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BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...- Page 6

BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#125re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 2:20pm

John and Gina took pictures and signed for anyone who asked. They were both very nice.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#126re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 2:22pm

Nice to hear. Thanks!

#127re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 2:22pm

As I had a long wait before my train's departure, I stayed around at the stage door to observe. Most performers did take pictures with their fans and all of them were nice to the crowd. Nolan Funk insisted on shaking my hand, even though I hadn't extended it nor had I asked for his or anyone else's autographs.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

ljay889 Profile Photo
#128re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 2:27pm

From one of the adult cast members' twitter

"don't. read. chatrooms. sad sad sad toxic people. lets lift, edify, and celebrate theatre and the brilliantly talented people who entertain."

and in a reply to another tweet

" wasn't-there are snarky bway chatrooms that rip on everything-deserved or not-It's grossRTwhat were you doing in a chat room"
Updated On: 9/11/09 at 02:27 PM

#129re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 2:56pm

I love that Natalie Hill makes herself available like that.

She's correct.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#130re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 3:01pm

Those "sad, sad, sad, toxic people" are the people who are paying to go see the show...

I love how quickly cast members get bitchy and defensive against the message board if the general consensus is negative but are positive and cheerful if we liked it.

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#131re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 3:04pm

To echo others, EVERYONE was so sweet at the stage door! Stamos' people kept saying "no more" and he continued and took quick pictures. He also took the time to talk to me which was lovely. Gershon got to me at the end and her people also said "that's it" and I made a ridiculous sad face at her and she said "just this one more". So great.

dramadude Profile Photo
#132re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 3:07pm

This is going to sound "snarky", but for the amount of money that each of those actors and directors are getting paid to do a job that they love, a little criticism is the least of their worries compared to what a professional review will do.

I think the show has its faults and its high points like many shows in previews, but I for one would want to know the general public's perception and overall opinion. Maybe some of the reviews posted here are obvious and will correct themselves throughout previews, but these chat rooms, as "snarky" and "toxic" as they may be, serve a purpose to inform and discuss.

Some of these actors and directors may in fact gain more knowledge into their craft if they take into consideration how they are being perceived on and in some cases, off-stage.

Anakela Profile Photo
WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#134re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 3:15pm

Maybe some of the reviews posted here are obvious and will correct themselves throughout previews, but these chat rooms, as "snarky" and "toxic" as they may be, serve a purpose to inform and discuss.

I agree. Many theater critics seem to think that we, since we are not trained theater critics, have no right to share our opinions, or at least that we're always wrong and negative. Which is not true at all. WE aren't getting paid to do this, as theater critics are, we are sharing our thoughts because we care about theater and love theater not because we want to rip every new show to shreds. What would be the point of that?

The public and BWW members are the ones shelling out anywhere from $25-$130 to see these shows and are going to be honest about whether or not they got their money's worth. The critics get to go for free and can most likely return any time they want on comps. The public opinion and reviews from theater lovers on BWW are unbiased (for the most part) and honest in whether or not we got our $130 worth of entertainment. The theatergoers and general public and BWW posters are the ones who ultimately keep these shows running and their opinion is, ultimately, more important than the critics'.

The public (like us), not the theater critics, are the people who truthfully hold the future of a show in their hands and can make it a success or a failure and I think that scares both Broadway actors when they read negative reviews on message boards and theater critics when they realize that they don't have as much power as they used to and that word of mouth can turn a critically panned show into a phenomenon or vice versa.

(Sorry for that run on sentence. Ha.)
Updated On: 9/11/09 at 03:15 PM

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#135re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 3:20pm

Wow. I knew the crowd was huge, but I didn't realize it was like that. I thought there was still an entry way throught there and a lot of people had stepped onto that wooden deck area. And I think I spotted myself in that photo. Haha!

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

Kad Profile Photo
#136re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 3:23pm

I'm all for critiquing a show- it's an intrinsic aspect of the art that, thanks to the Internet, is more easy to engage in- but I'm finding this thread to be a bit much. It's the first performance of a preview period that is over a month a long. Clearly, with such a long preview period, there is a lot of room for change and growth. And yet, the feeling I get from this thread is "Who can insult the production the best?" There's a difference between saying "X was good, but I think Y and Z could be made stronger by doing 1, 2, and 3" and saying "This production makes me physically ill, and So-and-So should be barred from the stage or, better yet, killed".

Actors appreciate useful criticism. Which I am not seeing a lot of here. I'm seeing a snark-off.

(I'll be honest- I haven't seen the show yet. I would probably not want to see a show in its early previews, unless it had recently transferred from another venue and basically already in top form. But sheesh.)

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#137re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 3:29pm

Anyway, this isn't a chat room.

singer73192 Profile Photo
#138re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 4:01pm

I know that no one rushed the show yesterday and that it may be too early to have have a clue of what it is like, but if people try today, how is it? Also if you try the student rush (1/2 hour before curtain, compared to the general rush (when BO opens) Which one do you think I'd have a better chance at?

I'm hoping to see it after Broadway on Broadway, but I'm not sure how to rush the show as well as get a good spot for BonB.

BwayBuff2 Profile Photo
#139re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 4:55pm

I agree...once you've paid for a ticket you have the right to critique.
Updated On: 9/11/09 at 04:55 PM

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#140re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 4:58pm

I work for Roundabout and attended the invited final dress rehearsal on Wednesday night. I think the show is in great shape. Of course, things need to be re-worked and tweaked, but I think it's on its way to becoming a good production. Give the actors time to settle in and I'm sure they'll become their character soon enough. I'm looking forward to seeing how this show morphs and progresses. I'm sure it'll sell out and have a successful run.

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"

blaxx Profile Photo
#141re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 5:26pm

You lost me at "I work for Roundabout..."

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

snarkywannabedreamer Profile Photo
#142re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 5:45pm

I find the message board here fascinating and funny, and I throw my opinion around as well so what I am about to say may seem hypocritical... but I do think the problem with Message Board criticism and why I believe it really can be detrimental to the arts is the anonymity of it all.

Any yahoo can ANONYMOUSLY throw their opinion up for the world to read and unfortunately it DOES affect and bias people's opinions before they get the opportunity to judge for themselves.

And you say, so what? Critics get to give their opinions. what makes them different from me?!

it is VERY different from straight criticism (like that from critics in the media) because those people put their names and reputations behind what they critique and therefor there is some accountability for what they say... it forces them to be thoughtful and accurate... to critique things they actually have seen and to speak intelligently about it. This message board is full of idiots who blast shows (sometimes shows they haven't even seen) and post their opinions with no accountability for their words. It is cowardly and that is why artists get annoyed with the boards.

If we really believed we were contributing to the community we would all man up and attach our REAL names to our criticism. We would make ourselves accountable. I personally believe if that were mandatory we would find much less "snarky" posting and more thoughtful discussions. I for one would gladly be a part of a message board outing if that could ever happen... but it won't... so until that day i will continue (with obvious and intentional irony) to be a "snarkywannabedreamer."

#143re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 6:14pm

Well, here we go again. A show is in previews, people express their opinion of it, and other people attack those people as being either shills (if they like it) or negative (if they didn't.) A couple of points:

It's not really necessary to write "hey, give it a chance, it's in previews, it's going to get better". Everyone here realizes that.

Reading a negative/positive opinion here affects me no more or less than it does when a friend calls me on the phone and says, "Hey I hated/loved Bye Bye Birdie". I expect all of you are the same.

I think anyone here has the ability to read dozens of negative posts here, and then go on to enjoy the production when they see it for themselves.

I enjoy reading all opinions here, good and bad, and I don't think anyone should be discouraged from expressing their true feelings, whatever they are.

A truly wonderful show can't be hurt by anything anyone writes here.

Behind the fake tinsel of Broadway is real tinsel.

#144re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 9:30pm

I'm shocked to hear that Gina's vocals weren't strong. I thought she sounded great in Cabaret. Hopefully there will be a large improvement from now to opening night. I'm very saddened to be reading all of these negative reviews. If the reviews are correct, I sure as hell hope that the show will improve by opening night.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

#145re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 10:56pm

Updated On: 11/12/09 at 10:56 PM

saveusmike Profile Photo
#146re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/12/09 at 12:20am

I just got finished with the show (Short critque)

Bill Irwin was great and sung what he had to sing pretty good for just actor; I wish he had more stage time.

John Stamos; Was "good" but I expected better for some reason. Maybe hes just shy to the part right now. Not bad by any means though. I just got two diffrent vibes with his character. Sometimes he was the nerdy nice guy and then other times he was a a$$hole. Is that how the character is supposed to be?

Gina Gershon- HORRIBLE. A very nice woman and a good actress but for the role of Rose? Absolutly not. She gave me a headache and not only couldnt hit a high not; couldnt really hit any note. Why they had a Jewish girl portray a hispanic character is BEYOND me.

The Teens were very talented and pretty good; And Jayne Houdyshell had me laughing everytime she came out.

Overall the show was GOOD, didnt live up to all the hype but was still pretty good.

"Everything in life, is only for now" -Avenue Q

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#147re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/12/09 at 2:43am

I had similar feelings about John Stamos last night. It seemed like he could do very well in the role, but he seemed like he was holding back. Hopefully that will change. I have some faith.

And I just have a general question for those who do know the show very well. I knew the song "Kids" before I saw the show, and I remember something where the kids sing back to the adults in the same manor, but that was just made up for what I'm thinking about, right? I can't remember where I saw this.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

blaxx Profile Photo
#148re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/12/09 at 2:49am

You saw it here, love:

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#149re: BYE BYE BIRDIE first preview...
Posted: 9/12/09 at 9:22am

Ive not seen the show but i have just had the full audio of the show sent to me from the 1st preview.

I have to say that whilst Gina is not the best singer in the whole world she is nowhere near as bad as what some people are making out on here. The person who said they would rather listen to AJ from 9 to 5 than Gina must be deaf

I have to also say that i think Stamos sounds half asleep whilst Gina is going for it. She gets a lot of great laughs in Spanish Rose and was making me laugh by just listening to the audio

I think people on here are way to harsh

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna
