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The Late Joan Rivers: 'Does this urn make my ash look fat?'- Page 26

The Late Joan Rivers: 'Does this urn make my ash look fat?'

#625Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/8/14 at 9:43pm

That made me laugh out loud because it's true!

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sabrelady Profile Photo
#626Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/8/14 at 10:09pm

Tweedily deedily dee, Tweedily deedily dee
Tweedily deedily dee, Tweedily deedily dee
Tweedily deedily dee, Tweedily deedily dee
Tweet, tweet, tweet, TWEET!

Liza's Headband
#627Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 9:29am

Yoko Ono is an ugly POS who will probably meet the same fate as Joan, and quite soon.

Liza's Headband
#629Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 9:49am

Thanks for your beautiful legacy of kindness, Joan! So inspiring to your fans!

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Liza's Headband
#630Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 9:55am

Unless you know something Yoko's biographers don't know, it was already acknowledged Yoko began her pursuit of John as an obsessed fan to the point of stalking. Once she gained access to John, however, she tempered her rabid fansanity; thus gaining his trust and affection. What a despicable woman and traitor.

#631Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 9:58am

Another feather in Joan's angel wings!!

(Of course the head case would hate a Nagasaki bombing survivor who works for peace.)

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Liza's Headband
#632Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 10:02am

Yes. "Peace," that's what they call stalking your prey for monetary gain and propagating a belief system that led to greater violence by the Weather Underground... all in the name of "peace." Right. '

And, no surprise, you pull the 'race card' when I made absolutely no mention of her cultural, ethnic, or racial background. I could give two SH*Ts where she is from. It doesn't change the way she weaseled herself into John's life.

#633Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 10:07am

Only you see the race card. Because you are incapable of acknowledging the humans perpetuating violence against humans card.

Besides, my post was about Joan Rivers, the non-feminist, picking on someone for her looks. Which for some reason caused you to chime in and do the same thing about the same person. This is Joan Rivers's horrible coarse legacy. The abscessory: child of the zeitgeist.

Also, you oughta lay off calling other people stalkers.

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Updated On: 9/9/14 at 10:07 AM

#634Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 10:29am

"Yoko Ono is an ugly POS who will probably meet the same fate as Joan, and quite soon."

What an utterly vile and psychotic (not to mention nonsensical) thing to say. To attack the looks and the character of a person who has lived for peace and art. So Yoko wooed John instead of the other way around - atypical, to be sure, but what of it?

#635Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 10:37am

Well, you know those mysterious and inscrutable Orientals! They have ways that are not understandable by powerful white men. John Lennon defended her against attackers like Joan and 'case until he died, only because she had magically hypnotized him and taken away his free will.

Headcase should start using the hashtag #I'mDim4Joan. Or in Joan's case, hash hag.

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Liza's Headband
#636Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 11:45am

I liked Joan, but I would not consider myself a fan or Joan Ranger. Yoko Ono is much more dangerous than Joan Rivers ever could have been.

You and Ghostlight are clearly naive to the actions Yoko took in the 60's and 70's. I encourage you to read up on her dangerously radical political leanings, and how her push for "peace" is used to veil her more insidious objectives.

Even without taking that into account, Yoko was a truly terrible and deceptive woman who willfully polluted John's mind and planted the seeds that led to the severing of his numerous friendships. She used her obsession to isolate him in his final years. It's a downright shame.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#637Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 11:59am

Oh, for crap's sake. Start your own crapping thread if you want to crap off crapping about some crap in your head that has nothing to do with anything and about which NO ONE CARES.

This thread is for talking about JOAN.


Not your crappy crap.

#638Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 12:29pm

To be fair, Joan started it. If only Joan were critiquing Yoko's naive '60s politics, but she wasn't. She was mocking her looks. As did the head case. Joan's politics, to the very end, were more naive than Yoko's 50 years ago. And the "centrist's" perfectly parallel Joan's pronouncement that it doesn't matter who is elected, they are "all exactly the same." THAT is pernicious and incorrect.

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tazber Profile Photo
#639Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 1:07pm

Kind of OT, but have any of you all heard Yoko's musical New York Rock?

I love it. Still play the cd frequently.

Ok, back to Joan now...

....but the world goes 'round

#640Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 3:03pm

Somebody here once bragged about insulting Yoko within earshot at one of the performances. Perhaps it was one of Headcase's earlier personae?

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Liza's Headband
#641Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 4:40pm

You would not find me inside insulting her. You would find me outside protesting her.

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#642Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 4:56pm

So funny that Liza's feels threatened by perceived mental instability. Too close to home, dear?

ANYHOO! Not sure if anyone has posted it yet, but Margaret Cho wrote a hee-larious breakdown of Joan's funeral.

Edit to include story

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali
Updated On: 9/9/14 at 04:56 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#643Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 6:00pm

Odd that Margaret Cho misreported the punch line as "pusSy." Howard said "vagina," like Joan always did, because "vagina" is funnier: "Joan Rivers had an extremely dry vagina."

Both Margaret Cho and Lady Bunny got it wrong and posted that he said "Joan Rivers had a dry pUssy."

#644Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 7:21pm

It's really just splitting white hairs at this point, though.

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sabrelady Profile Photo
#645Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 8:17pm

Oh just use a toothpick and spit them out.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#646Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 8:26pm

Uhhhh...ohhh... like you neva!... Grow Up!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

PalJoey Profile Photo
#647Joan Rivers, Icon
Posted: 9/9/14 at 11:26pm

But why would Lady Bunny and Margaret Cho prefer "Pussy" over "vagina"?

#648Joan Rivers, in mahogany head-to-toe, then an urn
Posted: 9/10/14 at 12:13pm

From today's Times article detailing the medical calamity that befell our nation's heroine:

"Was there adequate prescreening of Ms. Rivers? Despite her appearance enhanced by plastic surgery, she was 81 years old and had admitted to a history of bulimia and heart arrhythmia."

Makes her jokes and excuses for the jokes at the expense of people like Adele all the more infuriating. To thinking people.

And the finger in the throat/gagging bit. So funny. She made fun of herself first. And so gracious.

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Updated On: 9/10/14 at 12:13 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#649Joan Rivers, in mahogany head-to-toe, then an urn
Posted: 9/10/14 at 1:27pm

Bumped to make it easier to find the 1982-1985 Joan/Shirley/Debbie/Liz timeline, which is on page 6 of this thread.
