Featured Actor Joined: 9/4/07
Get well soon Jeremy. Break a leg Norbert.
"I would totally do that doctor and he wouldn't even have to give me a script afterwards."
Well, he might if keeps whoring himself out to celebrities.
Updated On: 12/20/08 at 01:36 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I wouldn't turn it down, I'm just saying it would not be a requirement.
Hes WAYYYYYYYYY too thick. Whats with those shoulders? They make his head look disproportionately small.
I've been so out-dated since I came back home for the Holidays.
All I can say is good coz man he SUCKED!
(maybe because I saw it in previews...)
Wouldn't mind seeing it again with Neo.
This is all so insane. I've always liked Jeremy in the movies I saw him in, and I loved him on Ellen (I don't watch Entourage), but his behavior is very disappointing. Sick or not sick, how he's handled everything is just ridiculous. My respect for him now is extremely low.
Plus, he can't go talk crap about John Cusack because Cusack is all kinds of amazing. Him being jealous of Piven? Give me a break.
Norbert and William will be fantastic like they always are.
Updated On: 12/20/08 at 10:47 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
"Plus, he can't go talk crap about John Cusack because Cusack is all kinds of amazing."
But the behind-the-scenes word about Cusack is that he's insufferable. Since people are freely discussin the behind-the-scenes stuff about Piven, it's worthwhile to throw that in
Well I meant Cusack acting-wise is amazing, I definitely like him more than Piven. Kind of saddening to hear Cusack may be a jerk, but ah well. I never really hear anything about his personal life/antics though.
Updated On: 12/20/08 at 01:45 PM
But the behind-the-scenes word about Cusack is that he's insufferable.
Really? That's disappointing. (Shows how much attention I pay.)
Jeremy's departure (and an accusation of it being suspicious) is on the news ticker things in cabs. That amused me for some reason.
If you all hate Mr. Piven as much as you are showing in this thread, then you should all be happy he’s gone.
Why post stuff like this:
"Show closes, Major lawsuit, I hope Piven loses his shirt for this, his name had made the show a hit."
If his name was the only thing that made the show a hit, then that must mean everyone else sucked.
Unless you know the people involved, I wouldn't put a lot into what bloggers are posting. Where do they get their information?
If he didn't want to be there, and this is how he got out of it, then good riddance. But really folks, unless you are connected to the show, stop speculating.
Speaking for myself, I don’t loathe Jeremy Piven, per se. I DO, however, loathe un-professionalism, stupidity and incompetence, all of which characteristics he’s shown in considerable quantity in this scandal. I believe very strongly that he did NOT want to be there and this IS how he got out of it. Everything about this just screams that he’s majorly f**ked up.
There are different definitions of “hit”. Critical is one, but financial is definitely another. In this case, strictly from a monetary point of view, yes, everyone else sucked. They sucked at having the kind of widespread celebrity name recognition that Piven does. As dearly as I love Raúl, I’m the first to admit he isn’t going to put asses in seats the way Piven could. Not yet, anyway. (I really don’t know how much of a draw Elisabeth Moss is in that respect.) The simple fact is, they were depending primarily on Jeremy’s name to sell tickets (well, and Mamet’s name, too).
For what it’s worth, here’s how I think it’ll play out. (It’s a lame excuse, but simple and straightforward may be best, here, and honestly, I’m not sure what else they can do.) A reasonable quantity of time from now, his LA handlers (the studio that produces Entourage and his agents, etc.) will issue a press release saying something to the effect that naïve, trusting Jeremy Piven fell into the nefarious clutches of this quack doctor, that he was taken in and otherwise conned by him, and that the “mercury poisoning” diagnosis was all a mistake. That in reality he was just suffering from a case of exhaustion. I’m sure they have creative people who will be able to structure a more elaborate spin on it, but that’ll be the gist of it, and by the time Entourage starts filming he’ll be miraculously all healed.
That’s what I think, anyway.
You've been the most negative person through out this thread.
"I believe very strongly that he did NOT want to be there and this IS how he got out of it. Everything about this just screams that he’s majorly f**ked up."
You 'believe'...
Yet you have no proof and you still go on calling him names.
Why don't you wait until the truth comes out, then go ahead and bash away?
I won't argue that, because the whole thing (to me, at least) stank from the first moment. I was just being honest and calling it as I saw it. If you see my bluntness as negativity, so be it. I don't believe either is unjustified in this case.
Do you think his actions have NOT been un-professional? Or have NOT been irresponsible?
Having a doctor say you are sick and that you shouldn't perform...
He could have at least called his co-stars, but it doesn't make him unprofessional if he didn't want to.
I can tell from your posts that you are a rabid Raul fan, and I can tell from your past posts that you've never liked Mr. Piven in the first place, or were unhappy with his being cast. It looks to me like you are using this just to bash Mr. P.
But that just my opinion.
Hmmm. While I'm not a particularly rabid fan of Jeremy Piven, I don't recall that I ever said I disliked him, or that I was unhappy with his being cast. Perhaps this is splitting hairs, but I'm bashing what I see as unprofessional and irresponsible behavior. I freely admit those are hot buttons with me - I have no patience with them.
And is it also true that, as much as you RAVE about Raul, you've never seen him perform live?
The picture is becoming much clearer now.
No, actually, I have seen him perform live.
Besides, what on earth would that have to do with Jeremy Piven's behavior?
It's the fact that you are bashing Jeremy while you do nothing but praise Raul (I've seen your past posts).
Where did you se him perform live?
And don't tell me you saw him in 'Company' when they aired it on PBS. That doesn't count.
You have? I thought you said a few months ago on the OT board that you lived across country and couldn't make it.
At least Cartwheel saw Clay perform before she became the be-all-know-all Claymate...
Yes, I have. And yes, I did say that. I live in Los Angeles and my financial situation is such that there's no way I could get to New York at present.
But come ON, people! Just because I didn't see him in Company or The Homecoming doesn't mean I've never seen him! He's been on Broadway since 2000, remember? Sheesh!
They DO have planes between LA and New York and I haven't always been this broke.
Wait, so what did you see him in? I'm confused. You never mentioned seeing him in anything in the Raul thread.
What did you see him in that was LIVE?
Simple question.
Skittles, I'll PM you.
I'm not discussing this any further on this board, especially in a thread about Jeremy Piven.
So you've been lying?
If you can't answer that simple question, you are lying.