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Hairspray Movie - First Look!- Page 3

Hairspray Movie - First Look!

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#50re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 8/31/06 at 10:11pm

re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!

Here's Penny and her mom Prudy in John Waters' original non-musical 1988 film of HAIRPSRAY.

allofmylife Profile Photo
#51re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 1:21am

They may have a lot of famous names in the cast, but not one of them doesn't make sense, if not to Broadway, to Hollywood. And remember, Hollywood is paying big money for this property, so it figures they are trying to maximize their potential. Travolta is known all over the world, Harvey F, not so much. The same goes with Queen Latifa, Allison Janey is inspired casting.

Still, clearly, they have respect for the original material.

Madonna isn't playing the Authority Figure....

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#52re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 1:24am

I thought filming began on Sept. 5th for some reason. I wish I was in town because I would head to Landsdowne and stalk the set.


mateo Profile Photo
#53re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 1:48am

September 5th they are filming at the Dundas Location.

nearly ALL day, ALL night.

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

#54re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 4:07am

I hope the film is a big success! I loved the original film and the Broadway show and it will be interesting to see how it turns out as a film musical.

"I've lost everything! Luis, Marty, my baby with Chris, Chris himself, James. All I ever wanted was love." --Sheridan Crane "Passions" ------- "Housework is like bad sex. Every time I do it, I swear I'll never do it again til the next time company comes."--"Lulu" from "Can't Stop The Music" ----- "When the right doors didn't open for him, he went through the wrong ones" - "Sweet Bird of Youth" ------------ --------- "Passions" is uncancelled! See for more info.

BroadwayRandy0711 Profile Photo
#55re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 5:32am

I am excited to see this. Thanks for posting the pics.

mejusthavingfun Profile Photo
#56re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 9:49am

She looks AWESOME! After seeing "She's the Man," I think she is perfect for this part. This movie is really shaping up!

mejusthavingfun Profile Photo
#57re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 11:38am

I love her hair and costume. This movie looks like so much fun. I can't wait to see Latifa and Travolta.

#58re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 11:56am

"She looks AWESOME! After seeing "She's the Man," I think she is perfect for this part. This movie is really shaping up!"

I agree MeJustHavingMyFun.
I love Amanda.

WeddedBliss22 Profile Photo
#59re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 12:43pm

This cast is really getting me excited! Amanda is a gifted comic, she'll be THE perfect Penny for the movie.

Tina Maddigan, who plays Sophie in the biggest role of her young career, remembers "bouncing on the sofa as a child at home in Newfoundland, listening to ABBA records." GO TINA!!

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#60re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 1:52pm

Well...I know what I am doing on the 5th


#61re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 2:01pm

When I first saw the picture, I thought she looked like the original film Penny. There is just no way the costumes and hairstyles from the show would work in this film. They are intentionally exaggerated for the stage. The film has to look more realistic. And keep in mind, the 1988 film is the original Hairspray inspiration, so the new film should look more like a musicalized version of it. It shouldn't have all the vibrant neon colors of the wouldn't work.

mateo Profile Photo
#62re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 2:12pm

go aki go!

Here are a few high rez images that have surfaced:

re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!

re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!

Continuity to look out for: the curl in Amandas Hair.


"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

mejusthavingfun Profile Photo
#63re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 2:24pm

woa! I these are great!!! She is so perfect for this part. I would have never thought to cast her. Penny has always been my favorite character... hmm I'm a checkerboard chick too.

#64re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 2:29pm

I wouldnt agree that it couldnt work in the neon colors, i think it could easily work that way, but it isnt essential either.

One of the reasons the bright colors and altered perspective works in the show is because you get the sense right from Good Morning Baltimore that youre seeing the world from Tracy's bubble gum optimistic eyes. It doesnt appear to be the look theyre going for, but I dont doubt that it was a viable option.

For all we know, they could be filming it in such a way that it looks like it was filmed a few decades ago and then even the most vibrantly colored costumes wouldnt come off as bright as they do on stage. I mean, as awesome as it is to see a picture of Penny in costume, this photo might not resemble the look of the final product. Im excited either way.

mateo Profile Photo
#65re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 2:36pm

Post production/color correction is a wonderful thing.

we will not know the productions vision until we see footage.

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

mejusthavingfun Profile Photo
#66re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 2:42pm

I imagine they will amp this up in post. I hope it looks like Douglas Sirk stuff on of Water's influences. Good examples are "Far From Heaven" and "Pleasentville." Palette is very important in film and imagine they've thought this through.

TheresaG Profile Photo
#67re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 3:02pm

Amada sure looks good as a 60's gal. So pretty.

I'm still having trouble visualizing Trovolta doing Edna's role. Hope he can camp it up enough.

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#68re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 3:08pm

Well i assume if they are filming all day and night at the Hefty's Hideaway location taht they are filming Welcome to the 60' i may be the first person to leak Travolta pics :)


mateo Profile Photo
#69re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 3:42pm

could be!

actually the guy who supplied the pics of dundas/roncies lives in the apt building directly across from it all, and can see the whole scene from his window. :)

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#70re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 3:45pm

Well i am definitely making plans to go down there, and my camera will be in tow.


mateo Profile Photo
#71re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 4:00pm

awesome. you know what we want to see, :)

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

allofmylife Profile Photo
#72re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 4:45pm

Honesttogod, Mateo, posting the location of the person who supplied the photos was perhaps the dumbest thing I've seen on this board in a long time. Why don't you just give the production company his name and address while you are at it? How much do you want to bet there'll be a nice big tarp blocking his view from now on?

Even though I work in the industry, I don't rat out the people who supply the fans with a few pictures.

Think before you type...

mateo Profile Photo
#73re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 4:57pm

They know they are going to be there. Everyone in the area was offered hotel fare by the production, and many have decided to stay.

Its a populated neighborhood.

also- the guy said it on IMDB... so he obviously doesn't care.

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"
Updated On: 9/1/06 at 04:57 PM

allofmylife Profile Photo
#74re: Hairspray Movie - First Look!
Posted: 9/1/06 at 5:10pm

Okay, if he outed himself HE'S the idiot.


Keep up the great work.

I'll still bet the tarp the street in front of that building. If I was Travolta's agent or the producers, I'd insist.
