Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Are the TDF tickets that are labelled balcony only actually in the balcony?? Or does someone think I'd be able to show up and get a rush ticket later in the day (ie not at 10am)?
Swing Joined: 4/8/14
Just got home from the show. If this isn't a huge hit, I don't know what is. The show is GREAT. I can't find fault with anything about it. The entire cast was outstanding, not a weak actor in the bunch. The sets, the costumes, the music, the LAUGHS! I had a ball. That's all.
Glad you liked it
We enjoyed it as well. Interesting how the esteemed critics will feel about it.
Agreed with you, Jane2! LOVED this when I saw it this past weekend.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/03
I just got back home too, and enjoyed it very much, especially the tapping gangsters, and the red caps in act two, a terrific ensemble all around. Costumes, sets, and choreography were all top notch.
They were still listed at tkts when I looked before the show, but when I got there the orchestra was full. I could not see upstairs but I'm guessing they were pretty full as well.
My only qualm, the lines for the rest rooms, especially the men's, was just about the worst I have ever seen at intermission. Also my long time dislike of the St James for its tightly packed seats and tiny lobby area.
Oh yeah, the tapping gangsters number brought the house down! I'm so glad the show was seamless last night because it was a press night.
It's rare for there to be empty seats on press nights. Houses are papered if they have to be.
In Sugar, there was a tap dancing gangster (Steve Condos) . Not sure if it was a chorus number or a solo tap but a tap dancing gangster is not new .
Did enjoy the number here.
Swing Joined: 5/4/12
I would describe this show in one word: fantastic! I saw it on Monday night with a packed house. I was in the mezzanine section. To say that the audience laughed loudly would not even come close to the feeling of experiencing a Great Musical. Even some of the audience knew a few songs and hummed along with the cast: for example, I have no bananas. It would be completely remiss if I did not note the hot dog number that was totally Woody Allen style in its double entendre way.
I wonder if that number was Woody's idea or Stroman's.
The song was originally done by Butterbeans and Susie in the '20's. " One of their more popular comic songs was Susie's saucy "I Want a Hot Dog for My Roll", full of racy double entendres." (Wikipedia)
The song was considered so racy then that their record label, Okeh refused to release.
I am seeing the show in three hours and I'm looking forward to it.
What's the run time been on this lately? Still 2:45?
Broadway Star Joined: 7/13/04
Glen Kelly found the hot dog song.
"Even some of the audience knew a few songs and hummed along with the cast..."
Doesn't that sound new, special, classy, and fun?
To bad Woody's appreciation of musical style is limited to old songs and nothing after the 1940's.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/14
Seeing tonight for my second time. Curious to see what, if any changes they have made. Gotta love rush tickets.
"To bad Woody's appreciation of musical style is limited to old songs and nothing after the 1940's."
How is that an issue for a show set in 1928?
It is intentional (“I don’t like a contemporary music sound,” Allen said in an interview with Time. “It’s not my taste. My ear doesn’t appreciate it.”), but I fail to see how that has any bearing on this show.
The running time has been cut down to a consistent 2:25.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/14
Good, I saw it early in the run and it seemed a little long (it was close to 2 hours 45 or at least it felt like it, LOL).
Updated On: 4/9/14 at 12:15 PM
Wow! They have really trimmed this down! The first preview was almost three hours.
D'oh! I asked the running time, so I could possibly pop over and get some If/Then BC/EFA signed poster action afterwards, but just remembered they start at 7 today, whereas Bullets is at 8, so no chance of that happening, heh.
And how about that totally adorable dog! I thought he would get a curtain call but no.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/9/11
Saw the show last night - wasn't a huge fan. I thought it was "okay" but I thought they really lost all steam they'd started to build up shortly after the start of Act 2. I thought everyone gave good performances - Zack Braff was very "Woody Allen-esq" and all leading ladies were great, but I don't really have any memorable moments to speak about except perhaps the hot dog song, which was amazing.
The set was big... nice enough, I guess. The musical selections seemed good except the bizarre finale, and the dancing was pretty good (very Susan Stroman). I was a little bit bored by the time the show ended, and maybe it was because I was in the second row of the balcony. If they're going to sell seats there, they need to make sure to stage the production farther upstage. They were so far downstage (with room to spare upstage) that I couldn't see a lot of what they were doing without trying to lean forward (while trying to not block the people behind me... not an easy task). I saw about 3 couples leave during the show.
I wouldn't say this is a horrible show - sort of a "Nice Work" part 2 kind of thing, but I think there are definitely better shows out there for your money. BUT, I liked If/Then and didn't like Aladdin, so what do I know!?
Updated On: 4/9/14 at 02:27 PM
"If they're going to sell seats there, they need to make sure to stage the production farther upstage. They were so far downstage (with room to spare upstage) that I couldn't see a lot of what they were doing without trying to lean forward (while trying to not block the people behind me... not an easy task)"
That is going to be a problem with *any* show in *any* theatre with a balcony. I don't think that is specific to Bullets.
"BUT, I liked If/Then and didn't like Aladdin, so what do I know!? "
What you like?