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Eden Espinosa - In SF Wicked- Page 7

Eden Espinosa - In SF Wicked

OrdinaryJukebox1 Profile Photo
#150Eden Espinawesome In SF Wicked!
Posted: 8/14/05 at 10:10pm

I would love for either Eden or Ana (I'd prefer Eden though) to take over for Shoshana once she leaves the role. I'm really not liking Stephanie's take on the role, nor do I care for the way she sings it. I think she's wonderfully talented, just not for this show. There are many other shows and characters for her to relish in, this one just doesn't work for me. So, my vote goes to Eden, if not here, then Ana...maybe even someone new and wonderful...Paula Cole of "Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?" fame actually has the right look and the right voice...girly can belt a B flat, just below HIGH C...BELT people! She belts A flats like they're NOTHING. She's truly a vocal genius...but, anyway...hehe


#151Eden Espinawesome In SF Wicked!
Posted: 8/14/05 at 10:35pm

From the sfgate review:

"The buoyant Kendra Kassebaum and a winning but vocally challenged Eden Espinosa play the two witches in this ambitious, if sometimes heavy-handed, parable of female friendship."

"vocally challenged" Doesn't sound like they though much of her screetch.

Cake or death?

emo_geek Profile Photo
#152Eden Espinawesome In SF Wicked!
Posted: 8/15/05 at 12:09am

Ya what the hell did they mean by that?

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999
Updated On: 8/15/05 at 12:09 AM

Popular Profile Photo
#153Eden Espinawesome In SF Wicked!
Posted: 8/15/05 at 1:05am

Ok kiddos, I'm back from an almost computer-free weekend up at my dads house. I'm very flattered to have been requested - now what was it exactly that I can help you with?

Radioactiveduck Profile Photo
#154Eden Espinawesome In SF Wicked!
Posted: 8/15/05 at 3:04am

Am I the only person in the world who likes Derrick Willaims as Fiyero? I dont find him at all too femmenine, and he does a brilliant job at physicalizing his growiong feelings for Elphie, since Winnie deemed any lines that developed their love un-nessecery. His high notes aren't as full as I'd like them to be, but I think he wonderful. Hell of a lot better than Joey McIntyre, that's for sure.

Pinguin Profile Photo
#155Eden Espinawesome In SF Wicked!
Posted: 8/15/05 at 4:35am

Saw the show today, and as for Eden, I thought she sang half of the songs in kermit voice and THEN decided at the big endings to SING. I didn't have huge problems with the screeching as much as I did with all of the singing in middle ranges; it was a very odd experience.

As for Derrick, I didn't think he was TERRIBLE, certainly, and I only really noticed his feminine traits when he first came onstage and through Dancing Through Life...after that I was fine with him (minus his high notes, of course).

I dunno. It was an odd cast. Certainly made for an interesting afternoon.

-Anyone want to turn anarchist with me?

"Bless you and all who know you, oh wise and penguined one." ~YouWantItWhen????

wickedobsessed Profile Photo
#156Eden Espinawesome In SF Wicked!
Posted: 8/16/05 at 9:18am

My friend saw her and said she was really good.....hmm

#157Eden Espinawesome In SF Wicked!
Posted: 8/16/05 at 11:41pm

I am leaving to go to SF tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seeing the show THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

......SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(....can u tell?)
