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Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money- Page 2

Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money

#25re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/24/05 at 1:32pm

Meanwhile, the company is stranded in Houston with all performances cancelled for the weekend!

I wonder if the producers will invoke the "Act of God" clause which says the actors don't have to be paid if the show is cancelled due to an "act of God".

DAME Profile Photo
#26re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/24/05 at 2:56pm

Millie; this isn't a argument. It is a discussion. And as far as what the producers will do.. Is it Troika? because if it is.. anything is possible.


Radioactiveduck Profile Photo
#27re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/24/05 at 6:04pm

What's up with the nastiness everyone? Can't we just accept that someone saw a performance that they really disliked and move on with it?

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#28re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/24/05 at 6:18pm

"But when I'm shelling out $100+ per seat, I will find out as much about a show as I can. And for a sung-thru show, I find it enhances the experience tremendously to at least be familiar with the story."

Completely unnecessary. I shouldn't have to go into the theatre knowing anything about Eva Peron. I should not have to do my "homework" it is up to the creative and artistic team (cast and crew) and the actress portraying Eva to develop the character sufficiently for me to connect. I could do all the research I want on Jesus and maybe I won't understand Jesus Christ Superstar any better. The theatre goer has done enough by trusting the producers with their money in exchange for storytelling and artistry.

If you are on the national tour of this show you certainly have a right to defend it, but you have no right to try to blame the audience members opinion on ignorance. They gave you their money so they have a right to form an opinion of the production and your performance because of it.

Kelzama, you don't have to be an actor to critique the acting abilities of an individual. Many theatre critics haven't taken Theatre 101 and I would value their opinions as much as I value any BFA graduate.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

DAME Profile Photo
#29re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/24/05 at 6:27pm



shira467 Profile Photo
#30re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/24/05 at 6:52pm

I must say, I did enjoy this production, and I consider myself a somewhat educated theatregoer.

I thought Kathy was fine...not phenomenal, but fine. I thought the gentleman playing Che was very very good.

We all have different opinions. That is why these boards exist.

Deet: Shira, I Love You!

DAME Profile Photo
#31re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/24/05 at 6:54pm

That is true Shira. And no one should be vilified for liking or disliking something.


shira467 Profile Photo
#32re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/24/05 at 7:01pm

Unless it's Piazza. In which case, off with your head and BWW membership!*

*Just kidding. Not everyone has to like it.

Deet: Shira, I Love You!

#33re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/24/05 at 7:05pm

Never stated that you had to do research; it's what I enjoy doing with my money and my time. Absolutely it's the audience's prerogative to have an opinion on the show. My point, from the beginning, was levied specifically against criticisms of the performers & musicians when those criticisms are more probably the fault of the creative team.

Never said you had to be an actor let alone a BFA to appreciate (or not) theatre. However, when you title a thread "don't waste your time or money," don't be offended when those of us who enjoyed the show defend it.

And, Millie, look at the bright side: Very soon, we'll have a whole new Evita production in London to debate.

DAME Profile Photo
#34re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/24/05 at 7:31pm

Well; then it is the fault of the creative team I guess. As a audience member I can only go by what is up there. Again.. I must say I am really surprised that Kathy has not been replaced by now.

Updated On: 9/24/05 at 07:31 PM

#35re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/25/05 at 2:25pm

Who was offended?

#36re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/25/05 at 3:05pm

I give up. Who?

DAME Profile Photo
#37re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/25/05 at 3:21pm

You said " don't be offended when those of us who enjoyed the show defend it. "
So I believe the question pertained to .. who do you think was offended?


lovinlovett Profile Photo
#38re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/25/05 at 3:25pm

I saw this in Atlanta a few weeks ago and I wasn't overwhelmed with it either. It was okay. IMO the cast was actually quite good but I didn't care for the staging. It just was much more interesting and enjoyable as a movie (in spite of Madonna).
Updated On: 9/25/05 at 03:25 PM

DAME Profile Photo
#39re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/25/05 at 3:29pm

This might just be one of those shows that is just better in its legend than it really is. ( Those that make sense?) I do however think this production has a huge whole in its center when it has a lead with no presence or magnetism of any kind. She is suppose to be EVITA for gods sake. I am really shocked thy have not gotten rid of her.

Updated On: 9/25/05 at 03:29 PM

#40re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/25/05 at 3:33pm

I agree. Poor woman is way over her head. Maybe the producers are to cheap to buy her out?

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#41re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/25/05 at 3:34pm

Evita is a very good musical--it just requires a clear vision by the creative team. I haven't seen this production to comment on it, but I have to say that it's time to retire Hal Prince's brilliant production and come up with something new.

Sidenote: I heard about a phenominal production in Austin that was set in a 3 ring circus. Sounded fantastic.

DAME Profile Photo
#42re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/25/05 at 4:30pm

Now that I would like to see.


#43re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/25/05 at 7:10pm

I saw the show earlier this year before Bradley was sacked. He was terrible, but Kathy was the worst element of this collegiate-qulaity production. Besides being incapable of singing the role, she was short and pudgy and completely lacking in the required "star quality." There were many such grumblings after the show outside the theatre. It remains the worst thing I've seen on stage all year.

#44re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/25/05 at 7:59pm

Dame & Theatermafia:
I don't care much who was offended, nor did I anticipate being held to the fire for one verb amidst a sea of statements, but if you really need names, reread the responses, decide for yourself which were most vitriolic, and go from there.

Or you could take "offended" to denote those who were displeased or disagreeable to my response instead of it's alternate meaning of those who were caused displeasure, anger, resentment, or wounded feelings, and move on.

Love or hate the show, love or hate the cast, you gotta love the passion with which everyone's approached this discussion.

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#45re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/25/05 at 8:07pm

KindnessofStrangers-what do you mean Bradley Dean was sacked?

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

DAME Profile Photo
#46re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/27/05 at 3:06pm

Now how could they sack him and not her?


#47re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/27/05 at 3:43pm


don't get mad...everyone has their own opinions...some people loved my tour and others despised it. And I was ok with that.

I haven't seen this particular production but I saw a different tour of it many, many years ago and...

it sucked.

I have been in Evita and I know how hard the ensemble works..I have never worked so hard or sweat so much..but the ensemble I saw was just tired and the Eva couldn't hit any of the notes.
Maybe it was just an off night. I dunno.

I still ADORE the show though and would see it again any day!

I was super lucky because my "Che" was Jason Daniely who was phenomenal and it was a blast to work with him.

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#48re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/27/05 at 4:29pm


Seriosuly people, this is pointless bashing. We get it , you didn't like it, some people did.

Boo hoo.

Enough already.

Shay Jericho Profile Photo
Shay Jericho
#49re: Evita National Tour - Don't Waste Your Time or Money
Posted: 9/27/05 at 4:53pm

I saw the this tour in San Diego, and the young woman playing Evita was ill, and had to be replaced by the undedrstudy at intermission. I chalked her vocal, er, singing up to her being ill.

That being said, this was my first experience with Evita, and it left me hating it. However, due to the extremely varied responses to the tour as well as the show itself on here, perhaps I should give it another shot.
