Leading Actor Joined: 10/19/04
I bet they are hauling Williams out every chance they get to prove that she can act. Last year, we only saw Underwood in short clips before the broadcast. They were keeping her a surprise. We were surprised, alright!
Oh, this "hate watch", "haters", "needing Jesus" bullsh*t! Can't it stop? Can't they just do their f*cking jobs, put on a good show, and complain over a large martini in a bar afterwards?
I'm looking forward to Thursday, not just because it'll be fun, but because I LOVE this musical a lot. And the new songs sound fun. So it's going to be a "love watch" from me. OKAY CHRISTIAN BORLE?!?!!?
We're all going to be love-watching, but hate-watching is a part of the culture now, along with live-blogging. And it's not just these live musicals, it's award shows, pageants, any kind of event broadcasting: People watch with their devices alongside them and post/text/blog/tweet their witty or not-so-witty remarks to their friends.
Large martini included.
Have Borle and company never heard of reverse psychology? The surest way to get people to snark is to ask them not to.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/29/12
I personally enjoyed Sound of Music. I thought for what it was, it was great. Was Carrie the best Maria? No. Did I dislike her? No. I wasn't really that familiar with Carrie before the broadcast, aside from one or two songs she has sung, but I took the broadcast as more of a test experiment. It hadn't been done in a very long time so I knew in advanced there would be some awkward casting choices, etc. I didn't expect it to be spot on/amazing/brilliant on the first try. So, with that in mind, I enjoyed it thoroughly. I never really was a HUGE fan of SOM, so it wasn't like I was super attached to it before the show. The broadcast had its ups and downs and I found it silly how people acted as if it was the most tragic piece of musical theatre to ever happen. As weak as Carrie was, and some other cast members, they did seem to be really giving it their all and I applaud them for spending months preparing for a (free nonetheless) performance for a crowd of people who might not usually watch a live production of a classic musical.
I always laughed when people were expecting it to be just as good/identical of the film version with Julie Andrews or the original BWAY production. NBC wasn't billing it that way and I don't see why people can't enjoy an adaptation without trying to compare it? What actor is going to play Marie EXACTLY like Julie did?
As for Peter Pan, I've only seen the Cathy Rigby broadcast once or twice but I'm still excited to see it. I think live musical broadcasts are incredibly interesting and it looks like a blast to do. I haven't watched the making of documentary yet because I look a good ole surprise. I'm rooting for the entire cast and can't wait to see it come Thursday!
Updated On: 12/2/14 at 05:46 PM
I find LIVE television broadcasts such as this thrilling unto themselves. Have worked on SNL for 27 seasons, it is still very much a thrill. There are no do overs! These livemusicals are a very, very ambitious, Peter Pan even moreso with the automated flying effects. Yeah, we will se the wires in the broadcast but it doesn't stop it from being quite magical. They will of course paint them out for the DVD.
What is nice about this production, Allison Williams can both act and sing and though not a dancer, pull off the choreography and flying handsomely. Besides... Christopher Walken!!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
I'm not sure they have time to paint them out for the DVD.. And I hope they do not.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/29/12
^ exactly @SNAFU. I think it's a very exciting endeavor and I'm excited that networks are picking them up.
Leading Actor Joined: 10/19/04
I am excited to see the production, but I am more excited by the thought of not accidentally clicking on the huge ad every time I visit this site.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/3/14
This is such a huge mistake:
What they were actually thinking? I'm pretty sure it was embarrassing for both Borle and O'Hara to do such a thing! (and my god, what a terrible voice this girl has...)
The girl playing Wendy looks to be about 10 years too old. She looks ridiculous next to the two boys.
Gcal, I've been thinking the exact same thing.
You applaud the "effort" of children, not professionals.
I can't wait until Thursday night to see this. Just like SOM, I hope this is wonderful. Unlike SOM, I hope I am not disappointed.
I always laughed when people were expecting it to be just as good/identical of the film version with Julie Andrews or the original BWAY production. NBC wasn't billing it that way
Actually, they (cast, crew, NBC) went out of their way to point out that the live show was based on the original production and not the movie.
henriquefho, God, that was horrible! I'm so sick of the robotic-sounding autotune. Don't know why anyone think it sounds good. And why is she trying to sound sexy when singing that song. Talk about inappropriate for the occasion. But then again, that's how a lot of young girls sing nowadays, sexing up every song, including the "Star Spangled Banner." It's quite an annoying affectation.
I thought the Sound of Music was great. I'm excited for Peter Pan, no knives here. But I will also be excited when it's over so that godamn ad doesn't keep popping up every time I enter this site.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
Sondra Lee, who played Tiger Lily in the original broadcast, will not be watching the show tomorrow night. She also talks about the politically inaccurate song, "Ugg a Wugg".
^Also going off of that, has anyone heard of the new changes to "Ugg-A-Wugg"?
Funny how both C&G and Disney have run into serious problems musicalizing the "Indian" subplot. On that note, can we please talk about how barely any major productions of Peter Pan have had a not-white-passing woman playing Tiger Lily (is Sondra Lee even Native American at all?)
Here's the article describing the changes. I think the changes are ultimately for the best (though I do love Ugg-A-Wugg but realize how its problematic) it's interesting to see how Amanda Green can't take it when someone makes changes to her show in TX but took an awful lot of liberties taking her father's show and changing it (although, I guess slightly different, because she was alive when someone made changes to HOHB and her father is not).
Updated On: 12/3/14 at 03:30 PM
But I will also be excited when it's over so that godamn ad doesn't keep popping up every time I enter this site.
You should download Adblock Plus:
It's free, and you will never be bothered with an ad or pop-up again.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
it's interesting to see how Amanda Green can't take it when someone makes changes to her show in TX but took an awful lot of liberties taking her father's show and changing it (although, I guess slightly different, because she was alive when someone made changes to HOHB and her father is not).
Not to mention that in this case permission was granted to make changes. I don't know what's so interesting about it.
Funny how both C&G and Disney have run into serious problems musicalizing the "Indian" subplot. On that note, can we please talk about how barely any major productions of Peter Pan have had a not-white-passing woman playing Tiger Lily (is Sondra Lee even Native American at all?)
I know it's not the musical, but the upcoming film Pan has Rooney Mara, who has Irish, German, French, Italian ancestry, as Tiger Lily.
Not exactly related to NBC, but a theater in Minnesota has apparently made changes regarding the Indian plot, which sound very nice: http://www.startribune.com/entertainment/stageandarts/284012711.html
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
AND of course someone has to haul out Amanda Green bashing for no purpose.
TUTS licensed a show to produce as-is, secured no rights and made to approaches for revising anything, then invited the writer to the show and the director still did not tell her, but walked up to her after and I said, essentially, I fixed what you couldn't do right."
NBC secures the right, and the rights to additional material and the rights to adapt, approaches the person most suited to not only give blessing from the family but to know how to do it in the spirit of the original writer(s), then decides to change what has become OBVIOUSLY terribly racist as the world has evolved and then seeks to Depenit the work of the original writers in a way that Robbins' sheer laziness and lack of understanding of the material didn't allow and which was hampered by Robbins' pushing to craft a duet between two leads in a way that didn't serve the characters and also to allow for Martin and Halliday's SCREAMING nepotism for their daughter...
I fail to see how these are in any way similar.
You decry Amanda Green Bashing even as you engage in Jerry Robbins Bashing?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
I don't think I am bashing Robbins at all, in fact, he reigned in some of the nepotism significantly, but Pan is one of his lesser / lazier outings as his work here doesn't live up to the rest and his "adaption" was laughable at best. I am making honest critique of his work,
By his own, and Martin's admission, "mysterious lady" was added to feature a duet for the two stars that was meant to show Martin's soprano, not serve the story and his concept of Never Land itself shows a lack of understanding of Barrie's world, even as he bills it as using Barrie's script. He reigned in the nepotism of Martin wanting her daughter to be Wendy by instead casting her as Liza, but then shot it in the foot by incorporating the foolishness of Liza in NeverLand for a ballet and odd reprise of "Crow."
I am NOT bashing Robbins, I am offering logic based criticism of his work on the show. Quite different. If someone appreciates his work, fantastic. I, personally, can enjoy it for what it is, but do not consider it to be "Peter Pan".
The earlier Green comments were toward her taking issue with unlocks ended changes to her work, as opposed to licensed changes her of her fathers work.
Two VERY different things.