girlfriend. You explain to me why she does not have to follow the law. I want her to get custody but I fear because of this,as you say 'fixation on legality', it may damage her chances.If a lawyer advised her then maybe there is some wriggle room and a way for this to be used that we do not know about. SO, when I ask about legal questions I want to know for a reason not just to give Mel Gibson's girlfriend a hard time, which I think you feel are my reasons(if so,again you are wrong)

I also find it interesting that the recording was from February and they did split until March.I would never talk to another human being like that but to continue a relationship after such vulgarity shows either stupidity or loving devotion(not sure which) This article also says Mel did get therapy after this and is currently still in therapy.Not that it excuses his actions but I am glad for his child's sake that he recognized he has a problem and is seeking help.,,20401383,00.html

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-
Updated On: 7/13/10 at 09:15 AM

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#77Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 10:19am

It's illegal to tape a phone call in California without both parties' consent, but there is exception to that law. According to Cynthia Orr, president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys, people can tape conversations surreptitiously in California if they're trying to gather evidence of a violent crime or another serious violation of the law. Given that Grigorieva's recordings are reportedly on their way to the sheriff's office, that seems to be the case here.

#78Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 10:38am

Romantico, you keep writing longer and longer posts in which you are apparently attempting to explain what you are and aren't against and how everybody is misinterpreting your meaning, but what you end up doing is reiterating that you have no concept of what it means to be the less powerful person in an abusive relationship.

"Why didn't she just LEAVE???" is the exact question the kind of reactionary radio hosts you hate would ask.

I also find it interesting that the recording was from February and they did split until March.I would never talk to another human being like that but to continue a relationship after such vulgarity shows either stupidity or loving devotion(not sure which)

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Popular Profile Photo
#79Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 11:06am

You are taking all other cases on women who have been abused and applying that to this case.
What else can I go off of? You keep asking for answers and that's the best anyone on the board can do.

I do not think this case is gonna be smooth sailing for her now that this tape has been leaked.
No it wont, but not because of the taping and leaking. She has a long hard road to recovery and I hope she gets the help she needs on all levels.

She went to the dentist and told him about Mel hitting her. Why didn't he go to the police? I am curious to hear if Mel Gibson's ex wife of 28 years will speak out or if she saw signs of this.
Both excellent observations/comments.

What good are these tapes if they can not be used in court?
Reginald already addressed that. They can and will be.

I didn't watch your video because it was not Mel's girlfriend explaining some of the concerns I mentioned.
Ummm, OK. No point in continuing the conversation then if you only want to hear from the source.

You don't have to continue defending your curiosity. I think it's healthy and I don't think it means you condone what Mel did. I don't think you're a sympathizer. I think that Namo is right, you have a very limited concept of what it means to be the less powerful person in an abusive relationship. If you seriously want to understand the whole puzzle of this story better - open your mind to that.

Updated On: 7/13/10 at 11:06 AM

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#80Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 11:11am

I'd also like to point out that any person in an abusive relationship is, by definition, less powerful.

A dear friend of mine was being abused by her husband. This woman was extremely smart, well educated, making six figures. And she kept coming to me with stories of abuse. I'd get angry on her behalf, and she'd go into the familiar position of defending her husband.

I think one of the reasons romantico is struggling with this--and not just romantico, of course--is that it's a scenario that, to the outsider, simply defies logic.

Updated On: 7/13/10 at 11:11 AM

#81Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 11:17am

According to the California Dental Association web page: "Licensed dental health care providers in California are mandated to report domestic violence physical assault, and suspected child abuse/neglect and elder abuse/neglect."

Are we presuming that didn't happen? And, even worse, romantico, are you presuming it didn't happen because the dentist decided the woman didn't meet your "100% innocent" threshold?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#82Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 11:19am

There is a way we could expand Romantico's awareness of being abused . . .

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#83Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 11:33am

He was undeniably beautiful when he was younger...

...As if that automatically makes you a good person with integrity and/or morals.

I didn't get that was what he was implying at all. Not like I don't see pretty folk being given a pass for nasty stuff all the time, but I think what Mr Midwest was saying was that he had it all going for it and a combination of addiction and religious mania contributed to him being on the way to losing it all. I dunno. I can't speak for him, but I don't think he was in any way implying that because Mel Gibson was once attractive that that means he automatically had integrity or character.

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#84Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 3:43pm

The 12 Worst Mel Gibson Rant Quotes...
(Presented by Kittens)

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

#85Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 4:03pm

I know a paycheck's a paycheck but I'm surprised so many parents would let their kittens audition for that.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#86Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 4:15pm

Kitty Lohan.

#87Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 4:27pm

I listened to the tape all the way through. It's alcohol, alcohol, alcohol that is talking.

Mel needs help big time. Sadly, this is a guy who's really out of control.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#88Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 4:29pm

He sounds like a "textbook abuser". It's too easy to just blame it on alchohol.

#89Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 4:44pm

The alcohol doesn't talk, it just frees him up to say the things he has already demonstrated he actually believes.

Also, it was his big hammy fists that do the punching.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#90Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 4:50pm

Ya know...we knew he was a hateful f*ck since he said those disgusting anti-gay things back in what? 1991? Way for the rest of the world to catch up!

#91Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 5:00pm

I know. I stopped spending money on his movies back then. And if it hadn't been then there were at least two other times I would have before this.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#92Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 5:03pm

For those who forget...this is what he said to a Spanish newspaper.."They take it up the a** ... this is only for taking a s***,” he said at the time. "With this look, who's going to think I'm gay? I don't lend myself to that type of confusion. Do I look like a homosexual? Do I talk like them? Do I move like them?"

Mel's Early Day Antigay Meltdown

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#93Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 5:22pm

Whoopi totally pulled out the "Why didn't she go to the cops earlier?" argument on The View today. As progressive and non-conformist as she may think she is, she really has some effed up ideas about male/female relationships.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#94Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 5:23pm

So we have 20 years of 'it's for SH*Tting,' 'Sugartits/Jews cause all the problems', 'raped by n*s', and 'fire that wetback'...none of which are as bad as the verbal and physical violence aimed at a spouse. And Whoopi STILL defends the man?

It's kinda like Sandra Bullock being married to a homophobic white supremicist...for FIVE YEARS. Really, American's Sweetheart? You had NO IDEA?

Almira Profile Photo
#95Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 5:27pm

I remember when "Mel's Early Day Antigay Meltdown" happened.

Times were very different then. Even many gay men were cutting him slack because he was so "hot." In the gay community, especially then, being "hot" could let you get away with all sorts of sexist, racist, and even homophobic comments.

Thankfully things of changed somewhat. But I'm still dismayed when I see our lust for hot men blinds us to obvious red flags.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. - Eleanor Roosevelt
Updated On: 7/13/10 at 05:27 PM

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#96Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 5:29pm

Word, robbiej.

Who can forget his outbursts about gay people: "They take it up the ass." Then he pointed to his own derriere, and said, "This is only for taking a ****." Classy. In subsequent years, he's made comments saying that the day he apologizes for homophobia is the day "hell freezes over." Sure, he would later go on to admit that some of his more homophobic comments came when he was drunk on vodka, and he offered a tepid apology for some of his hateful remarks, but the damage to his reputation among LGBT audiences was already done.

In 2004, after The New York Times' Frank Rich wrote a column saying The Passion of the Christ could fuel anti-Semitism abroad, Gibson told The New Yorker: "I want to kill him. I want his intestines on a stick. I want to kill his dog."

Mel Gibson has come under fire for being hard on Jews in his film “The Passion of the Christ” — but apparently, he feels that Protestants are also doomed to damnation. In fact, it looks like Gibson, a conservative Catholic, believes that his Episcopalian wife could be going to hell.

Gibson was interviewed by the Herald Sun in Australia, and the reporter asked the star if Protestants are denied eternal salvation. “There is no salvation for those outside the Church,” Gibson replied. “I believe it.”

He elaborated: “Put it this way. My wife is a saint. She’s a much better person than I am. Honestly. She’s, like, Episcopalian, Church of England. She prays, she believes in God, she knows Jesus, she believes in that stuff. And it’s just not fair if she doesn’t make it, she’s better than I am. But that is a pronouncement from the chair. I go with it.”

PLAYBOY: What about allowing women to be priests?


PLAYBOY: Why not?

GIBSON: I'll get kicked around for saying it, but men and women are just different. They're not equal. The same way that you and I are not equal.

PLAYBOY: That's true. You have more money.

GIBSON: You might be more intelligent, or you might have a bigger dick. Whatever it is, nobody's equal. And men and women are not equal. I have tremendous respect for women. I love them. I don't know why they want to step down. Women in my family are the center of things. An good things emanate from them. The guys usually mess up.

PLAYBOY: That's quite a generalization.

GIBSON: Women are just different. Their sensibilities are different.

PLAYBOY: Any examples?

GIBSON: I had a female business partner once. Didn't work.

PLAYBOY: Why not?

GIBSON: She was a c***.

There's a lot to dislike about Gibson. He is given to furious tirades against homosexuals of the sort that make one wonder if he has some kind of subliminal or "unaddressed" problem. His vulgar and nasty movies, which also feature this prejudice, are additionally replete with the cheapest caricatures of the English. Braveheart and The Patriot are two of the most laughable historical films ever made. (Englishmen don't form picket lines outside movie theaters when "stereotyped," but still.) He has told interviewers that his wife, the mother of his children, is going to hell because she subscribes to the wrong Christian sect (a view that he justifies as "a pronouncement from the chair"). And it has been obvious for some time to the most meager intelligence that he is sick to his empty core with Jew-hatred.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter
Updated On: 7/13/10 at 05:29 PM

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#97Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 5:31pm

I actually instituted my ban on Gibson after that. But, for some ungodly reason, I lifted the ban to see that hideous RANSOM. I mean...WHY? Was I doing some sort of penance?

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#98Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 6:22pm

The man is vile - plain and simple. I can proudly say I have never seen any of his films.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#99Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 6:49pm

His latest film about a man walking around with a beaver puppet may wind up being another The Day The Clown Cried

I was shocked Whoopi defended him saying he was not racist. What the ****?

Poster Emeritus
