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Didn't like the Chaperone- Page 3

Didn't like the Chaperone

MatthewAddison Profile Photo
#50re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 9:17pm

And, see, I hate his icon.

So beauty is in the eye of the beholder, truly.

However taste is one of those blessings a few of us have, and many of us don't.

And I can't wait to see TDC because the people who worked on it have taste, so I doubt it's anything less than spectacular and fresh.

best12bars Profile Photo
#51re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 9:20pm

I think the big "struggle" here is that if people don't like a show that you liked, it somehow lessens or taints your own experience of it.

It shouldn't!

I absolutely loved "Drowsy," but the fact that others didn't won't lessen my memories of it in the least.

Celebrate your individuality!

I feel badly that others don't get the same "bang" out of it that I did, but hopefully they will someday with some show.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#52re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 9:32pm

like in TinyToon's case, BROOKLYN

yeah individuality! woot!

#53re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 11:02pm

Again: My question is "How or why have so many critics been almost universally duped?" They don't critique a show premiering in Chicago based on it's Broadway potential; they judge the merits of the show independat of its final destination (Mary Zimmerman's "Silk" for example). I did due diligience looking for bad reviews for some out-of-towners coming to NYC before TDC began previews and in the mainstream media it was difficult to find pans. Discussion boards have been something else. This is what I find puzzling. Generally, you can find as many critics who hate a show (proportionaely) as those who have seen it but in this case there are quite a few theatergoers who loathe the show while there have been almost no hideous reviews in the press.

I find that puzzling.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#54re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 11:09pm

Well, Los Angeles theatre critics - "it has been said" - are relatively easy to please. I think they also loved MACK AND MABEL in 1974 pre Broadway and look how that turned out re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!

If you are looking for more well rounded reviews for TDC - I would imagine the Broadway critics will be a little less united in their opinions.

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#55re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 11:33pm

One of my dearest friends was a critic for 20 years. (Many of you are sick of my mentioning this, I'm sure...but there's a reason.) What I learned from spending many evenings in the theatre with her is this: Critics are no different from you and me...except they have columns.

Well, on a Message Board, EVERYBODY has "a column." So we're going to get everything from the overly effusive to the hyperbolically scathing.

I say read a lot and familiarize yourself with posters you respect if you want to read Board "reviews." That's what I do. I still don't always "agree" with them, but I do always respect them.

"Be on your guard! Jerks on the loose!"


"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars

VinnieTheIceman Profile Photo
#56re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 11:38pm

Miguel Bennett saw the show in California.

VinnieTheIceman Profile Photo
#57re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 11:39pm

Miguel Bennett is seeing the show for the first time "in a few weeks."

VinnieTheIceman Profile Photo
#58re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 11:40pm

Miguel Bennett will give you his strong opinions of the show whether he has seen it or not.

VinnieTheIceman Profile Photo
#59re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 11:40pm

I suggest you take Miguel Bennett's opinions with a grain of salt.

sanda Profile Photo
#60re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/9/06 at 12:06am

I would say if I choose a show based on board's opinion, I will choose a show which is praised by the members whom I believe sharing the same taste with myself. I won't choose a show based on respected board member, say Margo, no matter how much I respect her theatre knowledge.
Updated On: 4/9/06 at 12:06 AM

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#61re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/9/06 at 12:19am

I have not see the show and have no opinion of it. I'm only sharing my opinions of reviews in general.

#62re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/9/06 at 12:38am

Reaction to Tiny's assessment of THE DROWSY CHAPERONE is much ado about nothing. So Tiny didn't like it - Who cares? So Tiny told us not to see it. That's not going to stop me from seeing it - DROWSY CHAPERONE is one of the few shows I'm looking forward to. I love Sutton Foster, Beth Leavel and Edward Hibbert. Casey Nicholaw is a great talent. I can't wait.

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#63re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/9/06 at 12:39am

MB, I suggest you wait until the show is over before you have a CCB since there is no intermission. You may go stark-raving mad after all that caffeine. re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!

"Be on your guard! Jerks on the loose!"


"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#64re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/9/06 at 12:44am

I'm saving my CCB for when I have to sit through Ali McGraw in FESTEN! I bet the rest of the cast will be clamouring for a sip as well!

emo_geek Profile Photo
#65re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/9/06 at 12:47am

I must admit I heard some pretty much all negative things about the show from people who saw it here in L.A. (most of my friends did...they advised me not to go so I didn't)

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#66re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/9/06 at 12:49am

I don't think a six-pack of CCB would keep me awake during a performance of Ali McGraw's. She's like the human Seconal!

"Be on your guard! Jerks on the loose!"


"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars

best12bars Profile Photo
#67re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/9/06 at 5:03am

Michael Bennett---L.A. critics are FAR from easy to please. There is a different sensibility out here, I'll give you that. But several "highly praised" shows from New York have come out here and TANKED both critically and commercially. I think it's just another example of the "East Coast/West Coast snobbery" showing.

Be careful yours doesn't show either. re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#68re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/9/06 at 6:16am

I still don't agree...Tiny liked there anything really wrong with that? Just because this board is dominated by Brooklyn-haters doesn't make Tiny's opinion any more or less valid than yours. It's always the minority that gets stomped on here.

Besides, if you really disagreed with Tiny that much, why don't you go see the show and form an opinion of your own? Or read other reviews? No one told you to "listen" to this one!

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
Updated On: 4/9/06 at 06:16 AM

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#69re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/15/06 at 3:18am

Tiny-Toon must be insane.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#70re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/15/06 at 3:21am

It's far from a high school production, but I do agree on some level - this show just isn't very good, with the exception of Bob Martin, Beth Leavel, and Bob Martin's book (outside of the show within a show.)

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#71re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/15/06 at 3:29am

You know, I've met a lot of people seeing shows and talked to them about shows they have seen.

A lot of them raved about BKLYN and their faces just lit the point I couldn't say I hated it.

And I thought about it. I can see how people like it (I can't defend that because I hated it, personally). Anyway, every show, no matter how bad, finds an audience (eventually). And if one person likes the show, then let them.

Now, I have to agree with BobbyB et al. He is bringing up the point that BKLYN's biggest fan hated Drowsy. You, the reader, can take that as it is...If you did not like BKLYN, ignore Tiny's opinion.

If you liked BKLYN, decide for yourself.

I do think it is rude, however, to tell people not to buy tickets for a show when you yelled at people who trashed BKLYN.

I am one of those people who enjoy most things I see. I guess I can always find something in a show (like Ramona in BKLYN!). But I also can find and point out faults in a show. I usually ignore them.

I think, for me, DRACULA is the perfect example. So what I liked it? I don't think it is close to perfect. But I enjoyed it for what it was. Would I recommend it to people? Yes. But I would first tell them what I did not like about the point where I wonder why I even like it.

But the fact is, I like what I like.
I like to think I am able to say, "I enjoyed it...even though the show is a trash heap" or "I loved it, it's high art!"

People here (myself included sometimes) get so wrapped up in trying to write a perfect review to show up the "professional" critics...the published forget who you are writing for: Readers of a message board.

I try to point out everything in detail and include an honest opinion. There's always someone out there who will agree with you. Updated On: 4/15/06 at 03:29 AM

BroadwayChica Profile Photo
#72re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/15/06 at 3:42am

It's not that Tiny, or anyone else's opinion is without merit. It's just hypocritical to say "don't see this show", when they themselves encouraged everyone to see a show that most people just didn't like.

It's NATURAL for people to have notions about someone's opinions based on their personal tastes. It doesn't mean that they're "right" or "wrong". But if they loved a show that you hate, you're not going to take their opinion as seriously as you would someone whose tastes are more like your own.

And, frankly, I take this whole "see the show for yourself before making a judgement" thing with a grain of salt. Broadway shows are expensive, and many people want to know if a show is worth paying so much for, before buying a ticket. Of course we're going to want to hear other people's opinions first!! Just make sure you're well informed. Don't just read ONE person's thoughts. And try to look for thoughts and reviews from people who share the same tastes as you.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#73re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/15/06 at 4:25am

Just because Tiny Toon liked BKLYN, it doesn't mean his opinion is not valid. Brantley liked Melanie Griffith in Chicago and he is still the "most important" critic in the American theatre. I hated BKLYN myself, but still, his opinion counts like anyone elses.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-
