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Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here

Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#0Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 12:18pm

Well, no one is talking about this event, so I thought I'd start it.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

#1re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 12:48pm

I don't go for two weeks. Early reports are very promising.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

#2re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 1:16pm

A Daily News profile of the guy in charge of tickets at the Delacorte:

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

#3re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 1:23pm

He is the nicest man, so kind.

I'm shocked that anyone would spit on him! But there's a lot of kooks in this city.

WesternSky2 Profile Photo
#4re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 2:39pm

People who plan to pull all-nighters need to heed the park rules. Between 1 and 6 a.m. there's a curfew, so ticket wanna-haves move to Central Park West and reform a line there. "I don't like the idea of people waiting 12 hours or more," says Lutman. "But they have. And they will."

*confusion* How does the line even stay in order that way?

#5re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 2:42pm

I'm seeing this on the 11th. I am looking forward to it since I have never seen a production.

I did a book report on this play in the 8th grade and a paper on Brecht when I was in the 9th grade. After those two Brecht pieces I knew more about Brecht than the entire English and theatre departments in my high school. This is not to say I knew very much, but they knew nothing.

This was 40 years ago.

"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true. And that would be unacceptable." --Carrie Fisher

HughE2030 Profile Photo
#6re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 2:44pm

My friend got to the Delacorte Theater at 6AM. He was 50th in line. His wife told me the line wrapped around a bit, then went almost to the end of the park (1/4 mile). He got his tickets at about 1:45PM

BluCat500 Profile Photo
#7re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 2:50pm

At the risk of sounding dim, I need to ask where does the line begin before the curfew, at the public theater or at the delacorte?

So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life.~Office Space
Updated On: 8/8/06 at 02:50 PM

#8re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 2:54pm


It's like back in kindergarten -- everyone moves single file in a line. Trust me, NO ONE tries to jump ahead of their place in line ....... unless they have a death wish.

Hugh --
6am? Already? For a first preview? Damn. First previews for Park shows are usually pretty casual since word has barely gotten out that performances have started (I've had friends show up an hour before showtime and get in). Clearly not for Ms. Streep though. It's gonna be a long hot summer for the folks in line at the Delacorte (and The Public).

I've seen a couple of productions that were good, but not great. It's perhaps my favorite play, so I have high hopes for this, especially given the creative staff involved.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

#9re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 2:57pm

Bluecat --

The line begins at both places before midnight. The Delacorte is in Central Park, which is closed between 1am and 6am, so the line begins in front of the Delacorte, moves out to Central Park West at 1 and then back into the park at 6. The line on Lafayette Street at The Public stays in the same place all night and morning (no curfew on city streets).

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney
Updated On: 8/8/06 at 02:57 PM

#10re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 3:00pm

I've seen a very good production of Mother Courage and it was surprisingly funny, a lot of humor in it.

WOSQ, you were reading and writing about Brecht in 8th and 9th grades? Sounds like you were a child prodigy.

You must be Craig Lucas! re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE?  Post your thoughts here

#11re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 3:01pm

I am quite excited by this production. I budgeted my chunk of change donation at New Year's so I was able to plunk down the cash. I don't have a day to wait in line, and I didn't know who to try to sleep with although I'm a bit long in the tooth for that....

There was a production at ART in Cambridge, Mass in the 80s that there was talk of it coming in. The title role was played by Linda Hunt. Now that's casting. As usual the large cast scared off backers.

"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true. And that would be unacceptable." --Carrie Fisher

WesternSky2 Profile Photo
#12re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 3:01pm

Oh kindergarten... fun. Man, this system is great! hah. So now which line would be best to line up in? Or does it really matter?

AC126748 Profile Photo
#13re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 3:09pm

Tomorrow night for me. I'll post a short review.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

#14re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 3:10pm

Are we allowed to drink on the line?

Because nothing cures confusion more than a tall bottle of vodka...

#15re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 3:16pm

NYC laws aside, people have been known to drink discreetly in that line, BSO. And I guess, in the park (not on Lafayette) it actually may be legal (and the theatre staff could care less).

Not sure if either line is really better/shorter in terms of your chances of getting tickets. I suppose the park is more comfortable and is at least shaded with trees.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

keatonbynumbers Profile Photo
#16re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 3:17pm

I'm going on the... 15th, I think? I can't remember. We were going to try for the 13th and realised we would have just been getting back from the Ravinia Festival and would've been exhausted.

But I'm incredibly excited. Mother Courage is one of those pieces that I've studied extensively in school and have never gotten to see. I've always liked it okay, but I'm hoping I can appreciate it more once I've seen it.

teebz Profile Photo
#17re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 3:36pm

I think i'm going to wait on the line next wednesday.

Since it's still in previews-do you think if I get there around 5 that I'll have a shot at getting semi decent seats?

Also, is there some sort of a stagedoor for these performances?

#18re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 3:39pm

Gate 1 is the stage door. Good luck.

Margo, I'm so glad we have sponsor seats already. It was worth the splurge.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#19re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 4:07pm

What's the deal with leaving to go to the bathroom? I'm most likely planning on going it alone in line, and I want to make sure I won't leave and not be able to get back in line. I don't think my bladder will last for 12 hours. Any details are appreciated.

#20re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 4:10pm

There's a nearby decent bathroom and you can leave and come back to the line for that.

In Central Park while you're in the Park, anyway.

I don't know about at The Public after hours.
Updated On: 8/8/06 at 04:10 PM

#21re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 4:12pm

I thought I heard it was slightly less crowded downtown. Is this true?

EDIT: Typically. Updated On: 8/8/06 at 04:12 PM

#22re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 4:13pm

Sometimes, but when Meryl was playing The Seagull, it was rediculously crowded and they were camping overnight at the Public.

#23re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 4:14pm

It's totally fine to leave for 15 minutes or so for bathroom breaks, to grab food/beverages etc.... just tell the people next to you in the line and there won't be a problem. It's only when people leave for hours that anyone might make an issue out of it.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

#24re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/8/06 at 4:22pm

Hey I'm an intern at shakespeare in the park, and saw most of the first run-through and the first 20 minutes of the last dress rehearsal today (with frequent comments thrown by george c. wolfe). I have nothing but great things to say about the show. First off, Meryl is absolutely fantastic, and commands the stage even while whispering. Kevin Kline is hilarious, as is Jenifer Lewis and Austin Pendleton. The whole production is greatly directed and the new translation is much better, with an abundance of dry humor and witty language. The music seems to be an eclectic mix of all different types of war and folk music, from all countries involved in the 30 years war. The uniting element in all the songs seems to be the trumpet and the percussion, played excellently by the musicians.

The last people to get tickets today came between 8:30 and 8:40. Obviously as the show progresses, it will be harder to get tickets. The runtime of the show at this point is around 3.5 hours, and of course there is an intermission. If you guys have any questions, I will try and answer all of them until I have to leave at 6:30 tonight. Be sure to buy merchandise when you are at the show, and support the public theater.
