Four of the majors are leaving on March 29, 2015: Roxie, Velma, Mama and Amos. I have no idea who might replace Jennifer as Roxie...but I know who I would love to see as Velma...the statuesque beauty Leigh Zimmerman (who works quite a bit in England). For Mama...there are many to choose from. I'd personally would love to see Christine Pedi again. As far as Amos is concerned, there are quite a few to choose from. Jacob Watson (the current Cellblock Tour Amos) would make an excellent Amos on Broadway. I was hoping to see Jason Patrick Sands as Billy on the tour, but Brent Barrett is replacing John O Hurley beginning on March 10th, with the London, Ontario (Canada) stop, until the tour ends on April 12, 2015. It has been a fairly long tour.
I foresee Hughes extending. They have covered the hell out of the show getting a brand new Velma.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Haven Burton may be our new Roxie after Nettles departs.
Is there a new window card yet? Or are they still using the white one with Angel Reda?
Jonart, is there something you know that we don't know? I've never heard of her, but she has an impressive resume. My dream Roxie Hart is Katharine McPhee (Smash).
Haven Burton
Haven Burton is effing perfect for this role. I would go see her in a heart beat. She's super talented.
Haven as Fiona
Hughes should really extend. I hope she wasn't just a filler until Amra comes back. Only reason I could see Hughes not extending is if she joins the Pippin tour as the Leading Player(if Sasha Allen is leaving) in April.
I'm conjecturing because Haven showed up on the Hart and Soul video blog for no good reason hanging out backstage. She would be a spectacular Roxie, especially opposite Carly Hughes.
JBradshaw, will you be seeing the show with Jennifer and Carly? I would LOVE your opinion!
The cast pictures have a new Mary Sunshine: D. Ratell.
National Tour Cast
I think Haven is married to Denny in the ensemble. I also agree that Carly should really extend, she is amazing in the role and it's not like she has her own music to get back to. I also think that Katharine Mcphee would make a better Velma than Roxie.
I know they just celebrity-cast Roxie, but I would really love to see another stunt/celebrity casted Velma...
Updated On: 2/25/15 at 06:57 PM
This is interesting. The mayor of Baltimore will join the cast of "Chicago" on March 4, a variety of roles. Intriguing.
Baltimore Mayor In Chicago
It's not really a stunt in the truest sense of the word, but I would love it if Walter Bobbie joined the cast as Amos. Even for just a few weeks
Also this is post #666 muhahahah
I was on YouTube and happened to watch a clip of Sofia Vergara as Mama Morton. I had never heard her sing in that role. She was not half bad. I was impressed. In the clip, she plays opposite Terra C (Velma). I'm not going to post it, but it's there for your perusal.
1) Sofia while looking stunning - pre Modern Family - was pretty awful. She was originally asked to play Roxie but due to limited availability for rehearsal was Mama
2) Walter, very nice guy and very talented, why would be be Amos? It's much easier to sit back and collect his royalty checks.
3) Denny and Haven are married. She is def talented but not really right for "Chicago" (saw her in Legally Blonde, Shrek and Rent)
4) Stunt casting Velma is hard. You need a dancer. There have been slight variations to the Velma chero but it's slight. Roxie can be dumbed down to the point of her just walking moving her arms....Velma you can't. Luba Mason (who was amazing) had a slight simpler "I can't do it alone". Mya was the closest it came to star casting Velma but due to injury never happened. Jasmine Guy (1NT, Vegas, Bway) a trained dancer, had different chero at times which was very different and fun but suited her.
5) it's not really Carly's choice to extend. "Chicago" really only hires on a couple month contract for the leads. It's Fran (who honestly is a hoot, last saw her Ruthies Roxie Broadway put in rehearsal), and Barry. They like the short contracts just incase a celeb wants to jump into the show.
6) Yes I'll see Nettles and Carly. When I don't know. If anyone wants to pick me up a rush tix one day let me know (I don't live in the city). I love Nettles on her vlog. I loved Michelle Williams from Destanys Child as Roxie (she couldn't dance to save her live but was fun)
Future casting my wishes Debbie Gibson as Roxie or Velma (her Velma at Northshore was great and the vocals were amazing). Elizabeth Berkley please.
Feel free to pm me any "Chicago" questions.
Btw the Sofia vid is from Miami where's she went a lot more Latino.
Mya was the closest it came to star casting Velma but due to injury never happened.
I always wondered if there was more to that story. Shame it never happened.
She really did get injured.
Tons of pics and ads were made of her.
If you google she had a vlog during her rehearsal.
Nancy L (it's 3am can't spell her last name) stepped in - saw her regionally as Roxie and as Velma for Mya and she danced the **** out of it, hated her Velma wig. I think there's vlog of her too - that was 2008 I think.
I find offense when people say how bad the show is. My association w the show goes back to city centers (I'm in my 30s). Once. Only once and I've watched it over 100xs, that it's been a lil sloppy and that was Ute took over in 1998 and a couple ensemble members had tears in their fishnet stockings. I've never seen it otherwise sloppy which I read a lot on here. The Amassader Threatre mezz suck it's hot, I've been in broken seats often, only one fits the show though.
I'd love for mya come back. She was amazing on dancing w the stars. Great in the movie (which had another great Velma Deirde who was originally a swing, then ensemble then saw her first ever Velma on tour who is an amazing performer). I think Mya is over it.
Debbie Gibson
Debbie Gibosn
According to her Fran and Barry told her "no one knows who you are"
True story at Ruthie and Terri Whites Broadway put-in for Roxie and Mama (Terri was amazing but not there long) Fran Weissler while I held the door for her said Matthew Settle (gossip girl) "Billy's cute but I don't know who he is"
It's a hot fun mess at the "Chicago"
I have a couple of questions about the Chicago revival cast recording. 1. Who is the male cast member who introduces "Billy Flynn": "....the silver tongued prince of the courtroom...." Since I pretty much listen to this recording "frequently", I've sometimes wondered who is doing that particular introduction? 2. Who introduces Roxie and Velma prior to the beginning of "Nowadays/Hot Honey Rag"? " proud to announce..a first...the first time anywhere there's been an act of this nature..." I'm sure there are quite a few super knowledgeable Chicago fans who know of this. Thanks.. RC in Austin, Texas
@ Patti
Question one. announcing billy is Bruce Anthony David
Before the rag it's jim borstelmann
JB... Sometimes I think you are a part of the "Chicago" show/organization. You seem to know so much about the show. : )
Great timing to see this. My college gave me a free ticket to see it at Baltimore tomorrow. Can't wait! :) It's my first time and I'm meaning to see this
Updated On: 3/2/15 at 08:02 AM
You'll love the show and the cast. What can I say about Terra C? She knows the role of Velma..inside and out. Bianca is a very energetic and humorous Roxie. I'm not familiar with the new Mary Sunshine..D.Ratell. I'm sure that he's great. They are quite an accomplished group of guys and gals. Just a hint for those who might be disposed to presenting them with an "offering"/gift/prezzie. They love "Emergen C". Just saying...: )Both the Broadway and tour cast members consume that like candy.
@ Patti and no comment
@Disney could you post what parts the Mayor is in the show and what kind of hair Bianca is sporting as Roxie.
"No comment" that referring to the question whether you're (JBradshaw) associated with the show in some way? Hmmmm... a man of mystery. : )