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True Blood Season 6

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#550True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 3:26pm

Liza, can you PM me who dies. I ain't got time for looking. lol I am assuming I know, but hoping I am wrong.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

#551True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 10:35pm

It has been stated that G-d did "create Lillith" along with Adam and Eve. But, this was exposition by Nora, if I recall correctly, who has since stated that there are misinterpretations of the Vampire Bible. So, that leaves room for a few plot twists as things get re-interpreted, presumably by the end of this season.

Nora and Eric also argued in this episode, or last, that "I spent my entire life worshipping that b***h..." or something to that effect, implying that Lillith may have been made into some sort of deity that the Authority and its vamp followers, worshipped *as* a god. That, combined with the "misinterpretation of the Vampire Bible" thing means we could find out that the Authority was just some cult among vampires and the whole thing was made up.

Doesn't explain how it seems factual, in True-Blood-land, that Lillith is Warlow's maker.

I still don't get why Lillith didn't die when he opened the cave and burned her with sunlight in 3496 BC, nor why Warlow didn't kill himself millennia earlier, if he was suffering so much.

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

Wynbish Profile Photo
#552True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 10:43pm

There's so little room between plot twist and plot hole...

And why did Warlow kill all the faeries in Hot Wings anyway? You'd think he would have a little more control since he killed his village. It's been thousands of years. The crazy viking has more control.

Fun Vulture interview with Rob. I especially like the last question.

#553True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/16/13 at 11:01pm

Thanks, Wynbish! Very cool article.

He does say that they decided that he's in control of himself in daylight, and succumbs to the vampire side of him and lets go, at night. So, that makes sense, but they haven't explained it on the show in those terms. The attacks on the fairy club and on his village were both at night. I never caught that he was in solitary confinement in the "other realm" for 20 years, and that Claudine put him there. Do you recall that being shown in the series...? I wondered what he meant when he banished Niall and said "I survived 20 years, a king can survive much longer."

And what kind of name is Warlow, anyway? Wonder what "Warlow" means in Aramaic... There's nothing Hebrew that I can think of that relates.

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

E.Davis Profile Photo
#554True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/17/13 at 2:40pm

It interesting to think how different the dynamic of the show would be had Anna Camp gotten Sookie.

"I think lying to children is really important, it sets them off on the right track" -Sherie Rene Scott-

Wynbish Profile Photo
#555True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/17/13 at 3:09pm

I love Anna Camp, but I can't see that...

One more question: If Lillith fried in the sun, how was her blood preserved for The Authority to put in the vial and for Bill to drink?

It could be like for the Sacrement of Christian communion, "Christ's blood" is quite often wine or grape juice. But Bill's drinking of it changed him to where he can control pull the "as your maker" card on Warlow and can survive a staking

I love this show, and I ask because I care. I just wish things were clearer Updated On: 7/17/13 at 03:09 PM

javero Profile Photo
#556True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/18/13 at 10:22am

Fandom on steroids...
Charlaine Harris threatened by fans over final Sookie Stackhouse novel

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

#557True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/20/13 at 12:20pm

POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT AT LINK (an anti-spoiler, though, as it does NOT say who, supposedly, dies):

According to this, the episode entitled "The Funeral" was changed to a couple of different titles, and references Andy's daughters. Also, Eric is mentioned in E. 6 and E. 7 as taking some action regarding characters, so it doesn't look like he's the one who dies...

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

Wynbish Profile Photo
#558True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/20/13 at 11:20pm

I can't link it from my phone, but the trailer for the rest of the season that was shown at Comic Con is on YouTube. Anna Camp is having a grand old time

ETA: I can post this with the phone. A live blog of sorts of the panel at Comic Con. Not really spoilery, as most answers seem to be the typical "you'll just have to wait and see".
Ryan got Rob excited... Updated On: 7/20/13 at 11:20 PM

#559True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/21/13 at 10:30pm

Wyn, the last couple of years, a video usually surfaces on YT with the actual TB panel at ComicCon. can't seem to find it, this year, but one presumes it would be posted pretty soon.

As for tonight--holy cow. (Spoiler alert: NOT the death part. Though that was pretty sad.)

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

Wynbish Profile Photo
#560True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/21/13 at 11:27pm

I saw some videos of the panel. The interviewer was horrendous. A good bit of tonight was in the preview of the rest of the season, especially the Warlow/Sookie scenes (get it, grrl!)

Still don't understand why Sookie couldn't just blast Lafayette, but whatever. Damn though, she just met this guy, and she already has a blood bond. Can't blame her.

The Eric/Nora stuff was good.

Still can't stand the Billith scenes. Unlike last year, the vampire story this year is so strong, and the Billith scenes take a bit away from it. I'm sorry, but Eric should have gotten the governor, not Billith.

Ryan Kwanten really acted the hell out of the scene where he had to watch Jessica almost sleep with that guy.

Alcide needs a better story like he needs a haircut. It was interesting that at the comic con panel, a fan even asked him if he likes his story arc this season.

I had completely forgotten about Terry's suicide deal until he stepped outside. I blame the show for that. Updated On: 7/21/13 at 11:27 PM

Liza's Headband
#561True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/22/13 at 12:21am

Terry is gone. Finally! Good riddance!

Wynbish, I am now dying for Jessica and Jason to reunite. Their one, brief scene together was something special and unique. Even though they couldn't see each other. But we know they're just setting us up for this new vampire dude to come in and be Jessica's new beau. Ugh

Alcide is the worst this season. He has probably had the most noticeable decline in character development from last season to this season. It's a shame, too. Really loved Alcide in Seasons 4 and 5.

The vampire story is so strong. You're right, Wyn. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Also, I have to wonder where the departure of Emma leaves Nicole and Sam. What's next for them? Do they develop some kind of irrelevant subplot, ala Terry and Patrick, or tie back into this at the end somehow?

#562True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/22/13 at 12:24am

Kill Alcide. Joe Lemonjello is such a non-entity. WHO can't make a werewolf character work? Oh, probably that penis-nosed kid from Twinklight, but still.

The best thing about this episode, and I think it's great, is that it finally gave me a reason to root for the vampires again.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Liza's Headband
#563True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/22/13 at 12:32am

Amen to that, Namo. They actually have us caring again and rooting for the vamps!

Question. With Terry dead, three of the four fairy daughters dead, and Emma back with her mother, are there any other random subplots that haven't been close to resolved yet?

It feels like they're finally cutting off all the fat that grew from the monstrosity that was last season and refocusing the story.

#564True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/22/13 at 12:56am

Haha, sorry Wyn, but I disagree. I don't blame the show for that, I've got to point at you (in fun, of course). The entire episode, given all the "someone's gonna die in Ep 6" rumors, had me going..."hm, is it going to be Terry who dies? It it going to be Nora who dies from Hep V? (Except she's not a series-long character, so I knew it wasn't going to be her.) Is it going to be Eric, seemingly all trapped in that cage and subject to injection or other torture, like Nora? (Except that he's central to the series and the idiots who thought Eric would be killed off will always be wrong, unless it's the series finale next year.)?" Then they went and glamored him and made him all happy, and the whole drawn-out Merlotte's scene before he went to take the trash out was so obvious...because it wasn't a "suicide." Remember, he wanted that creepy friend of his to do it "because I don't want to see it coming?" That was sad, I really did tear up. But they jumped the shark with his storyline last year with that Ifrit crap, sad to say. So maybe he wants off the show, and more power to him.

That said, they could totally have streamlined his and Arlene's storyline this year, the way they are doing with the others.

A friend of mine said, "whenever they give Sookie a new love interest, they make the previous ones suddenly very unlikeable." So true. Poor Alcide, he's the victim of that, this year. I usually enjoy most of Sam's sub-plots, despite the fact that he's always lovelorn...but at least they remain consistent with him, both in the show and heck, he was that way in the books, too.

Kwanten and Jessica really did make good showings tonight, they're so interesting. But yeah, looks like she's made a new buddy at vamp camp. (Fyi, the actor who played new vamp "James" was the kid who played the other bastard kid they found, in the last season of "Brothers and Sisters." Wonder if he and Rob Kazinsky have the same agent, as they both were guests on that show together, first.)

That said, I keep rewatching it...only for the Warlow/Sookie scenes. What a neat actor Kazinsky is, and it's nice to see them having real, human conversations that actually explain what's going on, create sympathy for him, and set them up for lots of potential ways the story can go.

And yet, THAT said, I predict Warlow will only be around til the end of this season and be killed. Sookie digs him and he's probably good for her, but I predict she will ultimately reject the idea of him turning her, Lillith will be exorcised from Bill's body, and Warlow will allow himself to be killed to end his suffering.


PS--EDIT: And yes, I found myself rooting for the vamps, too! I wondered, when Eric summoned Willa to glamor the guard and manipulate him into giving them keys, why they hadn't done this from day one, in that joint. The vamps suddenly have looked all emasculated and scared, and...they still have their powers. They ALL could have been doing that, this entire time...couldn't they?

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland
Updated On: 7/22/13 at 12:56 AM

#565True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/22/13 at 1:10am

Is there a sparknotes paragraph version of that anywhere?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#566True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/22/13 at 1:17am

Haha. I don't know what that is, but get the idea.

Sorry for the length. What can I tell you...I have a lot of thoughts about the subject. :)

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

Wynbish Profile Photo
#567True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/22/13 at 9:32am

Liza, Emma back with her grandmother only closes that portion of the subplot. The pack will still be after Sam, especially since Martha didn't bring Emma back to the pack. That's why Alcide told him to go somewhere where the pack won't find him, and with Terry's funeral, Sam presumably will come back.

And what was with the naked lady eating a bucket of chicken? I'm all for empowerment and artistry through nudity, but having someone be naked for the heck of it is annoying and an abuse of the rights that comes from being on a premium channel.

Liza's Headband
#568True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/22/13 at 11:10am

"and with Terry's funeral, Sam presumably will come back."

I completely forgot that a lot of the storylines will probably get tangled together because of the reunion and all, if not most, of Bon Temps showing up for the funeral.

"I'm all for empowerment and artistry through nudity, but having someone be naked for the heck of it is annoying and an abuse of the rights that comes from being on a premium channel."

TB used to be guilty of that a lot more frequently in the earlier seasons. Compared to their past gratuitous use of nudity, I noticed they have cut back a lot. Maybe that's why this moment stood out so much more? Not sure

javero Profile Photo
#569True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/22/13 at 11:14am

When did Tara and Willa become such fast friends?

As for Eric exacting revenge on the governor, I sense that this season has been all about making Bill badass. He's the most feared vampire on the series finally which offsets his slightness in stature compared to Erik as well as Pam and Jessica with heels. It worked for Russell Edgington as well because he appears tiny compared to the rest of the cast.

All Warlow had to do was show Sookie his fangs and she was back to letting her little light shineTrue Blood Season 6 Guess that's why Jason once described fangs as like twin hard-ons.

And finally, we now not only have Lilith appearing in Bill's dreams but Destiny's Child as well with a 12 year issue of blood.

Praise Lilith!

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#570True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/22/13 at 11:55am

All I want to know is why kid wolves can't have Funions...

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

#571True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/22/13 at 12:05pm

Never introduce a bag of Funions in an episode if it doesn't go off in the season cliffhanger.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Wynbish Profile Photo
#572True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/22/13 at 10:31pm

All Warlow had to do was show Sookie his fangs and she was back to letting her little light shine

Attagirl! Was that light coming from Warlookie supposed to mean something? Or is that just regular lightgasm from a vampire/fairy pecker and a precious fairy vagina?

javero Profile Photo
#573True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/24/13 at 8:58am

That lightgasm is worrying me. I haven't read the books so I naively ask could it be possible that Sookie's now knocked up by Warlow? If so, those fae cubs (or kitties) are likely to have a one week gestation period.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 7/24/13 at 08:58 AM

artscallion Profile Photo
#574True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/24/13 at 9:16am

And what would the baby be? I'm assuming it wouldn't be any part vampire since vamps are made, not born. And since vamps are dead, could something dead even be born? And on the other hand, Sook & Warlow are both only part faerie. So can a part faerie create a whole faerie. And if there are two part faeries, does that change things. Would the baby be 3/4 faerie to match the combined faerieness percentage of both parents? These are questions that keep me up at night.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.
