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The Late Joan Rivers: 'Does this urn make my ash look fat?'- Page 10

The Late Joan Rivers: 'Does this urn make my ash look fat?'

sabrelady Profile Photo
#225God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 3:51pm

"She's being kept alive by machines."
OR she is being given time to heal- cos that is why she was put into the coma.

I stand by what I said- We Don't Know.
I expect in the next few days she'll get an MRI to determine brain function and then they might re assess continuing support.

I get a feeling- Joan will survive but only as a shadow of herself and in a few months.
we'll see this again.

I also keep thinking of Yom Kippur- not that far away- "who shall live and who shall die"

Jane2 Profile Photo
#226God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 4:14pm

"OR she is being given time to heal- cos that is why she was put into the coma"

OR she wasn't able to heal enough while in the coma. It didn't work the way it was hoped. She now is only alive with machines.

I guess it's hoping against hope she survives though.

Well, excuse me. I was under the impression from an article I read that she was being kept alive b machines. I just heard an audio which was different. It didn't mention that at all, so someone stands corrected! Who even knows what's going on.

Updated On: 8/31/14 at 04:14 PM

sabrelady Profile Photo
#227God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 4:33pm

OR she wasn't able to heal enough while in the coma. It didn't work the way it was hoped. She now is only alive with machines

How much time is enough time for it to work?

AND again-




Let it just play out.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#228God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 5:23pm

Sorry if I made you angry, Sabrelady. I made the mistake of taking an article I read for the truth.


Susanswerphone Profile Photo
#229God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 6:34pm

Channel surfing earlier today and hit on an old episode of "Love Boat" with Joan coupled with Alex Rocco. She's worried he won't want her anymore because she had a mastectomy. Very touching scene, by television standards. Kind of eerie to watch given her current state. I'm praying for you Ms. Rivers. You are loved!

She'd love the title of this thread! It sounds like it came right from her mouth!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#230God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 6:36pm

Very touching scene, by television standards.

This might be my favorite comment in this entire thread.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#231God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 8:04pm

Jane I'm not the least bit angry. I just get frustrated w the media who put medical info out there as if it was simple & clear to everyone what it means and frankly it usually isn't. What usually happens after is that people then extrapolate this stuff to their personal situations and then I start grinding my teeth when I hafta deal with it. Hence i keep harping on the No Data available for decisions.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#232God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 8:10pm

I'm going to come back later and post a surprise for everyone in this thread: a never-before-on-YouTube video in which Joan will deliver a special message to FindingNamo and Phyllis Rogers Stone.

It's converting from laserdisc now. I should have it up on YouTube and posted here by midnight.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#233God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 8:20pm

sabrelady, is the "breaking news" about her being brought out of the coma a good sign?

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#234God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 8:24pm

I flunked biology in college in order to see "Fun City," a play written by Joan Rivers, starring Joan Rivers, that literally no one saw. Yes, I skipped the final to see "Fun City," the play that made Joan swear never to return to B'way. I had to take oceanography my senior year to make up for the failed biology exam because I decided to see "Fun City" instead. I am still reeling from the many cold mornings in the frigid winter of 1973 when I arose to attend oceanography lectures when I should've been done with science requirements for my B.A. in English, because I stupidly saw "Fun City" by and starring Joan River. I will never forgive her. I just wanted to establish my credibility for contributing to this thread.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling
Updated On: 8/31/14 at 08:24 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#235God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 8:48pm

What was the name of the play you saw?

dreaming Profile Photo
#236God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 8:57pm

Re: Being brought out of the induced coma, it's a little soon to know whether it's good or bad. I suppose it could be seen to be good. I tend to think it's good that they're doing that. We'll see I guess.

I'm hoping she holds on. She seems like a tough lady, maybe she has a shot.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#237God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 9:02pm

IF- she is being brought out of the coma there are a number of things that might be happening. They want to asses her responsiveness/level of consciousness w/out the meds. They want to see if she can breath on her own. They might need to check her brain function w a MRI or PET scan. I suspect it is a trial and she might have the coma induced again based on her presentation. There are so many variables here It's hard to make a call.

dreaming Profile Photo
#238God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 9:20pm

Is it common to put people back in a coma? I'd think that if she didn't present well, her family would do what was best for her.

I know someone who was in an induced coma and woke up. They are a functional, productive member of society. It's not impossible. I know that age is stacked against her...but I have watched a grandmother who was in worse health prior go through brain surgery and have all kinds of complications...and she's independent and does really well. (And she's older.) There are all kinds of things we don't know. I'm hoping maybe they know something we don't.

#239God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 9:51pm

I saw Joan in whatever Simon play in which she replaced Linda Lavin in the '80s. I was already well and truly over the "Don'tchya HATE...?" of her stand up. I remember thinking maybe she could do dramatic stage work and connect with whatever empathy she might have had left by playing people with different experiences than her own. The scratchy Vegas Throat was already in evidence. Clearly, a lot of scopes must have gone in that gaping maw over the years. But alas she never went to Shakespeare. I will say the VHS recording I had of the TV movie she and Melissa starred in about Edgar's suicide was a prized possession for a while.

I was laughing with it.

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Phyllis Rogers Stone
#240God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 10:24pm

I was trying so hard to find a full-length copy of that but I could only find clips on YouTube. It's weird to remember that once that THAT Joan Rivers was the Joan Rivers who'd had a LOT of plastic surgery.

Susanswerphone Profile Photo
#241God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 10:35pm

So glad you approve, Phyllis. Living for you, just you.

#242God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 10:43pm

Auggie, I looked up "Fun City." Looks like audiences thought it was a real bow-wow.

But Rose Marie was in it too. Did Joan and Rose Marie wear black velvet hair bows?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

sabrelady Profile Photo
#243God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 10:51pm

Is it common to put people back in a coma

No not common but approx 18-30% of people in a medically induced coma may be reinduced depending on how they respond. ie spontaneously breathing, responding to pain stimulus , speaking- those are the signs not to reinduce. Not responding they may try again to see if more time will heal but eventually they have to stop the meds and like i say let it play out.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#244God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 10:53pm

I'm excited to see PalJoey's video. Well, excited and scared. Well, mostly scared :)

#245God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 10:53pm

I just looked up Mel Gussow's original review of "Fun City." Rose Marie played Joan's mother. Rose Marie is ten years older than Joan.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

After Eight
#246God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 10:59pm

"I flunked biology in college in order to see "Fun City," a play written by Joan Rivers, starring Joan Rivers, that literally no one saw. "

I saw it. I know I'm figuratively no one, but literally as well? And I know there were other beings in that theatre as well. Must have been an assemblage of ghosts.

Wishing Joan a complete recovery.

Updated On: 8/31/14 at 10:59 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#247God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 11:01pm

Mark this day, people. It is the first time After Eight has ever said anything positive about anything.

#248God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 11:01pm

I just made it through 3 minutes and 31 seconds of "Romancing the Joan starring Joan, Melissa and Air Freshener." (Because the Piece of Work documentary isn't available for free On Demand.) Well, I mean. I wonder what Melissa thought of Joan calling Sarah Jessica Parker "horse face"?

Yeah Mahhh, that's so funneeeeee-heeeeee-heee-heeeee.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#249God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 8/31/14 at 11:05pm

Neighmo, you are terrible!
