I commend Mr. Griffiths for what he did, actually. And, The word is "unacceptable."
http://www.beintheheights.com/katnicole1 (Please click and help me win!)
I chose, and my world was shaken- So what? The choice may have been mistaken,
The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler
Wow, that's great. I've never heard of that happening before, but kudos to him for stopping the show. Sure, something could have happened and the cell phone might have had an alarm set, in which case you can't stop it from going off even if the phone is turned off. However, the person who owned the phone should have turned off all the alarms before the show started, I don't even think the phone should have been on silent or vibrate! You don't need your phone in a theatre! A few years ago, I went to a show (not Broadway, just local theatre) with my friend and she put her phone on vibrate because she "needed it in case someone texted her." What I don't understand is why you can't wait two hours for the show to end. A text message is NOT that important!
If the Stage Manager said it at the beginning of the show, if they say it in movies all the time, if people have common sense, I don't see why they can't take the time to turn their cell phones off or put it on vibrate or silent at the very least. As an actor I believe there is NOTHING more distracting than a cell phone ringing in the middle of a performance, it can throw you off if you're already nervous, it can make you feel like the person doesn't really care about the performance, it can make some actors forget their lines, and it ruins it for the audience members who are actually engaged in the show. I admire Mr.Griffiths for doing this.
I commend him for stopping the show but not for having the patron evicted from the theatre. It depends on why. If it were an honest mistake, then he should be allowed to stay but pay a $50 fine. If on purpose, evicted.
I say if your phone rings, you should have to pay a $50 fine. Give the box office an extra few bucks.
"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."
well before the show he does state profusely: "CELLPHONES IN THIS THEATRE ARE ILLEGAL!" and at my show everyone clapped.
how retarded are you that you don't pay attention to that?! and if you ARE that retarded then why are you at a play that quotes famous authors/poets? Updated On: 5/31/06 at 09:49 PM
This isn't a movie, where it's a minor disruption. These people paid big money for an intense experience that shouldn't be subject to interruption. A few years ago a law was seriously considered to make this a crime in NY. Otherwise I should have been able to stand up at times during Lestat, point to the stage and say "that was REALLY STUPID". Come to think of it, maybe...
Richard Griffiths did this at a couple of performances of Heroes (or was it called something else?) in London last year. He was widely applauded for his actions and brava for him I say!
To hell with all this defending people and saying how easy it is to switch them one way or the other. Either lock your phone on silent, switch it off or remove the battery! I dont care. I just want a perfect performance and dont mind him breaking the 4th wall one bit. The call already broke it in my book.
IMO if more actors did this at shows, theatre would be an unpleasant experience full of show stoppings. When I saw Lestat on thursday I was in the second row and the woman in front of me in the first row rang during act 2 and it pissed me off, but the show went on she handled the situation quickly. This is a problem, but stopping the show won't solve it. Strict rules should be implemented.
...What happened next, was stranger still, a woman breathless and afraid, appeared out of the night, completely dressed in white. She had a secret she would tell, of one who had mistreated her. Her face and frightened gaze, my mind cannot erase...But then she ran from view. She looked so much like you...
All Cell phones should be confiscated at the door. That's the only way to stop it because some people don't think the rules apply to them.
"I've lost everything! Luis, Marty, my baby with Chris, Chris himself, James. All I ever wanted was love." --Sheridan Crane "Passions"
"Housework is like bad sex. Every time I do it, I swear I'll never do it again til the next time company comes."--"Lulu"
from "Can't Stop The Music"
"When the right doors didn't open for him, he went through the wrong ones" - "Sweet Bird of Youth"
"Passions" is uncancelled! See NBC.com for more info.
Also- please, let's not make assumptions about tourists as well. Just because one does not have the good fortune to live in New York City, that does not make him an idiot.
"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed
When I saw Awake and Sing! at the Belasco Theatre recently (a matinee) There was a woman whose cell phone went off THREE TIMES! abadently, she didn't know how to use her cell phone so it just kept ringing, and did she care? No. Later on in the show (when something that twists the plot happens, I won't tell what it is because thats considered a spoiler) she goes.... I KNEW IT!! So loud, the annoyed usher finally took it into her own hands to tell the woman that she needed to quiet down. Then, her cell phone went off the third time. That was when I THINK she was escorted from the theatre...either that or she left. Everyone was annoyed it seemed, but unfortunately when she left, it was towards the end of the show.
Another thing about Awake and Sing is that you have to think so much during that show that if a cell phone were to go off (in which my case it did) it would/did ruin my whole train of thought.
When I saw Witness for a Prosecution here in Texas there was this guy in front of me who laughed super loud at every slight joke, made comments like "uh oh" or "oh my god!" or "Crap, I didn't see that!" throughout the play. This was not an uncultured man, he was wearing a nice suit and was well kept and his wife was in a ridiculous fur coat (summer in texas...).
And, the clincher, right before the "jury" is giving their verdict this guy yells out, "not guilty damnit! NOT GUILTY!"
and no one did a thing.
"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed
that I have not. But i was watching the "Broadway: The Golden Years" blooper reel this morning and there was a HILARIOUS little clip of Elaine.
she's hysterical!
"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed
"If it were an honest mistake, then he should be allowed to stay but pay a $50 fine. If on purpose, evicted."
Splendid idea. Perhaps the actor in question could, from the stage, be the prosecuting attorney. And the house manager could be the judge. The judge could ask the offender how he or she pleads, "on purpose, or not on purpose." If the offender replies, "Not on purpose, your honor," at that point, the prosecuting actor could lay out the case that the cellphone user rang his or her own phone "on purpose."
When both sides have presented their cases, the audience could decide by volume of applause whether the person "gets" to pay fifty dollars more for the show or has to leave the theater. Once the person pays the fine, which could go to Broadway Cares, the scene can be taken from the top.
It's a fabulous idea all around.
EXCEPT. If the person announces "FIFTY MORE bucks for this piece of crap? I'd rather gouge my eyes out," it could really hurt Saycon Sengbloh's feelings.