I'm with Kad on this one: I admired it but didn't love it. It's an incredibly well-written show that is expertly directed and performed, and it has one of the best scores I've heard in a long time but ultimately, I was underwhelmed. I couldn't connect to it at all emotionally, and I love the graphic novel.
There isn't a weak link in the cast but Sydney Lucas is giving one hell of a performance. "Ring of Keys" was the highlight of the night for me. Michael Cerveris, whom I've been a fan of for a long, long time, is equally terrific, and I think is doing his best work as Bruce.
Sally, Kad loved it, what are you talking about?
I'm probably just attributing that opinion to the wrong person then. I agree with whomever said it.
Stand-by Joined: 2/17/07
I can't believe people are ragging on Fun Home after gushing over it off-Broadway. Is this Hamilton's future?
It's a good show, really made for the NY theater audience. I am not sure how most tourists will take to it, but I guess haters are going hate.
What are you talking about? Not one person has hated this show on this thread except After Eight.
I definitely didn't hate it, I just didn't love it.
Love it, hate it, admire it.
I just can't stop thinking about it since viewing for the first time this afternoon.
It's bordering unhealthy...but I truly appreciate how some shows can make you feel like this. Whatever 'this' is.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/22/14
I've been reading this thread to see if this show will be worth seeing in my May trip. Everyone is gushing about it (except for one or two) but I didn't really hear what is there to gush about except for the score??! Maybe since you're all familiar with the material and I'm not. Anyways I filled my last slot with Living on Love (the one play of the trip since I am more if a musical theater fan but would love to c Renee Fleming) excited to see Something Rotten (I can actually see/hear why people are excited about the show in their preview thread) and loved On the a Twentieth Century when I saw in Feb I am going to see #2. Hopefully this show will tour I will catch it then!
I think you made a mistake. And the show will almost certainly not tour.
I think it could do well regionally, though.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/22/14
I hardly regret my choices but thanks for calling it a mistake. But I won't lose sleep over the comment lol. Tour or no tour is fine with me, but would be nice if it tours
Leading Actor Joined: 6/14/11
Not really sure I understand your thought process. People are gushing, but since they're not able to spell out exactly what it is about the show that works, it can't possibly as good as Something Rotten--which has had far more detractors in its preview thread--simply because posters in the Something Rotten thread can point out exactly what makes the show good?
All right. Regardless, as long as you don't regret your choices, that's all that really matters.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/2/13
Brilliant performances, fantastic score and book, riveting staging and direction, unique storytelling of a difficult subject on a Broadway stage starring veterans such as Judy Kuhn, Beth Malone and Michael Cerveris and introducing a fantastic new performer, Sydney Lucas.
Those are a few of the reasons this show is great. Better?
Broadway Star Joined: 9/22/14
I did not say Something Rotten is better, only that Fun Home is not too interesting to me. And thanks for the education on the show it sounded even less appealing to me. Of course just my opinion. I know y'all love Fun Home so much!!! lol
Chorus Member Joined: 3/29/15
we should all kill people that have a different opinion. Its not like we are in the usa and that different opinions are tolerated
Featured Actor Joined: 5/2/13
I'm confused as to how a list of all the great things about the show could make you less interested....
Also, nobody is trying to kill someone because they have a different opinion.
This thread has become highly enjoyable to me. I do wonder if some bad comments or reviews of the show would suddenly make Ebontoyan want to see it.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/22/14
Actually I go to the theater to be entertained and after finding out the storyline, no I will not be watching this show. Also I live in Iowa and only make 3-4 Fri to Mon NYC visits a year, so obviously I cannot see all the shows. So I have to be picky with my lineup and sadly this will not be one of them. If it tours I may watch it but knowing the storyline I may not. Just my opinion of course. Carry on with your love for this show folks!!!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/8/07
I caught tonight's sold out show and it was truly incredible. The new staging is absolutely fantastic. It gets us right to the heart of the piece, and I found it even more affecting than I did when I saw it at the public.
I loved how fluidly everything moved across the stage, and towards the end (SPOPILER) as Allison is trying to remember things and the set pieces start to slip away I thought was truly inspired. END SPOILER
The performances are astounding. Sydney Lucas is phenomenal, and Judy Kuhn's Day by Day was so heartbreaking. I was sobbing through it.
I hope that this is a huge success because we need more show's like this on Broadway. My favorite musical since Next to Normal.
Stand-by Joined: 11/4/06
As a smart writer I know said on twitter if you are a father or a mother or a daughter or a son, Fun Home will have something to say to you. It's a story about a truly dysfunctional family and it's hard not to find some truth you can relate to as you're watching it.
Bilbo, no one cares what he sees -- it's his original explanation for why he doesn't want to see it that's odd.
It's a challenging, incredibly moving, and beautiful show.
Some people don't want to be engaged on an emotional level when they see theater. And there is nothing wrong with wanting escapism.
But there are a lot of people who enjoy being moved and exploring deeper themes as well.
It's not a matter of which type of show is better. I love OTT as much as Fun Home.
But most of all I'm delighted that Broadway is offering such diverse options.
A full menu of options is always appreciated.
"If it tours I may watch it but knowing the storyline I may not."
What's wrong with the storyline?
I'm having some eye opening problems getting family to join me for this in May. Wish I could attribute it to something benign.