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True Blood Season 6

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#275True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/28/12 at 1:16pm

Aw, back atcha, baby. Enjoy your bloody idol.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#276True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/28/12 at 1:20pm

I'm going to print it out and bring it to him tonight and ask him to sign it for me.

Wynbish Profile Photo
javero Profile Photo
#278True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/28/12 at 3:24pm

I am so relieved that Bill released Jess before his transformation.

Just think of the ramifications had he not. I shudder at the thought of Billith having complete dominion over baby vampire Jess.

For some sick reason, I think it fitting that Jess be the one to off Billith next season which I'm hoping will be the last. Smart money is on Sookie though.

IMO the series has nearly run its course. I sensed that the writers' biggest challenge this season was working around Anna's pregnancy. There were a couple of episodes in which she really looked preggers.

I'd love to see a spin-off featuring Pam, Erik, Jess, Tara, and Steve Newlin without Sookie and the other supernatural baggage, set in a more urban locale. Kristin Bauer van Straten was brilliantly cast. I love me some Glamazons!

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 8/28/12 at 03:24 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#279True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/28/12 at 3:27pm

I was in the camp of thinking next season should be the last as well until Sunday nights episode. If THAT is the new standard they set for themselves, I'm happy with it running forever.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#280True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/28/12 at 3:28pm

Yeah, I think Billith will give new energy to the show.

And isn't it still HBO's highest rated show?

I hope badass-Viking Eric is more prevalent next season. Amnesiac and rational, then faux-religious Eric weren't 100% as fun. Updated On: 8/28/12 at 03:28 PM

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#281True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/31/12 at 8:14pm

I loved the edning. My friends are sharply divided, but that seems to happen every year (and the people who are disappointed with True Blood in my friend circle tend to not take it for what I think it is--a campy mess where they throw in everything).

My only real worry is there are SOOO many open ended stories for next year--more than every other season which usually has one major cliffhanger. A part of me thinks this is Alan Ball's gift now that he's leaving as headwriter so that the new showrunner will have many starting points.

But the cynic in me can't help thinking he's saying "Ha! Look what I left you with!". It's been done before--I can think of many successful soap opera headwriters, and also superhero comic book authors who leave their works on a high only to have the new writer in completely at odds with what to do, and it falling apart. I know HBO claimed that Alan Ball will remain as official consultant, but he made it very very clear in his after show chat that, while he says he of course loves the show and is eager to now be a viewer, he wants as little involvement as possible as he felt worn out by it... He didn't even act coy to the comments about whether he might still pen an episode, etc.

I am curious to see what's next (and the new showrunner, Mark Huddis, while his main claim to fame seems to be as an exec producer at That 70s Show of all things, is buddies with Ball--they worked together on Cybil, and did script three of the strongest episodes of the last two seasons of True Blood), but a part of me wonders if it should have ended now. I'm excited to see what will happen with Warlowe, and Billith, but I can also see Billith becoming a comic book supervillain, and the show just overstaying its welcome.

While I, unlike many fans, loved how the show had so many characters and stories (even if sometimes I felt they could be integrated better together--something they improved on this season--it's a lot to leave someone to deal with. And while there have been examples, in my comparison to daytime soap operas and comic books, of new writers coming in and doing a fine job of dealing with the end of the previous writer's run while adding their new stuff, I can't think of it working *once* on a primetime show. (OK, I never watched, but i guess people thought West Wing when John Wells replaced Sorkin was at least... OK, but...)

Wynbish Profile Photo
Wynbish Profile Photo
EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#284True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 3/9/13 at 4:03pm

Hrmm, it seems a worry when a new showrunner bails before his work has even made it to screen. I know Ball has said some guarded comments about how he wanted the show to end last year and how others opened up the ending--I love True Blood for all its campy excess and will keep watching, but am kinda worried about the change in showrunner.

(That link isn't quite right--Ball is an EP on Banshee--which I like but doesn't seem to be making much of anb impression--but not involved in the writing as he has said.)

#285True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 3/9/13 at 4:16pm

You watch a lot of TV!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#287True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 3/10/13 at 8:02pm

Thank you!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#289True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 3/31/13 at 9:39am

Holy shiz! Was that Rutger Hauer?!

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

Wynbish Profile Photo
#290True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 3/31/13 at 10:18am

It indeed was. He is a new vampire. Hopefully along the lines of Russell who I, for one, will miss.

True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right?  (Spoilers within)

He plays Macklyn, but maybe he's Warlow as well? Updated On: 3/31/13 at 10:18 AM

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#291True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 3/31/13 at 2:13pm

Rudger is sixty-freaking-nine. How is that possible?

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

E.Davis Profile Photo
#292True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 3/31/13 at 3:01pm

Please give Pam more to do tis season.

"I think lying to children is really important, it sets them off on the right track" -Sherie Rene Scott-

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#293True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 3/31/13 at 11:16pm

And not a werepanther in sight!

OperaBwayLover Profile Photo
#294True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 4/1/13 at 1:01am


I like what one poster said about Rudger. He might very well be Niall, Sookie's fairy grandfather. Awesome character in the books.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#296True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 5/4/13 at 1:50pm

I was hoping Bill would be soaked in bloody gore permanently.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#297True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 5/4/13 at 1:56pm

I know! I'm curious to see where they go with that. Although Community suffered this year after the loss of its showrunner, I'm hoping that True Blood rises above the loss of Alan Ball. At least in True Blood's case, he left willingly, whereas Dan Harmon was ousted from Community.

Glimpses of Jessica, Tara, and Pam make me so happy. If only there was a way to bring Nan Flanagan back!

javero Profile Photo
#298True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 5/4/13 at 2:24pm

For the love of all that is nonliving, please tell me that I didn't just glimpse the aftermath of Billith & Jess doing the nasty.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#299True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 5/4/13 at 2:53pm

I rewatched it to see if I missed that the first time, but I didn't see it. The only time I saw Bill and Jessica together was near the end where it looks like he's carrying her.
