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Beanie Feldstein to play Monica Lewinsky in the next FX 'American Crime' series- Page 2

Beanie Feldstein to play Monica Lewinsky in the next FX 'American Crime' series

#25Beanie Feldstein to play Monica Lewinsky in the next FX 'American Crime' series
Posted: 8/8/19 at 1:13pm

kdogg36 said: "CurtainPullDowner said: "It will certainly be a topic to show the hypocrisy of bringing up frump's sexual proclivities."

I would think that a show frankly exposing Clinton's own sexual aggression, produced by a liberal Democrat, would have precisely the opposite effect: it would legitimize attacks on Trump's sexual crimes.

Sadly I think you are overestimating the general public’s intellectual ability to view it this way (or to know Murphy is a liberal).  I’m with Pose2 - horrific pre-election timing for Democrats.

#26Beanie Feldstein to play Monica Lewinsky in the next FX 'American Crime' series
Posted: 8/10/19 at 10:11am

The 2020 Democratic candidate wouldn’t have any links to Bill Clinton though. It’s not like an undecided voter will think -  oh I am not going to vote democrat because of the antics of the president of 20 years ago. 

Like the OJ season was able to tap into the modern black lives matter movement, hopefully this will link #metoo to Trump in undecideds minds during the election.

Trumps history of sexual abuse is more relevant today because he is up for re-election.  Clinton is more or less out of the public spotlight.

Updated On: 8/10/19 at 10:11 AM

Pose2 Profile Photo
#27Beanie Feldstein to play Monica Lewinsky in the next FX 'American Crime' series
Posted: 8/10/19 at 4:38pm

I understand what you are saying, but having a spotlight on a particularly bad time for Democrats during the election season is a very bad idea. Trump will use the show (since he only cares about celebrities and entertainment) to attack Democrats and Hillary.

Yes, Monica was treated horribly and slut shamed, treated as a pariah. By the most power family in America at the time, who are still very visible and talked about. Horrible timing. 

David10086 Profile Photo
#28Beanie Feldstein to play Monica Lewinsky in the next FX 'American Crime' series
Posted: 8/10/19 at 8:12pm

Let's not forget this will be airing 13 months from now...much can happen in those 13 months, as Trump averages a new controversy every other day. 

#29Beanie Feldstein to play Monica Lewinsky in the next FX 'American Crime' series
Posted: 8/10/19 at 9:26pm

I see...OJ murders....Versace murder spree...and Monica Lewinsky....Remind me of the “crime” here? Her 15 minutes of fame is so so over. What is sad is not that her life was “destroyed” by it, but that despite all of her privilege (ie wealthy loving connected family) she has never never never been able to move past it. In today’s political times I think it's a travesty to participate in this project and I will not be watching either.


orangeskittles Profile Photo
#30Beanie Feldstein to play Monica Lewinsky in the next FX 'American Crime' series
Posted: 8/10/19 at 10:10pm

Mediamaven2 said: "I see...OJ murders....Versace murder spree...and Monica Lewinsky....Remind me of the “crime” here? Her 15 minutes of fame is so so over. What is sad is not that her life was “destroyed” by it, but that despite all of her privilege (ie wealthy loving connected family) she has never never never been able to move past it. In today’s political times I think it's a travesty to participate in this project and I will not be watching either."

How can she move past it? The name Monica Lewinsky is still a punchline after 20 years. She's talked about being turned down for jobs because they're worried hiring her will attract negative attention. Only last year, she was dis-invited to a philanthropic event because Bill Clinton later RSVP'd. People won't let her move on.

It's only in the last 5 years that she's actually come out and embraced it as her own story, instead of staying in the background while everyone else continued to use her as a cheap political joke.

And, for the record, Bill Clinton committed perjury. It's a crime. That's why he was impeached.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#31Beanie Feldstein to play Monica Lewinsky in the next FX 'American Crime' series
Posted: 8/10/19 at 10:58pm

Oh yeah, that’s right- perjury! He was a father and a married man and President! and human! and he lied about an extramarital affair which was an immaterial question in a weak and politically motivated civil lawsuit. No prosecutor would ever have prosecuted a criminal case of perjury against him if he had been an ordinary citizen. None did. (Perjury isn’t just misstating something deliberately - the lie must be material in order to be perjury. Clinton’s lie was immaterial to the Paula Jones case)....So I see exactly how it fits in an American “crime” story.  Right on the heels of the two murder sprees...Not....

 Many people have been involved in political or sex scandals and they quietly - operative word - move forward. They give the de riguer of the day Barbara Walters exclusive, and write a book, and then move on. They don’t then  start hand bag lines. They don’t write articles for Vanity Fair about the same old same old 10 plus years later. Whatever. You want to insist somehow this free human being has been prevented from living a life for 20 plus years at every turn that would allow her to grow beyond this, okay. I believe otherwise. I believe she freely chooses at every turn to capitalize on her notoriety. She is boring and it is boring. I don’t know how this holds interest to anyone anymore in light of everything going on today inthe White House and national politics .

Updated On: 8/10/19 at 10:58 PM

#32Beanie Feldstein to play Monica Lewinsky in the next FX 'American Crime' series
Posted: 8/11/19 at 1:53pm

Sunny11 said: "The 2020 Democratic candidate wouldn’t have any links to Bill Clinton though. It’s not like an undecided voter will think- ohI am not going to vote democrat because of the antics of the president of 20 years ago.

Turn on Fox News any day and count how many times they say Hillary or Clinton. Yes, even now. I'm in the camp of thinking this is terrible timing.

Pose2 Profile Photo
#33Beanie Feldstein to play Monica Lewinsky in the next FX 'American Crime' series
Posted: 8/11/19 at 3:24pm

Thank you. All he does is talk about the Clintons. He thinks the Clintons were behind Epstein's death. Jesus Christ. Ryan Murphy can be the smartest and dumbest person all at once. 

David10086 Profile Photo
#34Beanie Feldstein to play Monica Lewinsky in the next FX 'American Crime' series
Posted: 8/11/19 at 3:35pm

Mediamaven2 said: "Oh yeah, that’s right- perjury! He was a father and a married man and President! and human! and he lied about an extramarital affair which was an immaterial question in a weak and politically motivated civil lawsuit. No prosecutor would ever have prosecuted a criminalcase of perjury against himif he had been an ordinary citizen. None did. (Perjury isn’t just misstating something deliberately - the lie must be material in order to be perjury. Clinton’s lie wasimmaterial to the Paula Jones case)....So I see exactly how it fits in an American “crime” story. Right on the heels of the two murder sprees...Not....

Many people have been involved in political or sex scandals and they quietly - operative word - move forward. They give the de riguer of the day Barbara Walters exclusive, and write a book, and thenmove on. They don’t then start hand bag lines.Theydon’t write articles for Vanity Fair about the same old same old 10plus years later. Whatever. You want to insist somehow this free human being has beenprevented from living a life for 20 plus years at every turn that would allow her to grow beyond this, okay. I believe otherwise. I believe she freely chooses at every turn to capitalize on her notoriety.She is boring and it is boring. I don’t know how this holds interest to anyone anymore in light of everything going on today inthe White House and national politics .

Very well said - I can't agree with you more. Excellent post! 

#35Beanie Feldstein to play Monica Lewinsky in the next FX 'American Crime' series
Posted: 8/11/19 at 3:49pm

Pose2 said: "Thank you. All he does is talk about the Clintons. He thinks the Clintons were behind Epstein's death. Jesus Christ."

I wonder why he's trying to blame them...

I agree, it's disgusting, but then I had always heard that Murphy was a Republican so when did he supposedly 'change sides'? To save face once he became successful by any chance?

BenjaminNicholas2 Profile Photo
#36Beanie Feldstein to play Monica Lewinsky in the next FX 'American Crime' series
Posted: 8/11/19 at 6:18pm

Ah, Ryan Murphy... 

The king of one great season and then multiple seasons of crap.
