Broadway Legend Joined: 4/26/16
I'm a sucker for Sunday evening shows, which are rare in San Francisco, and the price ($23 including fees) can't be beat, so my wife and I will check this out tonight. Plenty of tickets are still available for the 7 p.m. performance.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/26/16
A few random thoughts, since I'm now very curious how things will go for Head Over Heels on Broadway. (I enjoyed the show thoroughly, despite its imperfections and my serious qualms beforehand, at the end of its first week in San Francisco.)
- I have never seen a show in the Hudson Theatre, but its size seems perfect. The Curran is the most intimate of the major San Francisco theaters, but it's still big, holding 1,667 people. A smaller venue with a capacity of 976 will help for obvious reasons. Advance sales in New York City look stronger than they are in San Francisco.
- My guess is that the show will generate some decent buzz in San Francisco, although that might be helped - or hurt - by the reviews that will come out this week. The crowd I saw it with on Sunday night was very enthusiastic for a show that is only five days old. Sure, it helps that many people know the Go-Go's hits, but most of the songs aren't all that familiar. Sales are pretty good for this week, including Wednesday's opening, but after that, who knows?
- The show is best described as a combination of Kinky Boots and Something Rotten, only with a jukebox musical score. That doesn't sound all that great on paper, in part because I didn't like either of those shows all that much and am always skeptical of jukebox shows, but I enjoyed Head Over Heels. The show is a work in progress. I can imagine minor but significant changes between now and its Broadway opening. (I don't think it needs a major overhaul, although it definitely needs a little work on making all the songs and dialogue easily comprehensible without losing the fast pace.)
- The skeptic in me doubts that the show will be a big hit. But opening in the summer seems like a good plan, especially after a season that lacks a big hit (not counting the family shows). Head Over Heels is pretty tame for a sex farce, but it's still naughty enough to appeal to a wide variety of grown-ups who want to see a light, feel-good comedy with some '80s nostalgia included.
Great review on Variety.
Updated On: 4/24/18 at 04:28 AM
Attended with my group of twenty last night [Thursday] and we all enjoyed it very much. I do agree that Peppermint's costumes were less than glam and several other costumes should be rethought. Lighting, sound, production design were all very good. Cast absolutely sold the story and the audience was very receptive. Use of the Go-Gos songs was inventive for the most part. Tom Kitt's arrangements and the cast and "all girl band" sold the tunes splendidly. Act 1 meandered a bit, but act 2 whizzed right along. Of the performers Andrew Durand seemed the most secure in his character, but Peppermint needs more rehearsal time to get into character. Spoke to director Michael Mayer prior to the curtain and he reiterated that HOH is still very much a work in progress. Altho the press opening has come and gone I'm guessing that it may not be frozen for the remainder of the SF run.
It is well after 1am as I write this, so please forgive any ramblings.
Questions, comments, observations?
Sho-Tunes-R-Us said: "Questions, comments, observations?"
What songs does Peppermint perform?
Chorus Member Joined: 4/16/18
I was so excited to hear about this and bought tix for NY but these reviews - and the press reviews - have me worried.
dramagoer said: "I was so excited to hear about this andbought tix for NY but these reviews - and the press reviews - have me worried."
Don't worry. Go and enjoy the show.
The songs are listed alphabetically in the program and I'm kind of a novice to Go-Gos tunes, so this may be incorrect. Anyone is free to provide other info. Peppermint sang a bit in Heaven Is A Place On Earth. I think Vision Of Nowness was P.'s big turn. Not certain, but believe one other song was performed by P.
I had to scroll way back to find this thread so clearly I'm late to the party. Actually, I was going to skip the party altogether until a buddy invited me on Wednesday to go tonight. And let me just say . . .
I'm f'ing glad I did! What a fun rockin' evening at the theater. Yes, yes, take it for what it is. Very much reminded me of the stage production of Priscilla. Campy fun that doesn't take it itself serious. It helps to go in with the expectation of just having fun. (Of course a few "Curse of Gingers" cocktails at Gingers in the Financial District helped.
Just got home and here are some random thoughts from a very tired brain:
The two numbers I enjoyed the most -- Heaven...Earth and Mad About You -- are no Go Go's songs, but from Belinda's solo career.
They need to trim about 10-15 minutes from each act, and especially Act 1. It ends with a wonderful performance of Vacation by Mopsa on the Isle of Lesbos with a backup chorus of mermaids. Great number, great visuals. The curtain drops and I'm half-way out of my seat to beat the rush to the restroom. Not so fast. There is another -- or was it two -- book scenes before the act ends with .. hmm ... I don't recall the number.
Often you hear about created a Tony for ensembles. This ensemble deserves it. They give 150%, great movements and just a joy to watch. In fact I found myself watching them more then the principals. It's my honor to name these outstanding performers: Amber Ardolino, Yurel Echezarreta, Ari Groover, Tanya Haglund, Gregeroy Liles, Samantha Pollino, Justin Prescott, Rocardo A. Zayas. Bravo!
Spencer Liff's choreography for the ensemble is exceptional. It would be easy in a piece like this to exaggerate and go over the top. He doesn't, but he has created enough uniqueness to really be memorable. He'll definitely get a Tony nom and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he gets the win next June.
The songs blended well with the book and didn't feel forced in or shoehorned. I always about jukeboxes: "Oh, my, I could use a vacation!" followed by the open beat of "Vacation," that kinda thing. Great job blending the songs.
The Old English, Shakespearean language needs to go. My buddy and the delightful lesbian couple next to us agree. Too hard to understand, and doesn't add anything.
I adore Rachel York and I'd pay premium orchestra seating to listen to her read the phone book. I've had the pleasure of meeting her a few times thanks to a former co-worker. Bummed she had a small supporting role. Can someone please write this woman a show already!
The band -- OMG the band! Hidden behind a backdrop they are revealed during the curtain all to thunderous applause. I noticed something. During exit music everyone -- except me and a handful of others -- stay until the end. Tonight only a couple people left. Everyone hung out to enjoy their playing and gave them a final enthusiastic round of applause. The all girl musicians are Kimberly Grigsby, Jane Cardona, Ann Klein, Bess Rogers, Catherine Popper, Dena Tauriello. My only criticism is the band often drowned out the singers. I loved their sound so the volume and bass were awesome, but we need to hear and understand the actors too. Fortunately I still know the GG's lyrics by heart; someone who doesn't might be very confused.
Most of the musical numbers have great energy and grab your attention. The book scenes, eh, not so much. Could be becuase of the Old English.
Andrew Durand lovingly steals a few scenes. Wonderful comic, good but not great singer, but a real pleasure to watch.
Outstanding lighting effects on stage and throughout the theater. Felt like being in a disco and really draws you in, makes you feel more a part of what's happening on stage.
Set pieces are cheap looking as others noted here. They're more than cardboard-looking, but not much. Yet they worked for me. I viewed this almost as a comic book, so cartoonish set pieces are fine with me.
I think this will find a home on Broadway. It may take some stunt casting. I don't own a TV and don't watch Drag Race so I wasn't familiar with Peppermint, but everyone else knew her. Will it have a long run. No, but I don't think anyone expects that. But if it can bring some fun and joy to our world -- and paychecks for actors, musicians, and crew -- for a season or two, go for it!
Closes Sunday so you have three more chances to see it. Balcony was 1/3 full so easy to get tix.
**Edited to add . . . Meant to give a shout out to the projections during Peppermint's first number. Takes place in a cave or lair or some sort, and the projections are alive with snakes writhing around. Very cool effect, almost subtle, and a bit hypnotic.
If anyone is getting tickets through Audience Rewards, would you please let us know the seat locations? Thanks!
I keep hearing this show doesn't take itself too seriously... is this as self-aware as Xanadu?
How long does it take to record a cast recording? And when can this take place?
Does it usually happen after a while in the run...
Or some shows do it before previews?
Just wondering and excited for the CD...
And souvenir program.
Is there a song list posted anywhere? It looks like there was a mention earlier in the thread, but the image isn’t showing up ...
I didn’t keep my playbill, but looking through the Go Go’s catalog I seem to recall these were the songs. They are listed alphabetically in the playbill due to the possible reshuffling. I may be missing one or two. Hopefully someone kept their copy and can verify.
Automatic Rainy Day
Cool Jerk
Get Up And Go
Good Girl
Head Over Heels
Heaven is a Place on Earth
Lust To Love
Mad About You
Our Lips Are Sealed
Skidmarks On My Heart
This Town
Vision of Nowness
We Got The Beat
Yes or No
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/26/16
Courtesy of bwayemma (from the Head Over Heels review thread):
bwayemma said: "PatrickDC said: "Can anyone who's attended share the song list from the playbill? I realize shows at this stage change daily and songs will change order or be deleted. But I'm curious as to which GG songs they used."
The songs are not in order in the program which is really annoying but my friend memorized the actual order:
We Got the Beat
Vision of Nowness
Get Up and Go
Mad About You
Good Girl
Automatic Rainy Day
Cool Jerk
How Much More
Our Lips Are Sealed
Head Over Heels
This Old Feeling
Turn to You
Heaven is a Place On Earth
Lust to Love
Here You Are
("Skidmarks On my Heart" is also used in the show but it's a recurring theme)"
I don't know all the Go-Go's songs by heart, but I think this is accurate, and is consistent with the songs listed in my program. There's a song that's revived at the end too, as the cast takes its bows and the all-female band is revealed. You can probably guess which one.
I don't know if the song order will be tweaked by the time it hits Broadway next month, or if a song or two is dropped or reshuffled. But that's what it was in San Francisco.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/24/17
bear88 said: "Courtesy of bwayemma (from the Head Over Heels review thread):
bwayemma said: "PatrickDC said: "Can anyone who's attended share the song list from the playbill? I realize shows at this stage change daily and songs will change order or be deleted. But I'm curious as to which GG songs they used."
The songs are not in order in the program which is really annoying but my friend memorized the actual order:
We Got the Beat
Vision of Nowness
Get Up and Go
Mad About You
Good Girl
Automatic Rainy Day
Cool Jerk
How Much More
Our Lips Are Sealed
Head Over Heels
This Old Feeling
Turn to You
Heaven is a Place On Earth
Lust to Love
Here You Are
("Skidmarks On my Heart" is also used in the show but it's a recurring theme)"
I don't know all the Go-Go's songs by heart, but I think this is accurate, and is consistent with the songs listed in my program. There's a song that's revived at the end too, as the cast takes its bows and the all-female band is revealed. You can probably guess which one.
I don't know if the song order will be tweaked by the time it hits Broadway next month, or if a song or two is dropped or reshuffled. But that's what it was in San Francisco."
I talked to Rachel York about the changes made in SF and potential ones for Broadway since I saw the show several times in SF. She said as of right now, they're not cutting any songs, just cutting out all the fat and unnecessary stuff. BUT she didn't say they weren't reshuffling the song order or anything.
IMO: "Vacation" will most likely be moved (maybe even cut?) because everyone confuses it as the Act 1 finale. I can't tell you how many times people got up and left thinking it was intermission. "Cool Jerk" has the potential to be cut, it's a cute/funny number in all but it's not 100% necessary.
bwayemma said: "bear88 said: "Courtesy of bwayemma (from the Head Over Heels review thread):
bwayemma said: "PatrickDC said: "Can anyone who's attended share the song list from the playbill? I realize shows at this stage change daily and songs will change order or be deleted. But I'm curious as to which GG songs they used."
The songs are not in order in the program which is really annoying but my friend memorized the actual order:
We Got the Beat
Vision of Nowness
Get Up and Go
Mad About You
Good Girl
Automatic Rainy Day
Cool Jerk
How Much More
Our Lips Are Sealed
Head Over Heels
This Old Feeling
Turn to You
Heaven is a Place On Earth
Lust to Love
Here You Are
("Skidmarks On my Heart" is also used in the show but it's a recurring theme)"
I don't know all the Go-Go's songs by heart, but I think this is accurate, and is consistent with the songs listed in my program. There's a song that's revived at the end too, as the cast takes its bows and the all-female band is revealed. You can probably guess which one.
I don't know if the song order will be tweaked by the time it hits Broadway next month, or if a song or two is dropped or reshuffled. But that's what it was in San Francisco."
I talked to Rachel York about the changes made in SF and potential ones for Broadway since I saw the show several times in SF. She said as of right now, they're not cutting any songs, just cutting out all the fat and unnecessary stuff. BUT she didn't say they weren't reshuffling the song order or anything.
IMO: "Vacation" will most likely be moved (maybe even cut?) because everyone confuses it as the Act 1 finale. I can't tell you how many times people got up and left thinking it was intermission. "Cool Jerk" has the potential to be cut, it's a cute/funny number in all but it's not 100% necessary."
I hope Vacation isn't cut - it's a really fun number, and it's critical in the Mopsa/Pamela storyline. Mopsa's character arc is kind of understated at the moment, and I worry without that song it would disappear altogether. (But yes, I too saw a lot of people getting up thinking Vacation was the finale!)
I could see Cool Jerk being cut. It advances some of the love triangle stuff with "Cleophila", but it's not critical.
IMO, what most needs to be cut/reworked is most of Dametas's scenes. Tom Alan Robbins does his best with it, but too often his character just ends up monologue-ing at the audience and slows the show down. I do really like the payoff of his arc, but there has to be a better way to weave in that information.
I really fell in love with Head Over Heels over the course of the run, warts and all. Yes, it's a jukebox musical and it's not going to be for everyone, but it's really fun camp and has a lot of heart. I *really* want the creative team to smooth out the remaining bumps and for this show to find an audience on Broadway.
Also, fun tidbit from the last performance I keep meaning to post: Nearly the entire cast and crew of The Color Purple tour (currently at The Orpheum) was in the audience. Peppermint, who did a post-show speech, gave them a shout-out and the whole thing was very sweet.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
bwayemma said:
IMO: "Vacation" will most likely be moved (maybe even cut?) because everyone confuses it as the Act 1 finale. I can't tell you how many times people got up and left thinking it was intermission. "Cool Jerk" has the potential to be cut, it's a cute/funny number in all but it's not 100% necessary."
Do you REALLY think they're going to cut "Vacation", the Go-Go's most well known song?
Count me among the patrons who was half out of his seat at the end of “Vacation.” The curtain dropped and I needed to beat the crowd to the restroom. It certainly felt like a climax so glad I wasn't the only one confused. It’s a creative number as currently staged with the mermaids swimming and dancing behind the waving fabric sheets. It could end Act 1 on a bouncy, energetic tone with one of the Go Go’s most popular songs, and longing and determination from Mopsa to make you want to come back for Act 2. The book scene – or scenes, I forget – that happen after the curtain could be moved to Act 2 or before Vacation.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/26/16
Head Over Heels is such an agreeable, fun show that it's easy to overlook its flaws. One of the problems is the Mopsa/Pamela romance, which is never really persuasive even with the amusing visual joke in "Vacation." I'm not sure that problem can be entirely fixed by a song. There needs to be more of a sense that there's a genuine spark between the two of them.
There's no way the creatives are cutting "Vacation" from the show. But I can certainly imagine it being moved, as it doesn't do enough to advance the plot where it is. There would be some practical difficulties in moving it. But as it stands, the show doesn't have a proper closing song anyway.
The king's viceroy, Dametas, does spend a lot of time on stage alone, just monologuing. It's a setup for later, but I agree with Kitsune that a lot of that stuff could go - or be incorporated in conversations with Mopsa or other characters - without anyone really missing it.
A bigger problem, and I mentioned this in the review thread, is the conclusion. The show unconvincingly introduces a dramatic conflict, changes the tone, then basically says, "Never mind." And it ends with a lot of increasingly preachy speeches that aren't nearly as sharply-written, and certainly not as funny, as what's come before. The show is basically coasting on audience goodwill at that point. The cast has earned that goodwill, but the book writer doesn't. And as noted above, the musical doesn't even end with a proper song. It's easy to overlook problems in an out-of-town tryout when you're seeing the show - twice - for a total of $53. A Broadway audience, paying full price, might not be as forgiving.
Because I liked the show, and my wife and daughter really enjoyed it, I hope they make the needed adjustments because I share many others' belief that Head Over Heels could be a modest Broadway hit.
For those of you who have tickets and are concerned, don't be. The show isn't for everyone, as has been made clear by the mixed reviews on this board, but it's a charming and silly comedy with its heart in the right place. Even if they don't change a thing, it's a fun night out - if you're in the right mood. I laughed out loud multiple times, which I rarely do at musical comedies. The performers, especially Andrew Durand as the shepherd, are quite good. I hope the creatives take full advantage of the feedback they received at the Curran from audiences that - by and large - were rooting for the show. Keep the stuff that made people laugh. Dump some of the rest. Tweak the ending.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/18/07
At the OSF in 2015, the show had an strong ending which was moving. The Pamala/Mopsa was clearly set up. Yes, there were some bumpy section to be smoothed out. Jeff Whitty knew what need to be changed, the hacks who are no in charge got rid of him. Fools!
Chorus Member Joined: 10/24/17
I agree with you all on Dameta's things. I really hope they don't cut Vacation either, Taylor Iman Jones is so talented and it's her only big song. It's just gonna be really difficult to move.
Also, I sat in the same row as the Color Purple cast!! They were so sweet and all had a BLAST!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
A Director said: "At the OSF in 2015, the show had an strong ending which was moving. The Pamala/Mopsa was clearly set up. Yes, there were some bumpy section to be smoothed out. Jeff Whitty knew what need to be changed, the hacks who are no in charge got rid of him. Fools!"
Thanks for your input, Jeff!