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Mel Gibson's Racist Rant Caught On Tape (now with Audio)- Page 5

Mel Gibson's Racist Rant Caught On Tape (now with Audio)

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#100Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 7:20pm

Whoopi clip

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#101Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 7:23pm

Mel never got another dollar from me after that anti-gay vomit poured out of him.

Any hotness he had died that day.

Popular Profile Photo
#102Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 9:10pm

I am so disappointed in Whoopi Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape

#103Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/13/10 at 11:42pm

Whoopi's not all that different from that other Mel Gibson apologist, The Beaver director, Miss Jodie Foster. It's funny how friendship creates an allegiance that helps people excuse the offensive behavior of their friends.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

tazber Profile Photo
#104Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 6:51am

Speaking of Beaver, I wonder if they're even going to release it this Fall. It's been getting good early buzz, but Mel is quite literally a "buzz killer".

And now, there is a new part of the tape that was released (it might be an entirely different conversation actually, I'm not sure).

In this one he uses racial slurs against immigrants and goes on about how he "owns" his baby mama. Owns her. It just keeps getting more ugly and horrifying.

Part I (Monday) - racism and verbal abuse
Part II (Tuesday) - death threat
Part III (Wednesday) - more racism and full out madness

Btw, I'm glad you brought up Jodie Foster, Namo. Has she said anything about these recent developments publically? Being a gay woman (well, allegedly gay) she must surely be offended and hurt on some level by all this. Even apologists have a limit.

Mad Mel brings the crazy part III

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 7/14/10 at 06:51 AM

#105Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 8:27am

According to the LA Times, no one wants to say anything.

"On Monday, representatives for Jodie Foster, Gibson's longtime friend and his director and costar in his new movie "The Beaver," said that she was in post-production and unable to comment. A spokeswoman for Graham King, the producer who worked with Gibson on his recent film "Edge of Darkness" and has been planning a Viking epic that Gibson would direct, said King was on the set of another film and was unavailable to comment.

A spokeswoman for Danny Glover, the often vocal African American actor who costarred with Gibson in the four "Lethal Weapon" movies — the franchise that, with its biracial pairing, helped shoot Gibson to the top of the action-star A-list — chose not to weigh in. "At this time, Mr. Glover does not have a comment, and there is no statement regarding Mr. Gibson."

tazber Profile Photo
#106Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 8:37am

The Mel Mafia!

....but the world goes 'round

uncageg Profile Photo
#107Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 12:23pm

Whoopie evidentally got calls about her statement that Mel is not racist. The "responded" to the calls and bloggers this morning. She says that anyone who say the show knows what she said. I saw the show, and she said he is not a racist. I just lost a bit of respect for her. Watch her rant:

Just give the world Love.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#108Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 12:38pm

She is so full of sh!t (and I speak as a lifelong Whoopi admirer).

She's mad because people called her office and complained to whoever answers her phones? They didn't "have the courage" to say it to her face? Answer your own fcuking phones, then, Whoopster, and I'll tell you what I think.

I think you have no idea what Gibson called you when you weren't in the room. I think that even if you want to give him a pass on this one, you should consider his history of anti-semitic and homophobic remarks. And I think your being a black woman does not give you the telepathic powers to know if someone is racist or not.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#109Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 12:40pm

She *does* have telepathic powers! She won an Oscar for them, remember!


Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#110Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 12:43pm

Good point.

I'm happy for Mel to drop dead, and Whoopi can tell me what he's saying.

uncageg Profile Photo
#111Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 12:46pm

Thank you Reg.

I lost some respect for her this morning. I actually lost some when she defended him. As a black man, I was a bit outraged that she "gave him a pass" on this when he clearly used the "N" word.

Just give the world Love.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#112Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 1:14pm

Yes. Right now I am very disappointed in her.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#113Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 1:19pm

I get that when people you are friends with do bad things, the natural instinct is to defend them. For whatever reason. Loyalty, truly believing in them. Whatever.

But this man has a 20 year history of saying hateful things like this. IN PUBLIC. I can't imagine what he says in private...let alone thinks to himself.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#114Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 1:57pm

I am so confused. People called Whoopi's office and told the receptionist she ought to be raped by n*****s?

I don't even really understand the point she's making once she starts using the voice of the valley girl who gave herself a coat hanger abortion.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#115Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 2:08pm

None of her "points" stand up to any scrutiny, I'm afraid.

#116Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 2:08pm

Oh. My. God. "I understand you don't get it," Whoopi says in there. She's reminding me of the Shirley Q Liquor defenders ("RuPAUL SAYS SHE'S NOT RACIST!!!").

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

uncageg Profile Photo
#117Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 2:47pm

Phyllis, I think she was trying to "lighten things up" but it was too late.

I am reading The View's Facebook page. Some people are defending Whoopie because she did say that we don't know for a FACT that the voice is Mel Gibson's. That's fine. But she kind of skirted around her saying that he isn't a racist and I think that is what is bothering people. Had she said that she has known him for a long time but didn't know this side of him and would wait to see what comes out of this, I would have been fine with that. But she clearly defended him on the racist thing.

Just give the world Love.

#118Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 2:48pm

Whoopi is a serial apologist. Michael Vick, Chris Brown, Roman Polanski. Now Mel. Basically, whoever is behaving in an incontrovertibly vile manner? She'll go to bat for them. I wish it seemed as though she were playing at devil's advocate, but it always seems ignorant and sincere. I'm done with her. I've been done with her since the "rape rape" thing.

Mel is vile. I've been done with him for years. He's the absolute worst. The only thing more disheartening than his hateful insanity is to hear scads of people defend it.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#119Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 3:20pm

Does she really think that all the people who complained didn't see the clip? I know she doesn't understand the internet and all, but the contempt she speaks with about the "bloggers" who took issue with her (as though only bloggers think what she said was completely insane) says something in itself, just as her outrage that people told her assistant or receptionist or whatever she was they took issue with her comments instead of her directly. I guess - like many a celebrity who came from humble beginnings to find herself with fame and wealth - it can all be chalked up to the fact that she's completely out of touch. Maybe that's why she can't/doesn't do stand-up anymore.

It's curious that all the people Craww listed were men. Has Whoopi ever done the apologist thing for a woman who screwed up royally or does she just blame the women who were at the hands of men she's defending?

The View clearly doesn't care about alienating the people who watch it (note the silence on the who DL/DL discussion). And as much as I love a good train wreck, I don't understand why people with any sense still watch this show.

#120Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 3:31pm

I typed "Whoopi Goldberg defends" into Google and it came up with "Helen Thomas" as a suggestion. (I also missed Jesse James in my previous post, apparently.)

So in a sea of terrible behavior by men it's nice that she can defend some terrible behavior by a woman.

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#121Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 3:33pm

I can sort of understand why Jodie Foster wanted to believe that Mel Gibson's anti-semitic rant was only a product of his alcoholism. Apparently she had a great time doing Maverick with him. I would imagine, or, at least, I'd hope, that these phone calls are harder for her to brush aside.

As far as Whoopi goes, she's leaving the fact that Mel Gibson's father is a holocaust denier and a bigot out of the equation. Mel used to defend him in the Aussie press in the 80s when he made crazy remarks. This leads me to believe that his use of racial, misogynistic, and homophobic slurs is a little bit more deeply rooted than Whoopi calling some dude a honky because he cut her off on the road. She either doesn't get the difference, or she's being willfully ignorant.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter
Updated On: 7/14/10 at 03:33 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#122Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 3:33pm

I thought the same thing Phyllis. They called because they saw the show.

Just give the world Love.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#123Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 3:41pm

I've said some nasty sh*t in my life. Everyone I know has said some nasty sh*t. If this were confined to some crazy-ugly utterings, I guess I could understand a friend being willing to stick up for him.

But Goldberg's history of defending men who have caused violence to other living creatures (be it women, men or animals) is shocking. Absolutely shocking. I understand that people are innocent till proven guilty...but STILL. Girl's track record is terrible.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#124Mel Gibson's Latest Rapist Rant Caught On Tape
Posted: 7/14/10 at 3:44pm

So in a sea of terrible behavior by men it's nice that she can defend some terrible behavior by a woman.

I'm not sure why this sentence made me laugh so hard, but it did.
