Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
I saw Chicago weeks ago with Amra-Faye Wright and Charlotte D'amboise. I don't have anything new to say. Charlotte was incredible and sort of the did the Gwen Verdon wobbly voice thing. Wright was ok. I think she was good enough for those who aren't familiar with Velma, but I thought she took some short cuts with her dancing. I know she had been in the show forever, so I can't really blame her if she was over it.
Updated On: 2/19/15 at 06:50 PM
what a breathe of fresh air Hughes is in that number. She's so good.
And no, that's not Gregory Butler, it's Alfie Parker, Jr. who just left the show.
This is Jennifer Nettles "Heart and Soul" Episode 4. Prior to this, I did not know much about her. She comes across as a very decent and down-to-earth person. Charming in a country sort of way.
Heart and Soul Episode 4
For those of you who are following the national tour, Brent Barrett is taking over as Billy Flynn, beginning on March 10, 2015 until the tour's conclusion on April 12, 2015.
Brent Barrett
I really hope Carly gets to continue with the show or on Broadway more, she is such a good actress!!
If not, I really want to see Leigh Zimmerman as Velma. She is awesome!
I found this clip of Chicago performing at the half-time show of the recent All Star Game. Lovely performance overall. (The applause at the end is anemic.)
Chicago Half Time Show
D. Ratell started today as the new Mary Sunshine in the current Cellblock National Tour. I found this video of him. He seems like a nice fellow.
D. Ratell
didn't even know they were performing at the ASG. Nothing on their Facebook page or Twitter says anything.
All-Star Game.
Walked by the Ambassador today and saw that Jason Patrick Sands was on as Amos, and I had get a ticket for the evening performance. To my surprise, I received seat A6, which was a great seat.
The show was fantastic and finally back on fire! Many new faces in the ensemble, and the show is so much better for it. This was the first time in my 11 years of seeing this production that I got to see ALL new leads, aside from the great R. Lowe as Mary Sunshine. It made such a difference in my enjoyment of the show. Jennifer Nettles is a bubbly sensation, and delivers her performance like a seasoned Broadway pro. Her voice is fantastic as expected, but her acting and spirit on stage is just magnetic. Her dancing was surprisingly good, and besides the simplified Baby and no cart wheel, she was perfectly competent in the dance department.
Carly Hughes.... CARLY HUGHES. The Weisslers better consider keeping this woman around. Such a fresh and exciting performance. One of the best sung Velmas that I've ever seen, right up there with Luba Mason (who is a vocalist). Carly delivers a spunky and soulful performance, and she looks absolutely smashing. She reminds of when Brenda Braxton first started with the show. Jennifer and Carly are without a doubt the best sung Roxie and Velma that I've seen. Their voices complement each other so well, and they blend perfectly together. It is chill-inducing when Jennifer sings the optional (controversial?) harmony in My Own Best Friend.
Alexander Gemignani is a great Billy Flynn. Initially, I pictured him as Amos, but he is more than competent as Billy. Without a doubt the longest held note in GUN that I've heard from a Billy. The audience kept gasping.
Jason Patrick Sands is always a highlight in the ensemble, and is a fabulous Billy Flynn. I was so excited to see him as Amos, because it is against type for him. It's hard to turn him into a schlub, but they try to with an oversized sweater. He was mostly believable in the role, and brought a lot of heart to the character. This was one of the few times where you could actually believe that Roxie and Amos were a married couple. The Weisslers really need to start casting some younger Amos' again like they had done in the recent years. I am tired of Ray Bokhour, who is just as tired in the role as PJ Benjamin was. Amos doesn't need to be old and overweight, so hopefully they can continue to explore with more younger Amos' once Bokhour is done.
NaTasha Yvette Williams is an ideal Mama, and delivers just the right amount of riffs. She has great chemistry with Carly.
I am thrilled to say that the heat is finally back in the Broadway production of CHICAGO. The pulsing sensuality and sex appeal is finally evident again. The ensemble doesn't appear tired and bored, and the new and younger faces complement the remaining veterans wonderfully. I hope that that Weisslers can keep up with the fresh and exciting casting choices.
Updated On: 2/22/15 at 11:53 PM
great review!! It's about time the show seemed fresh & new. Lots of new faces in the show. Hopefully I'll catch it in a few weeks.
Matthew Demming is filling in as "Mary Sunshine" for a vacationing Ryan Lowe.
Maybe starting tomorrow, but Lowe was definitely on tonight.
Does anyone have naughty audio of the new leads? I'd love to hear them! Sadly, I probably won't get to see Jennifer (which is a bummer because I LOVE Sugarland). UGGG the struggles of living in the midwest!
Side note. Matthew Deming will be in rehearsals soon for THE VISIT, in another counter-tenor role. Sounds like he's busy lately.
Another side note: I finally caught my first finale rose in 11 years!
Updated On: 2/23/15 at 12:59 AM
Congrats! I have several from the Broadway show and national tours. LJay, how was the crowd (in terms of size)?
The house was pretty full. An usher was shocked to see the mezzanines so full. I was surrounded by foreign speaking tourists in the orchestra, but they were mostly respectful as an audience.
Another cool side note. The other man playing a Eunich with Deming in THE VISIT is Chris Newcomer, another former Mary Sunshine.
Yes, C. Newcomer did mention it to me at the stage door in San Antonio recently. He seemed very excited about it. I mentioned that I had already seen two legends in a Broadway show (Angela Lansbury and Patti LuPone) and that I may very well see Chita Rivera as well. What are the odds...two (former)Mary Sunshines in the same show? I'm glad that Chicago is finally getting some good vibes. I wonder who might succeed Jennifer Nettles after her run is done on March 29th?
It's been 3 years since I've moved to NYC. In that time, I've been to nearly every Broadway theater, and seem over 100 productions. I never thought the day would come when I forked over the $37 to see CHICAGO...but low and behold, last Friday, the lure Jennifer Nettles and Carly Hughes was just too tempting!
Overall, I really enjoyed it. The material is just so good. Nettles and Hughes were so great, and were having so much fun. I was really enticed by the production, and found the concept very interesting.
I had 2 huge problems: The sound design, and the supporting actors. The sound design was horrid, soft, and so muted that I could hardly hear what was going on instrumentally at times, vocally at others, and as a whole at others.
Alexander Gemignani as Billy Flynn was my biggest problem. I just...didn't understand or like his portrayal of the role. As an actor, he also just seemed so over it.NaTasha Yvette Williams was great vocally, but also seemed really bored. And then Raymond Bokhour...just did not hit the mark with Cellophane. I wasn't enticed, I was bored until the end when the song gets gimmicky.
I didn't have a problem at all with the ensemble. Besides the fact that I felt bad they have to sit on stage throughout the entire show, 8x a week.
The audience was BLEAK. Oof. The mezzanine was hardly half full. The orchestra was about 75%. They were just not having it, and the conductor kept on trying to build all this hype, and no one was taking to it. It was also unbelievably hot in the mezzanine, don't know if that impacted audiences view.
Overall, I really enjoyed it. Will i go back? Not sure. I'm really enjoying both the movie and Revival albums at the moment. However, if you are on the fence, I definitely recommend going to see Nettles and Hughes. This is only their second week, and they are on FIRE!
Episode 5 of Jennifer Nettles "Heart and Soul". She is one cool chick.
Episode 5
@Vote it's usually warm in the mezz at that theatre. It's awful.
Half full mezz, 75% full orchestra seems normal for the show.
"Beautiful" star Jessie Mueller will join "Chicago" veterans Melissa Rae Mahon and Leslie Stifleman for an interactive family concert.
Jessie Mueller
Chorus Member Joined: 6/27/10
Chicago is my all time favourite musical. It closed in London about 3 years ago and I miss it like crazy! I couldn't make a trip to NY without seeing it, could I?
I will be seeing it hopefully at some point Easter weekend. Apologies if the information is out there already but I didn't know where to look. Do we yet know who will take over from Jennifer? And are any other cast members due to leave March 29th?
Thank you in advance for your help!