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BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...- Page 8

BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...

#175re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/12/09 at 5:32pm

My thoughts on the first preview:

The design: I really liked the sets. I liked that they were very simple and geometric with bright colors. I also enjoyed the costumes. Especially the Sweet Apple families, each with their own respective color. I think that the treadmill worked well. As for the projections, I think that the falling rose petals in ?Rosie? was a little corny, but other than that they added to the design.

The choreography: I really enjoyed the choreo. For ?The Telephone Hour? and ?A Lot of Living to Do.? However for me, ?Happy Face? was boring and the worst part of the show. I was actually waiting for it to end. Even if John Stamos isn?t much of an dancer, the six girls are, have them tap or do something that ?wows? the audience.

And now the actors:
Gina Gershon: Miscast. A great actress who is just plain bad in this role. She acted the part okay, but her singing and lack of dancing made a Rose a boring character, which she shouldn?t be at all. Her best part was ?What did I ever See in Him,? which still didn?t reach it?s full potential.

John Stamos: Overall, he was okay. He wasn?t bad, but he needs to improve, which I think he will. He needs to do some character work, but his singing was fine.

Jayne Houdyshell: One of the best parts of the show. She was hilarious. A few jokes didn?t land as well as they should have, but given some time in front of an audience, she?ll be amazing.

Bill Irwin: Definitely not what I was expecting in Harry, but he was great. Absolutely hysterical.

Dee Hoty: Not a large part, but she played it very well. She got a few laughs, and really worked well with Bill Irwin?s Harry.

Allie Trimm: She also was very good. She sounded great, and as time goes by I?m sure she will find more laughs.

Matt Doyle: He was great. He has a great voice, adding him into ?One Boy? was a great choice. However, I felt very awkward watching him kiss Allie.

Nolan Funke: I thought he was fine, he has a good voice, no he didn?t stand out much, but he is not as bad as everyone is making him out to be. I also think that Birdie is only in the show to show how he affects the people around him. Feel free to disagree, but I think that he is supposed to blend in during ?Honestly Sincere? and let the girls and the hysteria have the attention.

The Kids: I thought they were great, and did not see them as too young.

The Sound: bad, bad, bad. I was in the front row center mezz and it seemed like they were whispering. I think if everything was a bit louder, the energy level would have been a little better. I also thought the orchestra was a little thin, but this could have been the fault of the sound design.

Overall the show has potential, but a lot of work needs to be done. The pacing of the show needs to be a little faster, and the cast needs much more energy. I really like this show, and hope that this production can reach its full potential.

babyuno Profile Photo
#176re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/12/09 at 6:37pm

How does one get a audio of the show? I see two people said they did and I would like to get one please

#177re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/12/09 at 6:38pm

>>>"Nolan Funke: I thought he was fine, he has a good voice, no he didn?t stand out much, but he is not as bad as everyone is making him out to be. I also think that Birdie is only in the show to show how he affects the people around him."<<<

Conrad Birdie is a pivotal character in the show. Yes, he is supposed to show how affects those around him but this poor lad doesn't do that. I was wondering WHY the females in Sweet Apple were swooning over him. He lacked swagger and the animal magnetism that would justify his growling during his songs. He should NOT be blending in with the crowd.

In my mind, Funk is a more egregious casting error than Gershon.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#178re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/12/09 at 7:14pm

Yeah, i see what you mean. I think that they chose a Birdie more in line with todays stars that the girls go crazy for (Zac Efron, The Jonas Brothers), a pretty boy. Which I agree does not make much sense in the context of the show.

#179re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/12/09 at 10:48pm

Just so you all know, if you go to a certain site and type in bye bye birdie broadway (searching from the newest), something might pop up (involving kids singing over telephones). Just sayin'.

blaxx Profile Photo
#180re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/12/09 at 11:26pm

Eek! I hope tweens don't laugh and applaud like caffeinated dummies throughout the whole thing, just because. That pisses me off so bad.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

#181re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/12/09 at 11:35pm

Well one was because Allie made her entrance.

blaxx Profile Photo
#182re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/12/09 at 11:45pm

I don't know of any "Allie" who deserves an entrance applause on Broadway.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

frontrowcentre2 Profile Photo
#183re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/13/09 at 12:10am

And you say, so what? Critics get to give their opinions. what makes them different from me?!

Mainly because critics and reviewers (not the same thing) are invited by the show producers to come and see the show when it is deemed "finished" and write a commentary on it. The producers do not invite reviewers to attend the first preview.

But after all, you invested time and money in seeing the show and by reading this thread people here obviously want to knhow the production is doing.

've seen some well considered criticisms here and the usual snarky comments from those who seem to think negative reviews impress more than positive reviews. They don't. But if you take all the comments here combined you do find consensus on some aspects.

It is worth remembering that BIRDIE is not - and never was - a top tier show. It was a hit in 1960, and remains popular in community and high school stagings but the show is far from perfect. If done well it can be fun an entertaining but it's no GYPSY.

Cast albums are NOT "soundtracks."
Live theatre does not use a "soundtrack." If it did, it wouldn't be live theatre!

I host a weekly one-hour radio program featuring cast album selections as well as songs by cabaret, jazz and theatre artists. The program, FRONT ROW CENTRE is heard Sundays 9 to 10 am and also Saturdays from 8 to 9 am (eastern times) on

babyuno Profile Photo
#184re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/13/09 at 1:11am

Thank you :)

Gypsy9 Profile Photo
#185re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/13/09 at 12:03pm

Dollypop, your various comments on the original production of BYE BYE BIRDIE are right on the money. Its principal strength was the work of director/choreographer Gower Champion who had a light touch, notwithstanding the raucous goings on onstage. The closing number "Rosie" is a good example, ending the show in a quiet, tender way. I saw the original production and howled my way through its very funny script. Of course Chita Rivera, Dick VanDyke, the peerless Paul Lynde as Harry MacAfee and the equally peerless Kay Medford as Mae Peterson, along with Dick Gautier as an obnoxious Conrad Birdie, all hit the ball out of the park. The casting was perfect. The original production was delightful in all ways. After reading the above entries, I am reluctant to see the Roundabout production. They don't seem to have tried very hard.

"Madam Rose...and her daughter...Gypsy!"

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#186re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/13/09 at 1:14pm

Allie Trimm is getting entrance applause? Oh lord.

#187re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/13/09 at 3:05pm

Every named character got entrance applause. It was the first preview.

blaxx Profile Photo
#188re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/13/09 at 3:09pm

Well, that's annoying and unnecessary.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

#189re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/13/09 at 5:31pm

>>>"Every named character got entrance applause. It was the first preview."<<<

The house was filled (papered?) with friends and family. They all showed up at the stage foor afterwards.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#190re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/13/09 at 5:57pm

"The house was filled (papered?) with friends and family. They all showed up at the stage foor afterwards."

The first preview of Birdie was not papered at all, nor was it filled with friends and families. Everyone in the theatre that night was there with one of the $10 tickets bought at the special Box Office Opening event. There were no house seats, there were no special holds for cast/crew. Even cast members' friends and families had to (and did) wait on the line.

#191re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/13/09 at 6:43pm

So friends and family couldn't cough up the $10 ticket price?

The place was teeming with family members. The stage door was flooded with family, friends and bouquets of flowers.

I ask you!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#192re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/13/09 at 7:25pm

I really respect your opinions Dollypop Champion is what made Birdie universal and a triumph and instead of honoring champion the new director has gone ahead and ruined his great work. to conrad is supposed to be the older elvis type who causes an up roar and rebellions and thats excactly what kudish proved in the '95 remake and it looks like funk has not. Updated On: 9/13/09 at 07:25 PM

#193re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/13/09 at 7:29pm

"So friends and family couldn't cough up the $10 ticket price?

The place was teeming with family members. The stage door was flooded with family, friends and bouquets of flowers.

I ask you!"

If there were friends and family members there, they bought there tickets in line just like everyone else, believe it or not. I wasn't denying that they were probably there in full force, I was just saying that the theatre wasn't papered.

LoLsmileyFace Profile Photo
#194re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/13/09 at 7:35pm

"Bye Bye Birdie" was one of the most professional shows that i have seen. I'm not going to give a review of the show, but it blew me away.

The most extravagant part of the show was the teens.

Allie Trimm was simply amazing. its very astonishing how someone so young could have such great theatre abilities as her.

All the other teens brought so much life to the stage. Each dance move was so precise and the singing ability of these kids is prodigious. And to make a comment on these teens sexuality, thats just shows the level of some "bloggers" maturity level.

If any of the teens read this, don't let these immature comments bring you down. you are all amazing and so talented. Keep up the great work =]

blaxx Profile Photo
#195re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/13/09 at 7:41pm

That was one of the most professional reviews I've read on this "blog".

Your level of writing is prodigious, keep up the good work! =]

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

#196re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/13/09 at 8:51pm

>>>"If there were friends and family members there, they bought there tickets in line just like everyone else, believe it or not. I wasn't denying that they were probably there in full force, I was just saying that the theatre wasn't papered"<<<

That's exactly why I put the word "papered" in parenthesis and used a question mark.

Learn to read, DryToast1.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#197re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/13/09 at 9:27pm

This show is all about teen sexuality, LOLSMILEYTWAT. I bet you're a fake shill, not even a real one, like the time I pretended to be a Grease! shill named LilMissLynch.

#198re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/13/09 at 10:39pm

"That's exactly why I put the word "papered" in parenthesis and used a question mark.

Learn to read, DryToast1."

I can read Doll. I was just saying that in case you did indeed think that it might have been papered, I was letting you know it wasn't. I wasn't looking to irritate you...just clearing things up.

Marquise Profile Photo
#199re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/13/09 at 10:46pm

LOLSMILEYTWAT?!!! Damn Phyllis that was a bit harsh don't you think?
