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Cast the Person Above You In A Show- Page 20

Cast the Person Above You In A Show

broadway_dreamer281 Profile Photo
#503re: Cast the Person Above You In A Show
Posted: 7/11/06 at 12:17am

bad idea bears - avenue q

broadway_dreamer281 Profile Photo
#513re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/11/06 at 5:15pm

sweetie from bombay dreams

#537re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/11/06 at 8:45pm

Reno Sweeney in Anything Goes...

and I am a girl.

It's like I'm your lover- or more like your ghost.

#538re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/11/06 at 8:45pm

Reno Sweeney in Anything Goes...

and I am a girl, but being the first female to play Angel would be pretty sweet. =)

It's like I'm your lover- or more like your ghost.

JudasIscariot Profile Photo
#597re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/12/06 at 12:48am

The Child Catcher in Chitty.

JudasIscariot Profile Photo
#599re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/12/06 at 1:12am

Thenardier in Les Miserables.

JudasIscariot Profile Photo
#608re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/12/06 at 12:42pm

Maureen in RENT

#617re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/12/06 at 2:25pm

Maria in the sound of music

It's like I'm your lover- or more like your ghost.

elphaba432 Profile Photo
#751re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/13/06 at 7:00pm

Billy ---- Chicago

Just because I got the lead doesn't mean you can't be my understudy!:)

#752re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/13/06 at 7:15pm

Rapunzel's Prince- Into the Woods

It's like I'm your lover- or more like your ghost.

justagirl2 Profile Photo
#838re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/16/06 at 11:18pm

Pseudolus in Forum.

mominator Profile Photo
#846re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/17/06 at 7:54am

Belle, Beauty and the Beast

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." Conan O'Brien

#1016re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/21/06 at 3:25pm

'enry 'iggins

#1069re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/21/06 at 11:41pm

john- assassins

"what have we learned? Don't smoke... don't do drugs and don't sing 'Defying Gravity'." -CATSNYRevival

#1127re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/24/06 at 4:22pm

Thanks! lol

Turtle/Bird/Mother Frog/Mole - A Year With Frog and Toad

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

#1213re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/25/06 at 1:47am

Olive Ovstrovsky - Spelling Bee

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

#1221re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/25/06 at 10:43am

Corine, dear, one of the many things that are frustrating about you is the fact that one day somebody says something and you take it as a compliment and another day somebody says the same thing and you get all angry and hurt and call the person who made the suggestion "cruel." What causes you to behave in such a borderline way.

Take for example the fact that the suggestion by somebody else that you play Tracy Turnblad (note there's no second "t" in that name) was something you called "cruel."

And yet, and yet, here's a classic post from YOU from days gone by:


Posted On: 12/7/03 at 10:53 AM

I don't perform any more but fantasy roles:
Katemonster in Avenueq- To be Stephanie's Understudy
Mrs Meers- Millie
Elbows- Millie
Hairspray- Tracy Turnbladt "Hey Mamma"

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Conor Profile Photo
#1238re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/25/06 at 11:36am

Marius-Les Mis

#1276re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/25/06 at 9:33pm

Julia - TWS

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

#1301re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/26/06 at 9:51am

Ummmm....random! Frog - A Year With Frog and Toad

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#1319re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/26/06 at 5:15pm

Nicole Kidman (can't remember the character's name) - The Blue Room
Updated On: 7/26/06 at 05:15 PM

BertCCRI Profile Photo
#1369re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/26/06 at 9:51pm

Frankie Addams in "Member of the Wedding." (for Dancingthrulife)
Updated On: 7/26/06 at 09:51 PM

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#1387re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 7/27/06 at 4:38pm

audrey -little shop

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#1537re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 8/3/06 at 1:07am

Freddy - DRS

almostxfamous Profile Photo
#1750re: cast the person above you in a show
Posted: 8/13/06 at 4:09pm

Clara - The Light in the Piazza
