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Trump tests positive for covid19- Page 2

Trump tests positive for covid19

uncageg Profile Photo
#25Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/3/20 at 11:12am

SmoothLover said: "Saturday Night Live is having to scramble with their skits for tomorrow night. One can only imagine what they were originally planning."


Was thinking about that last night. Trumps doctor is about to give an update. It seems he has been tweeting about mail in voting this morning. I think SNL should do what they planned. I still don't trust that this is all on the up and up.


Just give the world Love.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#26Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/3/20 at 1:25pm

So, it's now been confirmed by his Doctor. Trump knew he had it Wednesday morning. He chose to get on a plane and go to several events, not wearing a mask, being in close quarters with people, shake hands with people and attend a rally. He should be placed in jail immediately, but since that will not happen, let's do our parts to make sure he does not get a single vote next month. 

Updated On: 10/3/20 at 01:25 PM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#27Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/3/20 at 4:37pm

I know that Jim Carrey has signed on to play Biden on SNL which means he probably is doing it through the election season.

I just wonder if Trump knew he had it earlier in the week but continued to take meetings and appear at Fundraisers. 

Chris Christie has tested positive and it is alarming given he is twice the size if a Trump. 

javero Profile Photo
#28Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/3/20 at 8:46pm

The potus put in appearances at 5 potential super spreader events after the Rose Garden shindig for the scotus nominee last Sat. The fundraising event in Westminster, NJ was the height of recklessness. How could anyone at this point be convinced of this bush league administration's ability to manage a public health crisis or to respond adequately to a natural disaster?

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 10/3/20 at 08:46 PM

MCW1227 Profile Photo
#29Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/4/20 at 11:41am

He should be highly criticized for his and his staff’s actions for spreading this virus, not to mention his inactions in preparing for the onslaught of this virus. Unfortunately, unless one of these high level officials gets very sick or dies, it will just be perceived as a virus that comes and goes.  The faithful cult will praise their “strength and courage” to fight it off.  They won’t give the 200k that died and tens of thousands of others that had life changing medical conditions a second thought.  

Be Kind

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#30Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/4/20 at 12:45pm

“The thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it." - Neil deGrasse Tyson

javero Profile Photo
#31Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/4/20 at 12:59pm

My girlfriend is trying to advance a conspiracy theory about the identity of Patient Zero in Trump's inner circle.  According to her, it ain't Hope Hicks who she suggests is simply taking one for the team.  I would share the name but don't want this thread pulled by the moderators.  I'll simply challenge each of you to perform a simple mental exercise.  Who is the one person who was at the garden party, flew to/from Cleveland with potus, sat in on the debate, has easy access to potus, and is the lone holdout wrt to disclosing "her" status???  Only Newsweek has inquired into her status during the outbreak at the WH.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 10/4/20 at 12:59 PM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#32Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/4/20 at 1:23pm

I think this is the nail in the coffin for Trump’s re-election chances.

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#33Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/4/20 at 1:43pm

MCW1227 said: "He should be highly criticized for his and his staff’s actions for spreading this virus, not to mention his inactions in preparing for the onslaught of this virus. Unfortunately, unless one of these high level officials getsvery sick or dies, it will just be perceived as a virus that comes and goes. Thefaithful cult will praise their“strength and courage” to fight it off. They won’t give the 200k that died and tens of thousands of others that hadlife changing medical conditionsa second thought. "

Herman Cain did die. And they didn't care then. So the chances of that happening are very slim.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

#34Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/4/20 at 4:07pm

Not only did Herman Cain's death have little impact on the 45 cult's feelings towards Covid, his family, or whoever took over his Twitter account, tweeted, from his official account, about it not being that serious AFTER he had been dead for several weeks.

javero Profile Photo
#35Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/4/20 at 6:19pm

Dude is willing to put his security detail and their family's at risk for free publicity.  Did anyone see the impromptu motorcade assembled at the hospital so he could go on a joy ride and sneak in a photo op?  WTF!!!

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
#36Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/4/20 at 6:25pm

They are also admitting that he was Symptomatic as early as Thursday.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#37Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/4/20 at 6:29pm

He doesn't care about anything other than winning. He doesn't care if he kills his entire staff. This is what sociopaths do, why anyone would still be shocked at his behavior is beyond me. 

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#38Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/4/20 at 6:59pm

OMG would someone chain him to a bed.....does he not care if he passes it on to someone else? How does he sleep at night. What a child.....

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#39Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/4/20 at 7:13pm

As I said, a sociopath doesn't care what happens to other people.

javero Profile Photo
#40Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/4/20 at 7:15pm

I drove past the hospital earlier today. There is a sizable throng of his supporters along the periphery of the campus, most without masks. Someone in the car ahead of mine flashed a Biden-Harris sign with the windows up. Trump's supporters on site booed and a couple flipped the bird.

I usually can't stomach CNN but Sanjay Gupta and the other invited docs have been calling BS all weekend on the timeline and Dr Sean Conley's scripted updates. I've done my share of "spinning" and "managing expectations" in my own profession far more than I care to admit. But, my obfuscation, circumlocution, and double talk have never had any bearing on the health of another human being.

If the guy doesn't pull thru this, be prepared for his followers to turn him into a martyr. At least the doctors over at CNN are not afraid to suggest that his condition is far worse than his medical mouthpiece Dr Conley is willing to divulge. From Trump's team, it's been all happy talk.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 10/4/20 at 07:15 PM

Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#41Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/4/20 at 9:26pm

I am like most on here, not a fan of the President, as he the very definition of a narcissist that borders on a psychopath (he is willing to risk other people’s lives, to further his own gains) today’s drive around demonstrates this, which is kin when he walked over to the church in Washington D.C. and take the bible. However I am not American, so cannot vote. (unfortunately)

Do you think that the President could spin this to his own advantage and go on and win the election?

javero Profile Photo
#42Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/4/20 at 9:41pm

That publicity stunt was timed to occur ahead of the opening of the Asian markets. US stock futures rose as a result which should carry through to the opening of the London bourse and eventually the 9:30 am opening in NYC. He's the most transactional person on the planet. Invigorating his base of rubes was gravy.

Stock futures rise after Trump motorcade appearance

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

uncageg Profile Photo
#43Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/5/20 at 11:13am

javero said: "That publicity stunt was timed to occur ahead of the opening of the Asian markets. US stock futures rose as a result which should carry through to the opening of the London bourse and eventually the 9:30 am opening in NYC. He's the most transactional person on the planet. Invigorating his base of rubes was gravy.

Stock futures rise after Trump motorcade appearance


Yup. Saw the report on NHK last night and thought of your post.


The really sad thing about his stunt was that no other covid patient in a hospital got to go outside and wave to friends or family. It was almost like a slap in the face to people who have actually suffered or died in a hospital. And he says "He gets it now". No, no he doesn't.


Just give the world Love.

javero Profile Photo
#44Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/5/20 at 11:42am

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany tests positive for COVID-19

I take no pleasure in reporting anyone's covid-positive status. I'm simply sick of Trump's inept sycophants who derided the one WH staffer who's routinely worn a mask, Hope Hicks, as well as Biden.

It's sad when the sanest person in the Trump White House has been Omarosa.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 10/5/20 at 11:42 AM

#45Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/5/20 at 12:41pm

SmoothLover said: "I think this is the nail in the coffin for Trump’s re-election chances."

I have crossed fingers and toes...but even after BJ caught it, his approval rating went up. Like...I will never understand ratings for reasons that have nothing to do with politics. This world really is about appearances...

javero Profile Photo
#46Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/5/20 at 12:56pm

Two of White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany's staffers test positive

It's time for the DC health department to shut down the West Wing. Contact tracing has been a joke.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 10/5/20 at 12:56 PM

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#47Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/5/20 at 1:19pm

Hospital staff.  White House staff.  Police.  Guards.  Secret Service.  Unknown others.  Who paid their salaries to participate in this disgusting bit of political theater?  We did.

Non sibi sed patriae

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#48Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/5/20 at 5:29pm

Now he is saying he should be re elected since his having covid19 gives him a better understanding of the virus over Biden. Talk about spinning something.

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#49Trump tests positive for covid19
Posted: 10/5/20 at 5:34pm

I have just read where that trumpet said , ' I feel better now that I did 20 years ago'.

Does that person have ANY brain cells left? It appears that there is a slow combustion going on there and a complete melt down is about to happen.

His actions, speech, attitude are all headed in the direction for a Ratched lobotomy-hopefully.
