Maybe a Sondheim tribute will be the opening?
Where have you been?! Hello?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
They're doing TLK ala Sondheim!
Except, how do you do that?
Perhaps at the end of the song Rafiki could slit Simba's throat?
Broadway Star Joined: 12/9/06
High School Musical??! Oh no, that makes me want to throw up.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Well someone asked and I was just guessing. Sorry
"ITH" (according to what I have heard- and as Dancin' posted)
going to perform "96,000"-
Who would you want in the HSM number I would want: Patti, Chita, Bernadette, Nathan Lane, Joel Gray, and Brain Stokes Mitchel. Who would you want in the HSM number?
All those divas in Get Your Head in the Game with Whoopi as the main singer...AWESOME!
Thanks for posting
We have to have Carol Channing and Elaine Stritch in HSM song too!
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/20/05
I find both somewhat disheartening. WHY would they open with a 10-year-old show and WHY would they do a number for which the performers are now way too old? This is to be a celebration of the current season, not hoary old chestnuts. There's plenty of material from the current season -- we don't need to be reminded about ancient shows.
haha elaine needs to join in at the end of breaking free and take the mike from troy.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Stritch can sing:
Here's to 9th graders at lunch!
Trading tater tots!
Heading to 5th period art
Then off to the yearbook
Worried they're flat-
ninth graders-
I'll drink that!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/15/05
Can someone please explain to me why High School Musical, which has never been on Broadway, is now getting even more over exposure on the Tony Awards?! Insane, and distressing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
It's probably only within theatre boards that HSM is known to be performing at the Tonys. Mind you, it's still unconfirmed. So there.
If and when it performs, perhaps it's for those people who can't get their families to New York and wait for a touring production... like HSM... in their town or nearby city.
Understudy Joined: 5/17/08
In response to the Patti/High School Musical picture:
*Save As*
Any word on the Sondheim tribute?
If they do not make time for a special tribute to him, I will not watch. I hope a couple of you guys join me in boycotting should that happen.
LOL. Should Sondheim be ignored and if we all didn't watch the Tribute to Rent and High School Muzakal...sorry...The Tonys, they'd probably lose all their viewership.
tourboi said: "Can someone please explain to me why High School Musical, which has never been on Broadway, is now getting even more over exposure on the Tony Awards?! Insane, and distressing."
That's easy. Because the broadcast of the Tony Awards is for middle America in an effort to say -- "Hey there's real live theatre instead of just movies and TV. Come to New York and you can see it". And since young middle America knows about High School Musical, they just might tune in and turn on -- as opposed to "huh? what's Passing Strange" or "In the Heights? Is that about a hot air balloon ride?" Is now the time to talk about all the young people coming to New York just to see Grease and those "famous stars" they saw on TV?
Just telling you WHY -- not saying I agree with it.
Updated On: 5/30/08 at 04:35 PM
Stand-by Joined: 1/22/08
whoopi and patti should 'bop to the top!'
I so wish they would go back to doing scenes from the nominated plays. This is one the chance for plays to get some free publicity, yet it's only musicals (which have cast albums to promote themselves, and can perform numbers on the talk shows) that get to perform on the Tony broadcast.
That would be nice, but I think I read somewhere a few years ago that the scenes from plays don't go over well with viewers. However, it would be great to see the dining room table scene from August: Osage! Still not sure why High School musical is performing outside of them going for ratings. It needs no publicity. It is coming here and the commercials are all over the place. I think they should include performances from Young Frankenstein, A Catered Affair and Legally Blonde. Since the entertainment shows don't cover Broadway much, the awards are the best way to get the shows some exposure. Just my thoughts.
Featured Actor Joined: 2/11/08
crybaby does not have a cast cd to help it .
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/29/07
I find it strange, that the one year in which ALL four Best Musical Nominees and all four best Revival nominees are still open for Tony Award time(something which hasn't happened for atleast 7 years now), that THREE extra performances are being scheduled. PLUS two extra awards! is this thing going untill 12:00 or something?
The two extra awards are pre-recorded along with the other design awards.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/2/08
Is it really nessary to have a number from that awful LION KING? It is a show I almost walked out of as it was so BORING.
As for boycotting the Tonys, that would mean the end of their being telecast. The ratings aren't really great and boycotting the show would make them worse then CBS would not pick them up again. If the show opened with a tribure to Sondheim, middle America would immediately switch channels.
Let's be realistic about the telecast. If it is just for NYC fans, it would be on only one NY local channel.