I guess it's asking too much for at least ONE person who can sing be included in this freaking cast? That is my problem with this casting, Depp and Cohen (if it's true.) While I dont know if they can sing, I doubt they are very good singers. Sondheim's score will be a hard sell to most audiences from the start...at least can we have it performed well?!
I have no problem with the acting abilities of those cast so far, but really...Streep was the only choice for me. Colette would have been quite good (beggar woman, perhaps?) or Lauper would have been at least interesting.
This is just boring and takes my interest level down a few pegs. Cohen is a great idea, but that role is hard to sing. I dont want the score dumbed down for these non singers. I dont want to be disappointed like with Evita.
I agree that Winslet would be too young to play Lovett typically, but I do think she would have been able to do it in a "Burton Sweeney" just because he's not afraid to use effects on an actress to make up for it.
That being said, I wonder if she'd come across as too old for Johanna with Depp as Sweeney (assuming that they keep him looking like Johnny Depp for the box office). They may have to go with a younger late teens early 20s Johanna to really pull it off and make it believable on film. I think a film audience would be less accepting of "stretching" the father/daughter age believability than a theatre audience would.
I just hope we can firmly say no to a pop starlett.
I wonder if he'd go very young with Toby and go with the new Depp/Burton team member, Freddie Highmore?
As far as "box office," Streep can definitely open a film. Winslet's career reminds me of Helena's 15 years ago (well, except for that tiny little blockbuster she made about a sinking boat).
Collette is known (probably mostly for Muriel's Wedding, which did respectable art house business when it opened, but then went on to be a favorite on home video, PPV and cable). And then she was the "mom" in The Sixth Sense, a HUGE blockbuster, and she was Oscar-nominated for it. Still... not known for "carrying" a major film as a leading lady.
Bonham Carter WAS a big art house draw as a leading lady... 15 years ago. She's now probably best known for being that "quirky lady" who turns up in small parts in all the Tim Burton movies. Not a box office draw now, but never really was. Her career as a leading lady has been carved in cult films and art house films... and a few mainstream flops.
I'm just surprised that with such a RISKY film venture as Sweeney Todd, the MUSICAL horror story, they wouldn't have put a more bankable name in the part than Helena. But I think she'll do a good job... with one potential concern (other than the singing)... Her screen personas have not usually been very likeable. Quirky, stubborn, fascinating women, and well-crafted, detailed performances... but I think with a storyline as repelling as Sweeney, you'll need to be a bit on her side through this bizarre "ride." I can't say I'm usually that emotionally invested in Helena's screen performances.
Short summary: I think she'll do great in the second half of the film (when things get darker and more evil and she can pull out all the stops), but during the first half, I wonder if I'll fall in love with the "odd" and suspicious Mrs. Lovett, the way I have in previous incarnations.
Pat, that's why I suggested Lohman.
However, I do fear we'll see Charlotte Church at this rate.
can Lohman sing?!
Green Finch will probably be cut so that Lindsey Lohan can play it.
I don't think we have to worry about a female box-office draw anyway - with someone like Depp in the lead, it's already got a hot star. Depp is one of the biggest and most enjoyed actor of these last few years.
I don't doubt that Carter can do the job. Thinking back to BIG FISH, she was very impressive and can do character work quite nicely. I was just hoping for Collette or Streep or someone else - so my disappointment with that is really disguising the fact that she will probably be very good.
It's just not ORIGINAL. I'm quite sick of the nepotism, as well. Will Burton cast Depp and Carter in EVERY movie he does until he dies?
And for the record, I think Toni Collette looks older than Carter - particularly if they made her up to be so. She's quite versatile in that respect.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/15/06
God you guys act like he cast Madonna!! Helena is a very good actress. Who cares if she's close to Burton as long as she gets the job done which I have no doubt she will.
doodle, apparently singing doesn't matter in Burton's "vision," so now I'm just going with type.
I'm not familiar with Alison Lohman at all, but after a quick Google search she definitely looks appropriate.
As long as we can steer clear of the Lindsay Lohan, Hillary Duff, Haylie Duff etc contingent, I'll be okay.
I recall seeing a picture of Johnny Depp with Lauren Molina after he saw the Revival. Lauren Molina really has the look of a "Burton Player" if they truly wanted to go with an unknown. Maybe Depp was smitten by her. Stranger things have happened...
I figured, Rath.
This score is too complex for musical novices to try it and I dont think that audiences will buy it if it isnt sung well. It doesnt have to be pretty, but it has to be done well. Who's going to sing the Beadle?
Now I'm wishing for dubbing by real singers.
Is Marnie Nixon available?
"CHICAGO made a brilliant transition from the stage to film, because the people behing it understood how important it was to faithfully represent the source material. The casting was excellent."
That's not what a lot of people said about the casting before the movie came out.
...or how I felt about it after it came out.
Updated On: 10/18/06 at 11:01 AM
"I don't think we have to worry about a female box-office draw anyway - with someone like Depp in the lead."
I totally disagree. They need to be worried about EVERYTHING here. It's a musical, period piece, horror movie... by Sondheim. People will stay away in droves unless it works REALLY well, and they have several good reasons to see it. Depp alone doesn't balance this highly unusual content enough to guarantee anyone will show up to see it.
I wish I could say I'm shocked about this...but it's Tim Burton, so I'm not. Ugh, I'm not sure how I feel about this yet...
This is so frustrating, because it was so predictable.
Urgggh. She's only 40 years old. That's a bit young for Lovett. But obviously they will age her.
Very few stars can fill seats for movies that people arent also interested to see. I dont think Depp is quite in that category, so I agree with b12b. There is alot against this movie at the start, so they need to be very smart about every move.
I am hoping they go the real horror route now.
I agree that this casting does make it feel like Burton took the job to cast his wife...maybe untrue, but that's what nepotism does...it leaves a bad taste.
Rathnait62 - I've been hoping for years someone (Dreamworks) would animate “Into the Woods." If Sweeney goes well, maybe a stop-motion “Woods” could happen. I would love to see it done like Nightmare or Corpse Bride. That would be probably the happiest day for me ever at the theatre… Though a stop-motion Batboy, Carnival, Apple Tree or Pippin would make me equally happy.
Please not Lauren Molina. I couldn't stand her onstage.
Really, Rath? Why is that? She was actually one of my favorite things about the Doyle production.
Her idea of showing emotion was leaning forward or sitting back - mostly leaning forward - and I understand she was seated, but there are other things to do.
And I hate her overtrained warbling.
If you have heard Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham sing this score, please feel free to comment. Otherwise, nobody has any business yet saying Burton cast non-singers in these roles.
The score is complex to sing in a theatre. It will have to be changed to suit the needs of film; even if Placido Domingo and Barbra Streisand were in it, keys would have to be changed, etc.
It's a tired arguement, but you can not judge the ability of actors to sing a score on film based on whether they can sing it 8 times a week live.
So does ALL the casting really have to be approved by Sondheim?
I hope.
People, chill the f**k out. When the movie comes out and you still think it was a bad idea, then by all means, bitch away. Until that moment, you have no ground to be angry about. So, Collette or Streep didn't get cast. Boo Hoo Hoo! I am just getting tired of every single time a movie musical is announced and the cast gets hired there has to be some complaint coming from everyone. With RENT, it was that the cast was too old. With Dreamgirls, it was Beyonce is too bad of an actress to be Deena. Now with this, it is Helena Bonham Carter. Just wait until the movie comes out before going on a bitching rampage.
**steps off soapbox***
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/27/05
Is it really fair to keep crying nepotism? It's Helena Bonham Carter, not Sofia Coppola, for God's sake.
Don't forget all the people who were pissed Harvey wasn't cast in HAIRSPRAY, Cady Huffman didn't make THE PRODUCERS and Bebe wasn't asked to be in CHICAGO.
Die hard musical theatre fans on message boards are never happy with movie casting, probably because they feel some protection towards the originals who created the roles (who usually don't have film careers to speak of).