I think your reasoning is just a bit backwards. Just because you saw Sweeney Todd and the Doyle direction is not new to you doesn't mean there aren't tons of people seeing it for the first time. In the same sense, some people would equate their excitement in seeing Raul to the excitement you experienced in seeing Patti and Michael.
It was the first time you were seeing the John Doyle method
And THAT is the attitude that may have hurt this show the most. The idea that it was only worth it to see when the idea was new. People have been so quick to assume that it's the same thing -- that just because it's the same "concept," they've been there, done that, and don't need to see it again. I only wish people hadn't been so narrow and quick to judge, and had the sense to give this show a chance -- because if you actually did, you'd see that they are so. drastically. different.
But you know what? Even if we're losing this one far too soon, for those who chose to stick their heads in the sand -- their loss.
I think it's shame if people wrote off COMPANY because they already saw the concept in SWEENEY.
I feel the concept works better for COMPANY. But I felt much more excitement seeing Patti and Michael in SWEENEY.
Yes, I'm well aware of the concept behind student rush. I'm also aware- as you apparently are not- that $36 is a lot less than the $110 the general public sitting in the row behind you paid. Sweeney student tickets were for the leftover seats in the back and sides of the orchestra, Company student tickets are the same price for guaranteed front row; common sense says Company is a much better deal. Especially since every knowledgeable critic in New York said Doyle's concept worked better for Company than it did Sweeney. If you'd prefer to see Legally Blonde even if it costs more to sit in the back row than it does to sit in the front at Company, the student rush price has nothing to do with your bias.
For those that have done weekday rush recently what time do you suggest I get there? Updated On: 6/16/07 at 01:19 PM
Well, I got tickets around 3:30 last week, and a friend got them at like 2:30 the week before. But now that they're not selling them until three hours before, who knows?
I just did student rush today for the matinee. I got there at 10:30 figuring there would be a line because they wouldn't start selling them until 11. There was absolutely no one there, I just walked up to the box office, asked for a student rush ticket and the woman gave me one. Someone behind me asked how many student rush tickets were left and she said there were 6 left, so I don't know if they started selling them as soon as the box office opened and people had already been there or what, but it wasn't a problem trying to get them.
Where'd you sit? I might go tomorrow. :/
I was in one of the boxes. I don't know why she said there were only six student rush tickets left. All but two of the boxes were nearly empty.
How was the view from the boxes? And which box were you in (location-wise)?
The front boxes have a great view; it's the best of both worlds because you can see the design from above, but still be really close. Any farther back and you lose a significant portion of the stage in the periphery.
I rushed today and I got there around 9:30. I decided to get there early because I was nervous about when they were selling them, and how many people were showing up since they announced it was closing. By the time 10 o clock rolled around their were about 5 people behind me (I was first in line). I went in and they were already selling rush tickets, but the lady said it was only for the matinee. I just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
Ps, the show was incredible today. Not that it's not always amazing, but today everyone was just incredibly...on. Raul's scene with Kelly during "Another Hundred People" was great today, it was hard to tell from the side box, but it looked like they almost kissed a couple times, very playful, and very good chemistry between them. I'm gonna miss this one.
I also rushed today and got the boxes (which is weird since I bought my ticket at 11, and my friend bought hers at 12 and got front row) but I moved to the second row of the mezz. I'm glad I did since the view of the show from the mezz is absolutley beautiful. The view from the box was...not good.
I was in a front box, so I had a decent view and didn't move. I'd love to see it again from the front row, but seeing it from above in the boxes was a treat. If you're in the right box it's a great deal!
For anyone who wants to try and discern a pattern, I got there at ten of twelve today; there was a small line, about four people. The box office opened at noon, and they gave us front row.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/07
You're going today and you're in the front row? so lucky!!
it's different everyday i guess...i went yesterday at 3pm and there was one person infront of me. by the time they started selling the tickets at 5, there were about 8 of us in line, and most of us got front row. but we heard the day before there was a line of 20 people by 4:30!
Updated On: 6/17/07 at 01:22 PM
Sundays are good 'cause there the only day that three hours before showtime also happens to be when the box office opens... so it works out nicely, because whether you pick by opening time or rush rules, you're still there at the right time. On another day, you could get there at 10 a.m. for nothing, if they don't sell them til 4 or 5.
So do you think the whole giving out the boxes before the front row thing was a mistake made by the box office latley?
Or due to it being a Saturday.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/07
That's true about Sunday. Next Sunday's bad for me though...darn it.
They gave away the boxes first? Did they give you any choice at all?
Nope, they just sold us the box tickets. I think it might have just been the lady who made a mistake, because for the night show my friends got front row first, and then the boxes went on sale. I could be wrong though.
I'm going on Thursday night so I'll report back after that.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/07
Yeah, that's strange.
I stopped by the box office today and asked what days they gave front row first and they said everyday.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/07
oi vei
obsessed, we may just have to try the 4:30 thing on wednesday and hope for the best..