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Eden Espinosa - In SF Wicked- Page 5

Eden Espinosa - In SF Wicked

#100re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/9/05 at 11:45pm

on Seth's Chatterbox she sang it. Maybe yo ucould find a clip of that.

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#101re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/9/05 at 11:51pm

Just watch and listen to Idina's performance at the Tonys and you'll see that even under the most important of circumstances, everyone can have a bad night. Give Eden a break, she is beaming with talent and she's such a sweetheart. And the name-calling is just juvenile. Please change the title of this thread, it's just mean. I can understand if you want to constructively critique her performance, but don't be rude. She works her ass off and she kicks it out of the park!

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#102re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/9/05 at 11:56pm

ok, first of all, NO ONE IS SUPPOSED TO MENTION BOOTLEGS OR CERTAIN "CLIPS" ON THIS BOARD! THAT APPLIES TO EVERYONE. Also, Theatreguy2 has an opinion and i respect that, but please keep the completely rude and uncalled for comments to yourself, how would you like if someone began to speak poorly of your abilities, appearance, or anything that involves your life and soul. It is so disrespectful and completely childish to even begin a thread entitled "Eden Espinawful", and to EVERYONE WHO EVER FINDS A THREAD WITH SUCH A TITLE, PLEASE DISREGARD AND IT AND SIMPLY LET IT PASS WHILE WE WAIT FOR ROB TO DELETE IT

Thank you

#103re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 12:05am

Thanx Ric!

Grommetik Profile Photo
#104re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 12:27am

eden fans....maybe....just MAYBE...someone has a different opinion to you. I know! it's unbelievable. but you know...these things are sent to try us. just close your eyes and the bad man will go away.
(sarcasm.doc attached)

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#105re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 12:32am

I saw three different Elphabas (in this order): Idina, Eden, Shoshana. Let me tell you, Eden was by far my favorite and I saw her on her first time filling in for Idina. She played the role in a way that made me care far more for her than I ever did in the multiple times I saw Idina or the one time I sat through Shoshana.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

#106re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 12:45am

I hope she transfers to the NY production after this stint. I'm sorry folks, but I'm a fan.

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#107re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 12:46am

just because i'm an eden fan doesnt let me forget that someone is bashing a performer! IT SHOULDN'T BE HAPPENING REGARDLESS!

Grommetik Profile Photo
#108re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 1:04am

Eden is a professional performer. I'm sure she appreciates the criticism. I always like my shows to get at least one bad review. It's normal. Theatreguy just happens to hate Eden, big deal. It's not like he's plotting her assassination.

Winkie Beer Profile Photo
Winkie Beer
#109re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 2:30am

While I won't comment either way on the performance qualities of Eden Espinosa, I think that Theatreguy2 can dislike Eden all he wants, but pretending he just saw her perform when he didn't is stupid. I don't have another word for it. I am trying to think of something more articulate, but all I can think of is "stupid".

Popular Profile Photo
#110re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 2:48am

After 5 pages of rolling my eyes I must speak out.

I saw her in L.A. when I took my dad to see the show. I was REALLY bummed out that he wasn't going to see Stephanie... but she delivered BIGTIME and in the end I wasn't disappointed at all! And trust me, I was NOT trying to like her. Did I mention I was bummed for my dad to be missing out on Stephanie?

All I have to say is that she was phenomenal, no flying and all, and not to mention... this isn't her part! How long has she been away from it and how much time did she actually get to rehearse before going up there? I don't know the answers, do you? Since I doubt anyone here knows for sure, I say let's just stop making asses of ourselves by assuming and judging. Surely there must've been SOMETHING you liked about her performance. Can't we focus on the positive? I can understand giving constructive criticism but since Eden will most Likely NOT be reading your "notes" there really isn't anything constructive about ripping her apart on this board, or anywhere else for that matter. It comes off very childish and reaks of jealousy/bitterness which is just...ewwwww, what can I say but ewwwww?

Oh why do I bother perpetuating this thread with a post? *sigh*

Updated On: 8/10/05 at 02:48 AM

Justice Profile Photo
#111re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 4:31am

I have to say, not only did i love her in Wicked, but when I served her, i told her I was lucky enough to have caught her playing Elphaba. She was very gracious and pleased to be hearing such a compliment.
Personally, I think she was an amazing Elphaba.
And it is possible, you saw her on an off night...she has had has Idina.

"Do you know what pledge time is, Andrew"? said the PBS Executive. "Yes", Lloyd Webber replied. "My 50th birthday special must be one program that gets done a lot." "No", mused the man from PBS heedlessy. "Not so much. Our Stephen Sondheim Carnegie Hall concert. That's a big one." Spoons, forks and knives seemed suddenly to suspend their motion in horror, all around the table.

lfae Profile Photo
#112re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 6:00am

I love Eden's emphasis in "is OR WAS". Love when Steph does it too. And, funnily enough, Maria Eberline does it as well...maybe it's a tour quirk? *g* (yes, I'm aware Eden's only the tour in SF and was Bway before this, but it just struck me as amusing...and yes, Jenna Leigh Green does it too! Now this is getting creepy.)

Anyway. It's nice to have something different in there so that each performance isn't just a carbon copy of the last :)

Patronus Profile Photo
#113re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 10:12am

Well, I am definately driving up to San Francisco on Saturday to see the matinee. I really hope that Eden doesn't take the afternoon off as I am now extremely excited to see her.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#114re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 10:36am

A link to a review posted on another site mentioned this about Eden: "Espinosa makes a kinder, gentler (and more vocally challenged) Elphaba than Menzel." Not too sure if that's a good or bad thing.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany
Updated On: 8/10/05 at 10:36 AM

#115re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 1:41pm

I saw the show last Saturday (which was still technically a preview), so I feel I can comment on this one. First, I saw Idina in the show in NY with JLT, twice, and really, its hard to compare. Idina's acting and vocal ability is just mind-blowing, so really, after that, anything else is going to be second in comparison. With that said, Eden was good. She will be great, but I think she has to get used to being back in the role. She started off a bit weak, but I attributed that to the fact thatit was only her second performance in Wicked in SF, and after a long break, right? I didn't care much for how she pronounces gravity in Defying Gravity though because you can tell she's doing it so she can hit a certain note. Don't know how to quite explain it, you just have to hear it.

In short, she was good, and will most likely improve as the run goes. Her Defying Gravity belting was good, and by the end of the show she seemed like she was more into the character, acting-wise and vocally. I have to admit though, I wish I had seen Stephanie Block to comare as well because I heard she was extraordinary.

My two cents! re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked

DefyingEDCT Profile Photo
#116re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 2:36pm

re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked

seems fitting.

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#117re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 2:51pm

hahahah!!! thank you for that--it is well deserved

#118re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 4:57pm

LFAE, you "love" her emphasis on "OR WAS?" Whatever for? It makes NO sense at all. None. Zero. It completely throws off the rhythm of the line.

And I can't quite get over you people who get all "don't make fun of her name!" WHY NOT? I mean, Jesus Christ, I'm sure Eden Espiznotagoodsingerjustbecauseshecanbelt has a better sense of humor than you people do.

I mean, being "mature" really ain't all it's cracked up to be.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

lfae Profile Photo
#119re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 7:22pm

I don't know exactly why I love it. The first time I heard it, I went whoa a little because it was so unexpected. But it's so different to what I was used to, and it really adds some power in there. It sounds more fearful, as well as fearsome. I definitely like it better than the other way now - that one sounds almost bland in comparison :)

#120re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/10/05 at 11:42pm

It's unexpected because it makes no sense. It is not where the emphasis belongs in any standard of speech, let alone musically at that moment. It's almost as if Eden Englishasasecondlanguage learned the song phonetically without really knowing what the hell she was singing. Like Wing without the breath control.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#121re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/11/05 at 1:54am

I saw Wicked today with Eden in it! This was my first time seeing it, and omg I loved it. I thought Eden was fantastic, everyone who has said the bad things must have seen her on an off off night. Be nice guys it doesnt look easy to do a part like that, and she flew!!!

#122re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/11/05 at 10:23am

An off off night as opposed to a just normal off night?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

wickedfan2 Profile Photo
#123re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/11/05 at 12:09pm

I have not been to these boards in months and didn't know Eden was back in Wicked. What happened to Brooklyn?

Anyway I saw Eden when she was filling in for Idina way back and I loved her.

DickonDefysGravity Profile Photo
#124re: Eden Espinawful-In SF Wicked
Posted: 8/11/05 at 12:10pm

Does anyone help me find where I could find a "stiletto" of Eden as Elphaba???


And you think of all of the things you've seen, and you wish that you could live in between ,and you're back again only different than before... After the Sky. -Into the Woods (Jack)
