Featured Actor Joined: 2/11/08
i love the tony's if it was just on one local ny cannel i could not watch it because i live out of state and i love broadway and theatre.
Bryan. you didn't hear? they cancelled the TONYS
... I miss MammaRose <} that was a fun sock puppet.
Swing Joined: 5/12/08
...I for one will just watch the first part of the Tonys on mute, with sondheim playing in the background. There, problem solved!
Elephants and Giraffes waltzing up the aisle to...
What a waste of airtime CIRLCE OF LIFE is. We could've gotten numbers from LM and YF instead; shows that are ironically enough the two biggest draws for CBS's ratings this year most likely. Or maybe a medley? Anything but the same exact number they did 10 years ago.
...so we still don't know any of the eight regular performances for certain?
it's two weeks away- when are we supposed to find out?
Featured Actor Joined: 2/11/08
Swing Joined: 4/22/08
Have any of you seen the TONY pool at www.theproducersperspective.com? They're giving away a free I phone. Looks pretty cool!
Oh dearie me, it's a sock puppet.
Why are all of your posts about either that Tony pool or "didhelikeit.com", Mikey?
Swing Joined: 4/22/08
Ok I thought that was a cool offer so perhaps I got overzealous. Didn't mean to be a sock puppet
Still Think Gypsy should do the Strip, or gotta have a gimmick
well i think we can all safely say that "gotta get a gimmick" is probobly not getting performed, whereas the nominated musicals usually try to feature at least one nominated performer. (a notable acception was the kiss me kate revival that performer "too darn hot" instead of anything showcasing their nominees.
Are there still tickets left for the Tony's? I was going to call today but thought I'd ask on here first...
Swing Joined: 6/4/08
In my opinion, Gypsy should do "Together, Whereever we Go", as all 3 of the nominated stars would get to perform, however I hope they do "Everything's Coming Up Roses" or "Rose's Turn".
I found out my ticket... there is one left. I didn't get it because I wanted to go with someone... too bad, I wish I could have seen the Lion King and Rent Original and the Tony's in general... if anyone is giving up 2 tickets, please please let me know! Even thought I doubt it haha
I would love for GYPSY to do "Together". It's a really fun number that shows off all three principals really well.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Oh please God don't let them cancel the Tony Awards.
This thread is so pointless. It's so annoying opening it everyday and still seeing TBA.
GYPSY should do 'Everything's Coming Up Roses' it features all 3 leads. And showcases Patti. They WILL want to show showcase Patti.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/24/07
"GYPSY should do 'Everything's Coming Up Roses' it features all 3 leads. And showcases Patti. They WILL want to show showcase Patti."
Though that would be phenomenal I would like them to see them do Together because Laura and Boyd don't do anything in Everything's Coming Up Roses except stand there. This is by far the strongest Rose, Louise, and Herbie in history so i think since they all have a chance at winning a tony they should do a number that will showcase their talents. I have always hated when someone wins a tony and they are not mainly featured in the tony performance.
I honestly doubt they will do TOGETHER. It does NOT showcase Patti.
'Everything's coming up' is a show-stopping moment for Patti. At least Boyd and Laura can be featured in it. Trust me, Patti is the selling point of this show and they WILL want to showcase her.
she's going to LuPwn the entire telecast. I'm excited.
it's Tonys. NOT Tony's. stop writing Tony's