LOL OKAY you guys. We are just gonna have to wait and see what happens since you guys know it all !
How large, exactly, does the writing on the wall need to be for you to be able to read it?
I can't even wrap my head around comparing this and Bridges. Bridges was so good!
Chorus Member Joined: 1/7/15
^ AAAND strike three! Nobody cares about Honeymoon. Unlike Bridges it has no following.
Kad 3 things.
1. Why do you have a picture of Rob Ashford?? He's a wack director.
2. Why do you think it is unlikely that Honeymoon in Vegas will get a Best Musical nomination?
3. What do you mean by "How large, exactly, does the writing on the wall need to be for you to be able to read it?" I read all your comments and understand what you are saying. It doesn't mean what I say is going to happen, and it doesn't mean that the show is gonna close this month either. Its all guesses really based on information which doesn't mean anything anyway because we obviously don't know what the producers' plan is.
Dude, that's Raul Esparza not Rob Ashford.
1) Yup. It's Raul.
2) Because people just don't care much about the show, even in the industry. And, as I have said, the odds it'll even be open by the time the nominations come out are slim. This spring we have bigger shows, or more important shows, or more nostalgic shows opening, and even a wildcard show in Something Rotten- Honeymoon will most likely be forgotten as Best Musical, even against shows that maybe aren't worthy of the award.
3) You are arguing for the feasibility of the show staying open through at least early May. That is just not likely at the rate it's losing money. It's had plenty of time to build an audience base and it's been entirely unable to.
lol yea they look very similar
Phillypinto, you'll be chagrined to learn that Raul identifies as a b-word.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
Damn, haterobics! LOL
What do you mean Raul identifies as a B word?
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
One of those bi-sexuals that you told us you don't believe exist.
Is Esparza still bi? I thought that he'd transitioned fully over to the Rainbow Side.
I never heard him say anything beyond bisexual, although I don't think it is his favorite interview topic and last I heard he was seemingly dating men more recently, but that wouldn't make him any less bi...
Oh, I thoight haterobics meant "bottom."
No, as far as we know, Phillypinto believes bottoms exist. Then again... you never know with him.
yeah i knew he was Bi, or at least used to be
$360,000 last week; about half capacity of the seats. Bad week for Broadway, but still less than encouraging. Per the thread: Apparently bi-, homo- and metro- sexuals are all uninterested in a trip to Vegas right now.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Auggie, ha!
I need Phillypinto's comments on this week's grosses.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
I'm sure we'll hear all about how that audience who has failed to show any interest in the show thus far (including after their featured spot in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and the two of the most lucrative weeks of the season during the Christmas and New Year's holidays) was only deterred last week by the blizzard and difficult travel conditions. This week will surely be different.
Stand-by Joined: 4/20/06
Have not seen this one yet, but I sympathize that so many shows are struggling to find an audience and (again, have not seen this one in particular) it seems to have less to do with quality than spin. I mean if you are a regular tourist to the Broadway scene in NYC, then how the heck many times over the last decade could you repeat seeing something like The Lion King. It seems that rather than branching out and trying something new (or trying revivals of beloved old shows like On the Town), they just keep buying tickets to, as my Italian grandmother used to say, "The same old sausage!"
In regards to PhillyPintos "sticking it out til the Tonys comment: JRB's last show "stuck it out" til May 18th so it could cash in on the out of town Tony voters who were in NYC for the Spring Road Conference. Had they closed before that weekend, JRB absolutely would have gone home empty handed on Tony night. Bridges opened much later in the season than Honeymoon. Can you imagine how much money producers would have to throw away for HinV to stay open until that same weekend in May for out of town voters to see it?? Perhaps the nominating committee will give JRB another nomination for score since he is well respected, and they did like Rob McClure in a flop musical with Chaplin. But there would have to be some serious disappointments in the spring lineup for either one to make the list of nominees. Even with the snow days excuse, its surprising they havent announced closing already.
I'm sure when HMIV gets multiple nominations this year at the Drama Desk Awards (because they will - they even nominated the lyrics for '13'!) PhillyPinto will say that they would've really boosted tickets. I am always baffled why the Drama Desk voters love him so much when he has publicly called them out in the past...
As of now besides the snow today, which probably wouldn't affect the sales but its supposed to snow on Thursday and then on Saturday and Sunday, so this week will not be good either. (Well not that would would have expected it to do good)