Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/05
I don't think people took issue with you not liking the show, but your justifications for not liking the show were less than solid. The show may not be your cup of tea, but it's not due to weakness in production but your personal preferences.
Like Rent? Guess what....RENT ripped off many a rock opera before, and JFTR, it's an adaptation of La RENT isn't exactly the original concept here.
And, again, since the original play in which the musical Spring Awakening has spawned from was published 100 years ago, SA actually came FIRST.
Ahhh, god forbid someone doesn't like a show on here: you guys are so clever with your remarks... I wish I could be like you people. God, I wish! Hahaha what a joke!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/1/04
Seriously, let her have her own opinion. So you don't agree with her opinion... why do you have to mock it? Grow up.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/04
I appreciate you taking all this in stride and I respect that you didn't care for the show. I can certainly see how SA would not be everyone's cup of tea. Although I was terribly excited by it as a whole, I also have some strong reservations about it myself. But what I reacted to and what I think most people on here are reacting to is you making the accusation that it is trying to be "Rent without AIDS." If you are going to make such a claim, you need to be prepared to give *specific* examples of why you feel that way because, as you can see, people will call you on it.
Renthead- In no way am I knocking you for liking Rent. I happen to like Rent a lot and it was also one of the shows that helped peak my interest in musical theater. Also, you are perfectly welcome to say you did not like Spring Awakening. Fine, and I realize you are not alone. Where I do find fault is in your comparisons of the show to Rent. Insinuating that this show is ripping off Rent is ridiculous, especially given the silly and completely unfounded points you have made.
I like RENT just as much as I like Spring Awakening. It was just the comparisons I didn't get. I was the one who made the comment about you, RentHead, not seeing many shows. I also said I could be wrong. But being a fan of theatre and having been going to see Broadway shows since the 70's, I could not help but comment on the comparisons made. If you didn't like the show, that's fine. But it seemed that you didn't like it because RENT was in the back of your mind and you were not appreciating SA for what it is. In another thread you made the statement that you can "talk Theatre with the best of em". If so, then be prepared for the kind of responses you are getting in this thread.
I know it's off topic, but it kind of ticks me off that Jon Larson is given sole writing credit for Rent.
I wish could have seen HIGH FIDELITY.
Oh. I shall wait for the recording.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/27/04
Though I disagree with the poster's reasons for not liking Spring Awakening (It's so Rent!), I also was immensely disappointed. I did enjoy the score overall (though I think it works better on CD than in the theater), but the book is less than stellar and borders on downright bad. It just doesn't make you care enough about these characters. Most are one-dimensional, and feature hardly any development. As a result these great songs that should be moving (particularly towards the end of Act II) aren't. Also many of the lyrics are trite ("My Junk") or full of dumb faux-incite ("Word of my Body"). Don't get me wrong the show was enjoyable, and the cast fantastic. But I don't think it deserves all the raves that have been showered upon it.
I wish Evil Dead had afternoon performances
Hi Fi closing was a shame & glad the CD is coming out
RentHead2 I think you were a little quick to make judgments on SA. You were thinking way to much about Rent. It isn't Rent without AIDS. I don't care if you don't like the shows but, I very much disagree with your reasons for not liking the show. If you say you don't like it, don't say you didn't like it because it wasn't like Rent. You can give better reasons than that.
Updated On: 12/18/06 at 06:36 PM
I also disagree about the lyrics being trite. My friend and I talked about that aftr seeing the show. I feel they are written with how a kid thinks at that point in his life tinged with the religious overtones in the show and the time period it happens in. (Although there are some "modern" references in the songs) I thought, for the most part, the lyrics were clever, so to speak. JMO
Oh, please. Is all you can say about the show that it "pushes the envelope"? Stop being so literal about the RENT comparisons. They have nothing in common. What you listed were the most minimal details that don't even have to be mentioned.
You don't like the show. End it there. There's no need to go and bad-mouth the show just because you obviously don't seem to understand that (like a bunch of other people said) it was based on a play that was written 100 YEARS AGO. Hmm...that was an awful long time ago. I believe RENT was on Broadway in if anything, RENT has copied the shock value of SPRING.
Featured Actor Joined: 3/15/05
Jonathan Larson gets sole credit for writing RENT because he and the other writer, Billy Aronson, signed a contract stating so. Aronson backed out on the collaboration, and Jonathan wished to continue writing the show on his own...Aronson has even said its Jonathan's musical.
Whether I compare this one to Rent or not...Just not to my liking at all. It had some really good songs, and I bought the cd but no second helpings here. Like I said before, some of these grow on me like the Drowsy Chaperone...but I don't think this is one of them.
I will add this: I was dying when the main character kept spitting all over the first row. The kids in this row were laughing and were covering themselves with their jackets every time this kid approached. I saw the spit flying like crazy from the side of the stage and I am glad my rush tickets got me to the side. And of course it's the guy from Lancaster, PA doing the spitting - thats how we do!
Are you serious right now, Renthead2? So you would rather your actors have horrible diction? Spitting means he is enunciating! Honest to God, people complain about the dumbest things. So sorry that hampered your enjoyment of the show!
On another note, I sat front row center for Sweeney Todd with Michael Cerveris, biggest spitter of them all, and I still enjoyed the show just fine.
Pfft...I wouldn't mind getting one of those guys' spit on me!
Haaaaa. Just kidding.
it was alot of spit and it happened every time he talked!! It was raining spit. And too bad, he was kinda cute and from my area lol :) He would be a sloppy kisser. Just kidding.