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Didn't like the Chaperone

Tiny-Toon Profile Photo
#0Didn't like the Chaperone
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:01pm

I saw the show today and I have to agree with all the other negative reviews. So much for the positive out-of-town buzz! I really thought this one's gonna be the show to beat at the Tonys. I'm not going to write a review, but i'll just say that the show is pretty bad. It has no point, and not even entertaining. The set is boring, and almost all the songs are completely forgettable ('Toledo Surprise' is one of the worst songs I have ever heard). The whole cast tries it's best to deal with the horrible book, but only Sutton Foster, Georgia Engel and Bob Martin succeed. DROWSY is no better then a high-school production. Buzz after the show was not positive at all.

Updated On: 4/9/06 at 05:01 PM

Corine2 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:21pm

I bought one on tdf and I was in the middle orchestra.

Updated On: 4/8/06 at 05:21 PM

Tiny-Toon Profile Photo
#2re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a disaster!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:23pm

What did you think of the show?

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#3re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a disaster!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:23pm

I really enjoyed the show.

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.

Corine2 Profile Photo
#4re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a disaster!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:24pm

I will refrain till it opens.
Updated On: 4/8/06 at 05:24 PM

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#5re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a disaster!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:26pm

NOt to be rude, but I don't think Brooklyn's biggest fan is the best judge of what is great and what isn't.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#6re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a disaster!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:28pm

Have to agree with Bobby.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#7re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a disaster!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:28pm

Whatever happened to each his [or her] own?

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

Tiny-Toon Profile Photo
#8re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a disaster!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:29pm

Oh, so because I liked a show you didn't, my opinion isn't valid. OK.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#9re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a disaster!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:31pm

Well, since you love a show that 99.99999999 percent of this board hated, and hate a show that 99.999999999 percent of this board loves, then yeah, not so valid. Sorry.

And this doesn't have to do with each his/her own. TinyToon has constantly dragged people through the mud for hating Brooklyn, and now they want us to listen to their negative opinion about something that is getting praise left and right?

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#10re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a disaster!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:31pm

It is your admonition to others not to go to see the show for themselves that belittles your point.

You don't like this show and did like Brookyln. Great.

Others may very well think the opposite.

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.

#11re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a disaster!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:31pm

That's what opinions are.

You say you love a show MOST people loathe, they don't always trust your opinions.

I for one cannot wait to see it, but I have heard everything from "It is amazing" to "I want my money back"

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#12re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a disaster!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:33pm

Yeah, what smartpenguin said. This has to do with you telling people not to see the show after praising and trying to get everyone and their sister to see Brooklyn. Makes no sense.

I recall, when people trashed Brooklyn, that you told everyone to "see it for themselves and make up their own mind", but we can't do the same for Drowsy?
Updated On: 4/8/06 at 05:33 PM

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#14re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a disaster!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:35pm

Well considering the character of the people in those threads, I'm not really holding up their or your opinion as the standard.

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#15re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a disaster!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:42pm

Bobby once again i love you whole heartily

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#16re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a disaster!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:49pm

Oooooh, this is beginning to look like a Lestat thread. re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a disaster! Where's jimnysf?

Blue J
#17re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a disaster!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:50pm

I personally disliked it when I saw it, but people around me were talking about how great it was. Plus, I saw the first preview so I'm sure they'll make improvements before opening night. I can definitely say though that the cast is VERY talented and I loved seeing Sutton Foster perform live.

Updated On: 4/8/06 at 05:50 PM

#18re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a disaster!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:52pm

I loved BKLYN and like Drowsy a lot. just me 2 cents

Hanna from Hamburg Profile Photo
Hanna from Hamburg
#19re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:53pm

Just came back from the Saturday matinee. Amazingly cast, increcibly performed, beautifully unique. Hmmmm . . . . did I like it?


I LOVED it!!!!!

Drowsy is able to take the style of 20s musicals and give it a little 21st Century twist. Is it for everyone? Probably not. But it seemed to be for everyone at today's matinee. I have a feeling several shows are cursing the fact it was able to make it into the '06 season. It's definitely going to change several of the races this year.

Sutton -- LOVE her in this piece. From the time she steps on the stage you KNOW you're in the presence of a star. Everything is effortless. I'm shocked to see someone feel so at ease given everything she has to accomplish during the show. Will she win another Tony? Doubt it -- there's too much strong competition and it's too much of an ensemble piece. She might do better in the supporting category, but she probably won't be nominated there. Anyone who questions her "triple-threat" status should see her in this show.

Troy is a DOLL. Beautiful voice, beautiful . . . everything. So funny in a role that could be boring.

Beth Leavel -- scream! Kick a$$ voice, comedic genius.

Bob Martin -- as a gay man who is a theatre lover, can I relate? He's out there in this role, but restrained enough to keep from being obnoxious.

I could go through the entire cast, but let me just say I can't imagine anyone else in these roles.

The sets are very inventive -- it's great how they developed the apartment set and gradually break it down during the show. But it always comes back to his apartment -- very creative.

The choreography seems to key into the strengths of each performer. It's scaled well to the size of the set and doesn't try to be more than it should be.

The songs feel like they could have come from a 20's musical, but have that little hook and double-entendre that give it a nice twist.

I LOVED this little show!!!!

". . . POP . . ."
Updated On: 4/8/06 at 05:53 PM

sanda Profile Photo
#20re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 5:58pm


Why take bobbybubby's opinion so serious? If he chose to ingore your opinion, you can ingore him as well. Fair enough.

The longer I stay in this board, the more I realize that there are no right or wrong opinions. There are only opinions that you agree or not. And you will always find people agree with you and disagree with you.

I already find out that I almost disagree anything with DAME.
Our tastes are on the each polar of the earth. But I can still respect her.
Updated On: 4/8/06 at 05:58 PM

#21re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 6:01pm

no tiny, because you ADORED a show that was terrible, thats why your opinon doesn't count.

when ducks grow thumbs then maybe my opinion will change.

Roninjoey Profile Photo
#22re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 6:03pm

Heh. Brooklyn is pretty bad.

yr ronin,

willact4food Profile Photo
#23re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 6:07pm

As much as I am an advocator for everyone to have their own opinion . . .

I just can't seriously take the opinion of someone who's obsessed with a show that has lyrics like,
"Has anyone ever read you a fairy tale?"
"You can fly above the rain clouds, close your eyes."

Sorry . . .

I can't WAIT to see this show!

Tiny-Toon Profile Photo
#24re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
Posted: 4/8/06 at 6:14pm

Stop making this such a big deal, I just wrote what I thought about it.. you don't have to agree with me. Just my opinion.. that's it.

BroadwayFan3, I loved The Wedding Singer re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!

Updated On: 4/8/06 at 06:14 PM
