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Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here- Page 3

Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here

Me2 Profile Photo
#50re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/12/06 at 3:52am

Does anyone know what time people have been lining up at the public for tickets? I know for the 1st preview it was like 10:30 but I'm assuming it has gotten earlier.

#51re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/12/06 at 2:43pm

I've been enjoying this run a lot. I just wished people bought more merchandise from me, the annoying kid on the line with the brown hat who sometimes sings for you all.

#52re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/12/06 at 3:13pm

I remember you, brainpolice23. You were very charming - Not the least bit annoying. Updated On: 8/12/06 at 03:13 PM

#53re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/12/06 at 3:21pm

thank you. I hope you enjoyed the show Rose.

Sandy in Sable Profile Photo
Sandy in Sable
#54re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/14/06 at 4:28pm

I read this today at

Theatergoers Snub Streep and Kline

Fans who got a sneak preview of Meryl Streep and Kevin Kline's new play were left so unimpressed by the performance, some walked out after just 20 minutes. The Hollywood stars appeared in Bertolt Brecht play Mother Courage And Her Children earlier this week at New York City's Delacorte Theater. But despite many audience-members lining for hours to see the show, some became bored by the production's heavy content. The New York Post reports around 100 members of the 1,892-strong audience left early, with one theatergoer quoted as saying, "Meryl is brilliant, but the play itself is boring, tortuous - it needs judicious cutting. A number of people left after 20 minutes. Many didn't return after intermission and then, three hours in, during a long song by Kevin Kline, they were pouring out." The show's publicist Arlee Kriv insists no cuts will be made to the play: "The show is what it is - a long show." Kline took over the role of The Cook from Christopher Walken, who dropped out last month.

#55re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/14/06 at 4:38pm

Brecht's shows have always been hard for people to sit through because they require the audience to think and not just sit back and enjoy the show. You have to work to enjoy the show- and in the end it's a most rewarding experience. I guess those who left after 20 minutes won't ever experience that.

All I have to say- having seen the show- and hopefully will again after it opens- is that Meryl is amazing- as is the show in general- but she really is just mesmorizing in the role.

It's a long show- so bring some caffeinated beverages- but I've never been to a production of Mother Courage where I've left the theater in less than 3 hours- and this is the most thrilling production of the show I've seen.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#56re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/14/06 at 4:53pm

"Brecht's shows have always been hard for people to sit through because they require the audience to think and not just sit back and enjoy the show."

Not for nothing, but my favorite types of shows are the ones that force an audience to think and engage rather than to sit back and be spoonfed. Unfortunately, this show--or perhaps this particular production of this show--drags beyond belief in my opinion. I still got something out of it, I just think what is being said by the play could have easily been better and more effectively expressed if the play didn't waste so much time. The pacing can be brutal.

#57re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/14/06 at 5:21pm

Liz Smith's thoughts:

"I HAVEN'T MUCH PATIENCE with the people who are carping that "Mother Courage and Her Children" at the free Shakespeare in the Park event, starring Meryl Streep and Kevin Kline, is too much play and too long for audiences to bear.

People may have left during the first night but on the second night, I noted only one pair of deserted seats at the intermission. (Outside, eager New Yorkers were jumping up and down, begging for "tickets . . . just one; have you got one?")

This incredible presentation of the Bertolt Brecht drama by the Public Theater called many great giant talents. Tony Kushner did the translation and it's crisp, profane and profound. The director, the estimable George C. Wolfe, has made a miracle; I can't imagine how he wheeled an enormous cast of what looks like hundreds of soldiers, camp followers and derelicts around Riccardo Hernandez's rusting, bashed-up set and kept the pace so fast and furious.

The spark plug of this 3-1/2-hour drama is that paragon of American stage and screen, Streep. As a hale, hearty, sexy woman hauling her children, pots, pans and the things she has scrounged in a wagon across Sweden, Poland and Germany from 1642 to 1636, she is indomitable. She is also all fire and ice, bravado and fear, ever bouncing back in adversity. A strong, liberated woman ahead of her time. And speaking of time, there are many modern touches in this play -- costumes and props cross the centuries. This isn't just about the Thirty Years War; it's about war!

The audience "gets" the timeless Brecht take on that. What a horrible thing it is, while at the same time "it's good for business." Actor Streep is ably assisted by many worthies, especially when Kevin Kline, as an army cook, re-enters the scene. (Mr. Kline is that rare thing you seldom see anymore; a really impressive leading man!) Meryl is onstage for most of the evening, doing impossible things, having memorized millions of words and phrases and moves and takes and leers and frowns and groans and tears. This is bravura acting at its best! We are privileged to see the re-creation of this Brecht masterpiece.

My own caveat? I could have done without the Brecht songs even with their excellently devised new lyrics. To me they felt like stage-waits in an otherwise haunting, hurting and harried drama. So that's the Philistine in me.

People are all but killing to try to get into this brief event, ending Sept. 3. I don't know what to tell you; I was lucky. But go and be part of a real glorious city experience. Stand outside and yell at everyone, "Got any tickets? Just one!" You may be lucky."

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney
Updated On: 8/14/06 at 05:21 PM

#58re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/14/06 at 5:28pm

Well, most people complain about the songs in his shows anyway.

GYPSY1527 Profile Photo
#59re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/14/06 at 5:40pm

I adored the show and the songs! Brillant all around production. Like I've mentioned before, I didn't love or hate 3Penny but I loved everything about this. It resonated with me more, I guess.

Happy...Everything! Kaye Thompson

#60re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/14/06 at 6:18pm

Liked it, didn't love it, but the cast does wonders.

#61re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/14/06 at 9:32pm

I think people think it's longer because the first act and second act are basically the same length (they have runtime down to a hundredth of a second written on a sheet of paper in the voms). People are used to 1h 45-50 minute first acts followed by second acts that barely reach an hour. This gives people the impression that the show is longer than it is, in my opinion.

ps: Meryl Streep touched the tote bags in the merch booth.

Or so I'm told.

bta212 Profile Photo
#62re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/14/06 at 9:52pm

Meryl??? STREEP??!!! Touched the tote bags??? HERSELF??? You wouldn't toy with us, would you brainpolice? Because I'm now going to buy them for EVERYONE for Xmas, and if I find out she only, like, LOOKED at them, or had her assistant touch them for her, or some bulls**t like that---man, I'm going to be peeved.

"They have never understood, and no reason that they should. But if anybody could . . . " --SS

#63re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/14/06 at 10:04pm

brainpolice - I will come visit you!

PalJoey Profile Photo
#64re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/14/06 at 11:03pm

It does, after all, take place during the Thirty Years' War...

I'm bringing chocolate-covered espresso beans.

WesternSky2 Profile Photo
#65re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/14/06 at 11:28pm

Brainpolice, I'll be at the show Wednesday night. I may have to come say hi! re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE?  Post your thoughts here

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#66re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/15/06 at 12:33am

"I think people think it's longer because the first act and second act are basically the same length." It's just long.

#67re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/17/06 at 12:58am

Just got back.

Let me say that this was the most amazing theatrical experience I've ever had. Meryl Streep and all are absolutley perfect and, with the exception of "The Song of Solomon" sung by Kevin Kline, there was really no weak moment.

The show does not drag on, though the seats are uncomfortable (sorry brainpolice for not buying your merchandise, ie: seat cushion, although you tried hard to sell it to us.)

Anyway, Meryl has a fatastic voice and gives an extraordinary performance. How she can make it through this three hour performance each night is beyond me. That's talent.

Everything else is superb - especially Jennifer Lewis as Yvette. (Who we had the pleasure of meeting before the show thanks to an unfortunate, yet comical, experience.) Tesori's music, except the afformentioned song, is all great and never once dull. It's jazzy military.

Kushner's adaptation is extremely funny. Could things be cut? Yes. Should they be cut? No. Why? Because it all works. I spotted him and Wolfe in the audience. Wolfe is another one - he did a fantastic job with the whole thing. There were a few moments I thought could have been changed - he used a lot of the same things over and over - but, as I said before, it never bored me.

#68re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/17/06 at 1:00am

I wonder how the lines are.

#69re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/17/06 at 1:02am

We got there at 10. Lined up outside Central Park (at 81st and Central Park West).

At about 12 another person came and by 5 am, when they let you inside the park, there were maybe 20 people on line. By about 10 am, or so, the line stretched to 86th street.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#70re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/17/06 at 8:29am

Seeing it tonight. Can. Not. WAIT!

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#71re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/17/06 at 8:35am

I was there last night, too. Liked it a lot but definitely didn't love it. However, this is probably the best production of this notoriously hard play that I've ever seen. Meryl really is perfect and Jenifer Lewis steals anything that isn't nailed down. "The Ballad of Mother Courage" is beautiful.

WesternSky2 Profile Photo
#72re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/17/06 at 12:28pm

I was there last night with Bso. It was absolutely incredible. Meryl Streep gave the most amazing performance I've ever seen. Her voice is beautiful. I have to mention Alexandria Wailes, who played the daughter Kattrin. She was absolutely amazing, and her last scene is heart wrenching.

What Meryl does at the end of act 2 is something that can't be described. I was sobbing. It was beautiful.

Kevin Kline is given the worst song in the show. He does what he can, but the song isn't great. I thought the rest of his performance was great, though, I tended to hate the character.

It was an amazing experience, to say the least.

#73re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/17/06 at 5:22pm

I'm glad you guys enjoyed the show. I felt bad b/c I think I interrupted a conversation you were having w/ Jenifer Lewis. I think the version you saw on Wednesday had a few changes from earlier previews (I think for the better). You guys are real troopers sleeping over in the park. I hope you all enjoyed the experience, and if you can't afford seat cushions I'd say bring a pillow or something from home.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#74re: Anybody going to see MOTHER COURAGE? Post your thoughts here
Posted: 8/17/06 at 5:37pm

I will look for you tonight, braincop.
