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ELF Thoughts???

ljay889 Profile Photo
#50ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 12:04am

Saw it tonight also.

It was a mindless ton of fun. The material is really not great at all. The songs are catchy enough. The book has some very cheap and stupid jokes. And easily some of the most predictable lyrics I've ever heard. But I still found it irresistible.

Arcelus and Leavel are the standouts. Spanger had some awkward moments vocally and acting wise.

I had no problem with the sets and other design elements. It's a limited run, and I'm sure they'd like to recoup. You'd be silly to expect huge grandiose sets.

Audiences absolutely LOVED it. I will certainly go back.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#51ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 12:05am

Where have the TDF seats been?

adamgreer Profile Photo
#52ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 12:18am

Rocks, our tdf seats were in the mezz- Row M, 17 and 19. At intermission, we moved down to the orchestra because another friend of ours said there were two empty seats in the row in front of her.

Anyway, I sat through much of this show with a giant smile plastered to my face. Ljay said it best when he said it's "irrestible." Yes, the book is pedestrian, but the whole thing is just a huge souffle of fun. It's highly enjoyable, and perfect for the season. I can't remember the last time I've been this happy and elated coming out of a show. I was completely won over by it, and can't wait to go back.

Sebastian Arcelus, who I didn't particularly enjoy in Wicked, completely won me over as Buddy. Very sweet, touching performance. Beth Leavel, Matthew Gumley, and Mark Jacoby were also wonderful. Spanger had little to do, and her big vocal number kind of goes nowhere- her voice sounds like it still hasn't recovered from the ROA disaster.

The smallish sets didnt't bother me, either. When you're only running for 2 months, you can't expect anything elaborate. I thought the sets were definitely on par with the White Christmas sets, though.

The (mostly full) audience went nuts over it. By the time we get to Thanksgiving, this is going to be a very tough ticket. Many people were on phones at intermission and afterwards telling friends about it.

I myself can't wait to go back.

Mystic Pasta
#53ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 12:20am

I have to agree with all of RippedMan's comments. The book is unfinished and hard to follow. The director would have been wise to insist that a few of the story lines from the movie be dropped to focus on 3 or 4 main themes. This is a prime example of a show that would have benefited from an out of town tryout. There are many strong ingredients on stage and it's clear a lot of money was spent by Warner Bros. - but at the end of the day, it felt like people were there for a paycheck until a spot in Catch Me If You Can opens in the Spring. After two hours, I asked myself what is the point of the chopped up story? I couldn't find a moral or specific point of view. Where does Amy Spanger go for 60 minutes between appearing in scenes - did she run back to Rock of Ages to sing a few songs and then return for the end of act two? Sebastian tries really hard and has a ton of stage time - but is not charming enough to carry the show on his back. He does deserve an A for effort. I'd like to take his "A" for Elf effort and bring it over to the O'Neill and see Fela again. The ending felt like a thud and the audience gave a luke warm curtain call reaction. It seems like the creatives looked at their watch and said - the show is running long so let's stop right here and go to a quick finale. About 1/3 of the audience gave the mandatory standing ovation while the rest put on their coats and thought about if they should see Donny & Marie at the Marquis or make plans to wait for War Horse in the spring.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#54ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 12:26am

Mystic Pasta, what night were you there? Because the ovation at this evening's performance was quite enthusiastic.

Also, can you explain how a limited run holiday show would have an out of town tryout? What people in Chicago, or Seattle, or Boston (or wherever) would buy tickets to see Elf in September?

the rest put on their coats and thought about if they should see Donny & Marie at the Marquis or make plans to wait for War Horse in the spring.

I can pretty much guarantee you that 95% of the people who see Elf have no idea (and don't care) what War Horse. I

#55ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 12:27am

Saw it tonight as well, via TDF. Our seats were 3rd row, front mezzanine on the right. Great view.

So, I actually really loved the show. I understand the flaws that people are pointing out, but come on. It's a kids (HOLIDAY) show. I highly doubt that a 7 year old waiting to see Santa onstage is really going to dissect the book like we would.
Is it a perfect show? Absolutely not. But it was one of those shows that left me grinning from ear to ear as I danced out of the theater.

Beth Leavel and Sebastian Arcelus were wonderful. They both stole the show. Beth is just a wonderful performer who has an incredible stage presence. Sebastian also lit up the stage whenever he was present.
Oh! And I also adored Matthew Gumely's character. They really built his character as well as his mother's. Their duet "There is a Santa Claus" in Act I was a real standout to me.

All in all, I thought it was a very witty and very enjoyable evening at the theater. Again, not a masterpiece by far, but it's going to make a killing. I really hope that they decide to bring it back next holiday season!

PS- I asked the girl at the merchandise stand about a cast recording. She said that there will be one, but they're still in talks about the details.

PPS- The cast was wonderful at the stage door. They had a LOT of guests, but most came out and signed. My only issue was the lack of barricades and the fact that the only form of a "barrier" was the security guard's arms parting the sea of children to make an isle for the actors to exit through.

PPPS- Sorry for the scattered review... I'm pooped. Maybe I'll actually make it decent tomorrow morning when I can keep my eyes open. G'night folks!

Mystic Pasta
#56ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 12:38am

Hi Adam. Saw the show last night. So, if the audience was enjoying it more this evening, that is great. White Christmas had an out of town tryout in SF in 2004. I just thought White Christmas was a more refined and more satisfying "holiday" musical. I think the producers worked on it for several years in front of audiences before bringing to NYC. And, you are right, 95% of the Elf audience doesn't know about War Horse today. But, they will in a year.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#57ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 12:43am

I don't see why the sets shouldn't be big? If they're planning on running the show for multiple seasons or touring it, why not go big? Also, I'm not saying the set needs to be BIGGER. It just needs to be better. Right now the set could be for any show. There just wasn't any magic or spark to the design. I loved the design for Xanadu or Scottsboro Boys. Both of which are "smaller" shows by comparison.

#58ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 12:44am

(Oh. And tonight's performance was being taped for reasons that I should have found out from asking an usher. Probably for Lincoln Center, as the cameras were minimal and low key. I'd assume they'd film promotional stuff without an audience with more cameras...)

adamgreer Profile Photo
#59ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 12:46am

I don't see why the sets shouldn't be big? If they're planning on running the show for multiple seasons or touring it, why not go big?

Because they want to recoup their investment over the next 2 months?

I also find it quite ironic that shows get criticized on bww for having sets that are too big and elaborate, yet this one doesn't, and now people want something more.

#60ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 12:50am

For the record, I had zero issues with the set. I actually enjoyed them quite a bit! (Although I could've done without the stock photos being projected throughout some of the scenes...)

#61ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 12:58am

You don't need huge expensive sets for ELF.Just sets with beauty and imagination.Buddy transforming the familys apartment was lame and so was the Macys transformation.I refuse to believe it couldn't have had more magic without being incredibly expensive.Hell, go east a few blocks and see what Stroman does with some chairs and a couple of planks.THE SCOTTSBORO BOYS ,now that's magic. I actually feel the crappy dances and tacky sets impact the songs. I hope they record the score because I'd like to hear it divorced from the show. For me, the saving grace in ELF is Sebastion Archelus.He was adorable without being cloying.What can I say............SNOW!!!!

RippedMan Profile Photo
#62ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 12:58am

I can't speak for others, but I love an elaborate set.

Sorry, the whole piece just seemed very uninspired and lacking any sense of Christmas joy. But then again it is November.

CapnHook Profile Photo
#63ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 10:06am

Well I can agree there. While the sets were fine, the transformations mentioned above were NOT. The Macys one was OK, but could have been SO much more magical. And the apartment one was barely noticeable. Pathetic, even.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

RippedMan Profile Photo
#64ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 11:28am

That's all I'm saying! I mean, the Grinch was somewhat magical!

adamgreer Profile Photo
#65ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 9:00pm

The Grinch?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! The Grinch had two dimensional cardboard sets!!!!!!

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#66ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 9:51pm

I doubt they were filming for Lincoln Center yet. Most likely just B-Roll.

I really didn't mind the set so much. There were far worse problems in the show. (Though there should be a ban on trees flying in from stage right in any act two.) When I was there earlier in the week, I believe I overheard talk of improving some of the projections. Don't know if that actually happened yet.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

CapnHook Profile Photo
#67ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 10:05pm

They were filming footage to use for their website. Not quite b-roll. Specifically, they wanted to film the snow over the audience and audience reactions.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

After Eight
#68ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 10:29pm

I found it a pleasant show. There were a sufficient number of laughs to provide a good time. This was one of the rare instances in which the book was better than the score, which, to me, was generic. Sebastian Arcelus was wonderful, and displayed great charm. To me, the worst thing was the ending, which seemed to have reached its proper conclusion, only to have not one, but two additional codas tacked on to it.

PurpleFanta Profile Photo
#69ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/7/10 at 10:56pm

I saw it this evening and thought it was incredibly charming. I had a smile on my face the entire time. I had some serious doubts going in, but they were put to rest very early on in the show. The only low point of the show for me was Amy Spanger, but besides that, I thought it was a very enjoyable night of theatre.

#70ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/8/10 at 12:13am

Saw it tonight as well, I too had my doubts, was not on my must see list but when tickets became available thru TDF, I figured I'd give it a try. And I was surprised how much I enjoyed it.

For those asking where the TDF seats were, for tonights show it seemed like most of the side section of Row N, O and possibly P, there were plenty of empty seats in the middle section starting with Row J, so most of us moved up and over. (Views were fine from either seat, but it is always nicer to be a little closer and more centered, so why not move up)

CockeyedOptimist2 Profile Photo
#71ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/8/10 at 12:19am

I loved it! I had the best time. I go back in two weeks with my parents, but decided to go with TDF tickets tonight because my friends wanted to see it. I was worried I wouldn't like it and would still be tied into going back with my parents, but now I'm very excited.

I thought the score was a lot of fun and really fit the show well. The highlight for me was "There is a Santa Claus" sung to perfection by Beth Leavel and Matthew Gumley. I didn't expect a lot of stage time from George Wendt, but I wish he'd had a little bit more time just because I love him so much.

It also had the most creative pre-show announcement I've seen. Loved it!

#72ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/8/10 at 3:27pm

Ah! When I went there was no pre-show announcement. Santa just said something during his first scene! What do they have now?

Broadway Doctor Profile Photo
Broadway Doctor
#73ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/8/10 at 5:22pm

The Doc is 'Making a List (For the Christmas Musical Formula) and checkin in twice.'

ELF Thoughts???
Elf and the Christmas Musical Formula

Trust Me, I'm a Doctor.

CockeyedOptimist2 Profile Photo
#74ELF Thoughts???
Posted: 11/8/10 at 7:32pm

Kirby, that was what I was talking about. I just thought it was adorable and a creative way to start it instead of a pre-recorded announcement.
