@haterobics--re the person taking over and Jersey Boys, that refers to the gentlemen supposedly taking over as lead producer, not as press agent.
@phillypinto--the financials on Honeymoon are not in the same league as On the Town or any of the other shows you mention. This is not just a routine turnaround and indeed the show would already be closed were it not for the deep pockets enabled by our unwillingness to drink our coffee black.
so youre telling me that On The Town, which is in the biggest broadway theatre, has a 28 piece orchestra, and 30 cast members is cheaper than Honeymoon in Vegas????
"what does that have to do with ANYTHING?? please explain!"
Well, seeing that you already have predicted the major categories re: Tony Nominations, despite a majority of your picks not having played a single preview performance, and now you are jumping into the fate of troubled shows you haven't seen, I guess it is just seeming like you like having strong opinions for the sake of having opinions. And since you then call other people's predictions out as being "WRONG!" and such, it does seem a bit odd. I know you keep saying we don't read things like you hear them in your head, but at a certain point, maybe you need to figure out how to get those two to line up better?
"@haterobics--re the person taking over and Jersey Boys, that refers to the gentlemen supposedly taking over as lead producer, not as press agent."
OK, I thought I read someone saying it was the reverse... although that sounds like an even worse state of affairs.
No, phillypinto, I am not telling you that, and I assume you know, as I do, that that is not the case. What I am telling you is that whatever OTT's problems, and they are many, they are not on the same level as the problems confronting Honeymoon.
so what exactly are the differences between the problems that these shows are having?? Its the same thing!! On The Town is more expensive but more people are seeing the show. Honeymoon in Vegas is less expensive and less people are seeing it! The point is that they are both going to stick it out til tony time just like many broadway shows do (e.g. A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder, Bridges of Madison County...)
so hater and ethan, whether or not i saw the show, what the F*CK does that matter??
Don't come at me !
I too would love to be a fly on the wall during the meetings these producers/etc are having. I mean the show has already released its cast recording (which, you know, is done to boost sales/interest), has done a few TV stints, has a """star""" (who I suspect is helping to prop this open), etc.
I don't think even with a ton of Tony nominations this would be able to find an audience. it would need to win the Tony for best musical at this point......
I think once people actually start going to see the show, and word or mouth gets around, and a lot of tony noms (which i suspect it will get), I think this show can easily turn around and become a hit, but really who know in this business
"once people actually start going to see the show"
Why is that going to happen?
I think this show can easily turn around and become a hit
In your own word... WRONG.
Both shows are total flops but OTT at least has a discernible if faint pulse of demand whereas Honeymoon has shown no demand either during the high demand period or post opening and has the further defect of being positioned in the worst possible timeline. Don't misunderstand: OTT should close too, so using it as a benchmark does not help Honeymoon. It'll announce its closing within a week.
Stand-by Joined: 7/4/12
Thought the show was solid, singles and doubles but felt overall flat.
I thought a lot about Elvis. This had been in development for a while-when Elvis was still sort of funny in a nostalgic ironic way. I googled "Elvis Impersonators" and even two years ago news articles from the Las Vegas paper described the rapid decline in requests for Elvis impersonators over the last few years.
Chorus Member Joined: 1/7/15
"The point is that they are both going to stick it out til tony time just like many broadway shows do (e.g. A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder, Bridges of Madison County...)"
Your comparison to Bridges is closer than GGTLAM. Gentleman's guide was much better off and often made its nut. These numbers from Honeymoon are closer to Bridges ... But it was a much smaller (and I assume cheaper) show.
HogansHero, i doubt that
Stand-by Joined: 5/22/14
I keep hearing Feb 8 or Feb 15 as final performance.
I'm confused with the 8th/15th date rumors...wouldn't an announcement be made by now?
I wonder if the last show will be sold out.
My biggest issue with Honeymoon, and I saw the show and really enjoyed myself, is the fact that no one in the show is quite up to the Broadway standards of the show. I'd say McClure is probably the exception, but even he is vocally weak - albeit his performance is pretty great and makes up for it. But the O'Malley is just not right for the part - I just wish they had someone else - and Danza is a snoozefest. Even the minor characters aren't quite right. They should have recast for Broadway.
"I'm confused with the 8th/15th date rumors...wouldn't an announcement be made by now?"
Shows with no advance sales don't have to give much advance notice.
"I wonder if the last show will be sold out."
Possibly, but I don't know that this show has that cult-y vibe that will turn the last show into an event or anything. Even Bridges had that element (I know I was part of that cult, heh)...
"HogansHero, i doubt that"
Why? Are you ponying up a couple million dollars to cover the future losses in a show you have not seen?
Wasn't GG the only show saved by its Tony award last year? Awards season isn't a rising tide that lifts all boats, only the one winner's boat.
Bridges announced its closing right after not being nominated for Best Musical...
Bridges also officially opened in late February, just in time for the start of the busy Spring season. It was easier for it to limp along through Tony nominations. Honeymoon has to survive almost three full months more to get to that point- bringing its run to a total of FIVE months continually losing money week after week. And honestly, a Best Musical nomination at this point seems extremely unlikely.
phillypinto, all those caps do not overcome the platitudes contained in them. You have a choice: to focus on the data before you, or to spout illogical non-sequiturs. The data on the show is that it cannot overcome a startling lack of demand, at a level far worse than the shows you reference. That leaves only one logical basis for doubting the show will close anon: a benefactor who wants to keep it running despite the million+ dollar cost of doing so and the lack of fairer prospects. The creamer people have dumped a lot in the show; I seriously doubt they have an appetite for more. That is why I asked if you were going to throw in a mil, because that is the only logical reason you could doubt what I said. But it sounds like you just want to spout playitudes instead of having an intelligent discussion...
"You have a choice: to focus on the data before you, or to spout illogical non-sequiturs."
Oh, he's made his choice between those two already.
Most shows don't lose money throughout their entire run - the reserves are going to dry up eventually. Looking at other colossal recent flops, a show like "WONDERLAND" ran fewer performances and made more money, more audience attendance, etc. "Leap of Faith" was for sure papering, but they had good attendance numbers. This has no audience...... no money coming in.... Something tells me Tony Danza is putting quite a penny in this one for a little vanity project.
Chorus Member Joined: 1/7/15
"Bridges also officially opened in late February, just in time for the start of the busy Spring season."
Yes, thats strike one. I would also add, Bridges was loosing less money weekly. Cast was 18 while Honeymoon is at 24 with bigger set, flying, etc. That's strike two.
Strike three?
Updated On: 2/2/15 at 11:22 AM