Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/07
They said they will most likely do rush, but it might not be the front row
Misschung... "Redonk"? What's that?
I guess a lot of BWW people were there yesterday.
Redonk=ridiculous, I'm guessing
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/07
oh, yeah. ridiculous. sorry, I forget sometimes that I'm using made up words, lol
Broadway Star Joined: 1/17/07
I got to the box office on Saturday at 3:15 for tickets to the night show, and was second in line.
Thanks. In context it seemed like that's what it was, but I wanted to make sure. :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/19/03
Ok, totally ignorant and stupid question alert:
How closely do they stick to the "student" part of rush. Is this and other shows with similar rushes strictly restricted to students or do they let the occasional old fart (46) slip through?
Sorry if this is a brain-dead many more shows have the student rush than general.
If the occasional "old fart" has a valid student ID he should be ok. A student is a student ~ and I'm sorry, if your ballet school has ID cards and those count (I've never seen that, but I've heard it), a full-time grad student should count too.
I am validly a full-time student (and full-time teacher)...and I'll be 36 in a month. And I've never had a problem. (Granted, no one believes I'm that old...most people say MAYBE 25.) Even at A Moon For The Misbegotten where some things online said they would be checking IDs for 25 and under.
They always check for student IDs.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/19/03
Aw rats! So it's either rear mezzanine via regular ticketing or standing on line and begging someone to buy me a ticket with their ID.:)
When and how much? :P
Just kidding. :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/19/03
Thursday or Friday night:) All up in the air anyway.
Main mission of the trip is to "audition" for "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" (otherwise known as taking written tests) and trying to fit in a show or two in the 48 hours I'll be there.
Since the Spalding Gray show is closing (damn it), I was going to check for onstage seating for "Spring Awakening" (pipe dream I know, but essentially checking for cancellations), maybe do general rush on Friday for "The Color Purple," maybe do the lottery for "Chorus Line" and maybe see "Company" again.
I'm about maybe'd out...I'd be more likely to go to "Company" on Friday if I did at all...Thursday's going to be too rushed with "Millionaire" at 5 and me not getting into the city until 2:30.
They've asked to see ID at Company the vast majority of times that I've rushed. But really, the rear mezzanine is not bad at ALL.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/07
The guy didnt ask for my ID on Sunday. He just saw that I had it out and sort of waved it away.
The rear mezz isnt terrible, you just cant see all the expressions as clearly as you would if you were sitting closer - like every show. I like the fact that you can see the whole stage from there, though
Yikes. I want to rush Wednesday or Thursday, but I don't get off of work until 4:30. Is there a limit to the number of SR ticekts they sell, or not?
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/07
its 2 per person. When I did rush by myself the last time, I got there literally at like 7:45 and the woman said there were no more student rush tickets, but she'd give me rear mezz for the same price. So unless the house sells out completely, I think you can still get a ticket
I think there are about 45 total.