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HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway- Page 6

HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#125HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 4:19pm

Lol okay well i guess we will seeeee who's right and who's wrong :)

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

haterobics Profile Photo
#126HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 4:21pm

Just so we can accurately pinpoint when you're wrong, are you saying it will playing through the Tony Awards or the Tony nominations?

Although, honestly, both of these benchmarks seem unrealistic, but who knows when some investor needs a tax write-off in a given year?!

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#127HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 4:22pm

first things first hater.

You don't know if they are going to close soon just based on the numbers, and i don't know if they're gonna stick it out. EVERYBODY is just guessing unless you are a producer ! But unless they announce closing soon, I'm right and your WRONG!

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY
Updated On: 2/2/15 at 04:22 PM

#128HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 4:24pm

This abbreviations, HMIV and HinV are cute, but you're all skirting around the issue - nobody wants to go see HIV The Musical.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#129HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 4:27pm

I feel bad for the cast and crew, I know how hard it is to mount a new show, however anybody who thinks this show will stay open much longer is kidding themselves. This show was DOA, it's not going to suddenly find an audience when it hasn't so far, even after the rave in the Times. The producers are wasting money keeping it open. Hopefully it will enjoy a regional life

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

haterobics Profile Photo
#130HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 4:28pm

I am merely trying to pin you down to when "awards season" is, so we can know on a specific date that you are wrong. I doubt it will come down to that date, of course.

But I assume "awards season" has to be nominations, since even you can't think a show would stay open for the awards if it is not nominated?

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#131HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 4:33pm

end of April when the Tony nominations come out. If they get a lot of nominations, they will stay open, if they don't, they will give notice. That is my prediction. And its the same thing that On The Town is doing even though they are loosing a lot too lol

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

ggersten Profile Photo
#132HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 4:40pm

So who are the actual decision making producers on Honeymoon? Here is the IBDB listing of the "producers" which doesn't indicate who is calling the day to day shots:
Produced by Dena Hammerstein, Roy Gabay, Rich Entertainment Group, Dan Farah, Metro Card, King's Leaves, Dan Frishwasser, Leslie Greif/Thom Beers, Susan Dietz & Lenny Beer, Howard Hoffman/Anna Czekaj, Important Musicals, Sharon Karmazin, L.G. Scott and Martin Markinson; Produced in association with Ken Greiner/Ruth Hendel, Krauss Freitag/Boyle Koenigsberg, Rick Steiner/Bell-Staton Group, Pam Pariseau and Paper Mill Playhouse (Mark S. Hoebee, Producing Artistic Director; Todd Schmidt, Managing Director); Associate produced by David Goldyn

haterobics Profile Photo
#133HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 4:42pm

According to Riedel: "Lead producer Dena Hammerstein has, I’m told, been muscled aside by Dan Farah, Danza’s manager and a co-producer of the show. Farah’s calling the shots. He is an experienced Broadway hand. He once attended a performance of “Jersey Boys.”"

#134HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 4:50pm

^ Yup.

But in general, the lead producer is in charge. Nobody else has say in day to day operation.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#135HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 4:55pm

It is always theoretically possible that the producers of a show will continue pouring their money into it and keep it running unless they are stopped. But what you said is that you "doubted" that the producers would close the show before the awards period. That means that what you are saying is that you doubt that the producers will act rationally.

Now it is entirely possible that the producers will NOT act rationally, but the problem people are having with your arguments here is that when someone bases their position on on someone they don't know anything about acting irrationally, the only conclusion that can follow is that the position is either (at worst) irrational itself or (at best) hopelessly naive. Within that frame of reference perhaps you can understand why you are having a hard time in this thread.

newintown Profile Photo
#136HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 4:56pm

The only question that interests me at all is - who is providing the bushels of money needed to keep this running? Could it be Danza's sitcom money? It seems unlikely (but not impossible) that any of these folks were canny enough to set aside a couple million to keep them going through 3-4 months of incredibly poor sales.

philly03 Profile Photo
#137HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 4:59pm

Danza is listed as a producer for the musical under his production company, Metro Card. Assuming he still has millions and is expecting this to be his big come back, I could see him pumping a fair amount of money into it.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#138HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 5:02pm

My MetroCard is producing this show??? No wonder fares are going up.

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#139HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 5:03pm

How am i having a hard time in this thread? We just have different predictions, you act like this is really that serious or something. I am not trying to convince you people that the world is ending. I completely understand your arguments, and they are totally rational. Many shows also hold off a little bit for awards and what not. On the Town is doing just that and people aren't making it a big deal like they are for this show.

Your guesses are as good as mine, because guess what - we are not in charge of the show !

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY
Updated On: 2/2/15 at 05:03 PM

ggersten Profile Photo
#140HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 5:05pm

The Rich Entertainment Group is on a roll then: 2012's JCSuperstar, then Leap of Faith, Chaplin and Big Fish.

Ms. Hammerstein's production credits do not include a musical And, I didn't know about this lawsuit against her over this show.

And with Danza backing his own

There might be a good musical to be made about this musical! There's certainly enough drama and characters.

A lawsuit that may be going nowhere Updated On: 2/2/15 at 05:05 PM

haterobics Profile Photo
#141HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 5:11pm

Yeah, I don't think a lawsuit looking for 20% of the HIV profits is going to ever need to go to court...

philly03 Profile Photo
#142HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 5:12pm

Nah I'd rather see a Spider-man Turn Off the Dark or Rebecca behind-the-scenes musicals. This show is just boring and not worth noting. I would love to be an employee of one of those producers throwing away all that money. Just throw it right in my wallet!

HogansHero Profile Photo
#143HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 5:16pm

@newintown--I believe most of the original money came from the Rich's (as in coffee creamer). How they feel about the show now, I have no clue. How much money Danza and/or his agent have put in (or are adding) I don't know.

@Pinto--your "predictions" are not rational and that is why people are disparaging them. What is the point of making irrational predictions?

ethan231h Profile Photo
#144HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 5:29pm

Brantley's review was extremely out of the ordinary for him because of the quality of the show. I understand Phillypinto that you probably liked HinV but quite frankly lots of other regular theatre goers including me really dislike it for obvious reasons. (Ie, the set, the book) and I mean Brantley loved the whole skin cancer scene. WTF. This show is hopeless and will probably be gone within a month if not sooner. With the highly anticipated Fun Home, which will most likely be a fav with the critics, Finding Neverland, An American in Paris. The tony committee will have lots of fun come the spring!

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#145HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 5:35pm

yeah i can't wait for all the new shows to open!!!

Hogan, how are my predictions irrational? Because producers try to leave their show open for the spring is irrational? Do you know how many producers have used that strategy and have been very successful?

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY
Updated On: 2/2/15 at 05:35 PM

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#146HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 5:51pm

Do you know how many producers have used that strategy and have been very successful?

Name three shows where that worked.

Updated On: 2/2/15 at 05:51 PM

HogansHero Profile Photo
#147HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 6:02pm

Your predictions are irrational because the are contrary to the data. You elide this show with others without rational connection. This show's box office numbers do not support a bet on the Tonys, and this show's demand data suggests it should already be closed. Shows open run and close based on facts, not pipe dreams. This is not a case of having overflowing confidence in your show; it is a case of becoming deluded and becoming untethered to any reality. Go make friends with homo economicus and then maybe you'll understand what's wrong. In the meantime, you are frankly just being kinda silly.

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#148HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 6:38pm

for the producers to get a new press agent, and try to promote the show better, and wait for the spring to happen, thats not irrational in my opinion! Producers do that all the time. YOU might think its irrational but its perfectly logical IMO! Difference of opinion, thats all this is, and I'm done talking about this because this convo is getting really old

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

philly03 Profile Photo
#149HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/2/15 at 6:58pm

They just are delusional. Why continue throwing cash away, as I said, unless this is a TonyDanza vanity project clearly being funded by Tony Danza. I would love to see the record sales of this cast recording (the plays looks abysmal on Spotify). I wonder what the agreement is over the rights, 60 perfs? 100 perfs? until the producers get to maintain that credit.
